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Two new weapon ideas

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Okay, both of these have probably been suggested before but after searching I didn't find anything specifically about them so here goes...

The first new weapon that I think would fit well into the game is a chainsaw. First off, there are tons of lumber camps around Chernarus and it would be a bit strange to think that only hatchets were used there before Day Z. Therefore, the addition of the weapon would not really be that location inappropriate. As for how they'd work, it could be a weapon with a new game mechanic made from those already in place in the game. The chainsaw would run off of fuel (possibly having a vehicle-like fuel bar where the ammo would normally be) and could be reloaded with jerry cans. One jerry can would always fill it, and it could be filled from any percentage (that is, if you were at 99% fuel and hit reload, it would consume the entire jerry can to refuel the 1%). As for how the weapon itself would work, it would be a sort of constant touch attack (that is, the character would hold it out in front of them and anything standing there would take damage). As for how much damage it would deal... I'd assume lots but that is up to whoever does balancing. The biggest tradeoff to using this weapon would be that it is loud... very loud. Therefore, it would add quite a bit to the game by being a melee weapon with drastically different mechanics than the two already implemented.

As for the second weapon, molotov cocktails. How these would work, is you would need to acquire an empty whisky bottle (or rather, a few), an jerry can, matches, and possibly bandages. Assuming you have these items set in your inventory, upon right-clicking on the empty whisky bottle you would have the option to "create molotov". It would then consume the materials (except the matches, as they're a tool) and create the item. I'd think using a full jerry can you'd be able to make more than 1 at a time... possibly up to 4 (you could say have the materials for only 1, and it would still consume the full jerry can but you could do up to 4 at a time per can). The molotovs could then be equipped as you would an empty can/flare/chem light/etc. and thrown the same way. Upon hitting a surface, the bottle would break and cause an explosion at the point of impact, also setting the immediate area on fire (say for 10 minutes?) causing damage to anyone that walks through it. These would obviously cause quite a bit of noise and light, thus meaning they'd attract lots of zombies (as for whether the zombies would walk into the fire, however, I don't know. Could be a fun distraction/killing tool for them if so).

Anyways, I just figured I'd post these two ideas and see what everyone thought as far as mechanics and all that. I like all of the weapons currently implemented into the game, but it would be nice to see a few more with bigger tradeoffs (power for more zombie attraction) and more utility (assuming the molotov fire does damage to zombies).

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I like the molotov crafting idea, the chainsaw seems fun but a little too impractical.

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This seems good. There is a huge lumber industry in Chernarus so chainsaws would fit. Molotovs also make sense. Cherno will burn!

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I like the molotov crafting idea, the chainsaw seems fun but a little too impractical.

With the chainsaw, the role I see it fitting more is a mid-gear melee weapon that is better for taking out lots of zombies (something the hatchet/crowbar aren't the best for) and that uses a somewhat easily-replaceable ammo source. It'd be more of a "My sidearm won't fire fast enough to take out all of these zombies and my primary uses rarer ammo/is a sniper rifle (thus same problem as sidearm).... Good thing I have this handy other weapon in my bag for just this situation".

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i like the chainsaw idea and the molotov cocktails the chainsaw would be a pain in the *** because the ammount of noise it would make overall i like the idea!

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Both have been suggested, but chainsaw has a really limited use. Yes, very gory, but not really practical weapon.

Molotovs are in the works.. ;)

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Chainsaws would be way too impractical and cliche for me. Like adding katanas. I roll my eyes every time I see those in a zombie game or movie.

Molotovs would make more sense.

I'm not sure if DayZ is supposed to be particularly adherant to its supposed setting, but I would love to see some cz-75s, sks, mosins, val, vss, as opposed to the odd amount of american and european weapons you find currently. Those should be limited to be ultra rare.

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Both have been suggested, but chainsaw has a really limited use. Yes, very gory, but not really practical weapon.

Molotovs are in the works.. ;)

I'll admit that the chainsaw may not seem to have too much of a use, but consider this: You currently use lets say... a Bison SD as your primary and an M1911 as your secondary. You've been doing your whole surviving thing for awhile now, but you're starting to run low on ammo for your primary... You come across a heli crash and now must get to the loot.

-You could use your last Bison mag in the hopes that there are more at the site, but if there aren't then you just wasted more ammo.

-You could use your M1911, and you'll get maybe 3-5 before you have to start kiting. By the time you kill all the ones on you, more will have started to spawn

-You could attempt to sneak past them, but with so many around that can be a pain. Also, if one does spot you you're not forced into either of the above options

-You could use a chainsaw, kill all the zombies, loot the chopper, and then refuel your chainsaw at a gas station later

Basically, as I said previously, it would be a mid to late loot weapon that fills a niche no other weapon currently does while having the drawback of noise and being melee to balance it out.

Also, I'll admit I have no interest in the chainsaw for the fact that it'd be gory. Hell, I more or less expect it to be like the player holds out the chainsaw, a zombie runs up to them and touches the chainsaw, the zombie then flops over dead as they would from any other weapon. Really the only reason I have an interest in the chainsaw as a weapon is because of the niche it fills.

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Chainsaws would be way too impractical and cliche for me. Like adding katanas. I roll my eyes every time I see those in a zombie game or movie.

I'm generally not too big a fan of zombie games/movies, but I'm pretty sure you'll find shotguns in more movies/games than chainsaws (though agreed they are common). Also, as I already said in my first post they would actually fit (unlike in many of the settings they're probably put in) here due to the fact that there is such a large lumber industry in Chernarus (i.e. it wouldn't be like finding a chainsaw in New York City).

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I'm generally not too big a fan of zombie games/movies, but I'm pretty sure you'll find shotguns in more movies/games than chainsaws (though agreed they are common). Also, as I already said in my first post they would actually fit (unlike in many of the settings they're probably put in) here due to the fact that there is such a large lumber industry in Chernarus (i.e. it wouldn't be like finding a chainsaw in New York City).

Owning a small electric chainsaw myself, I can say that even that little snub of a thing is way bulkier and unwieldy compared to any of my firearms.

I suppose there's nothing wrong with including a chainsaw just to be more complete and atmospheric, but realistically, I'd rather defend myself with a fence post, or a frying pan before choosing a chainsaw.

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Owning a small electric chainsaw myself, I can say that even that little snub of a thing is way bulkier and unwieldy compared to any of my firearms.

I suppose there's nothing wrong with including a chainsaw just to be more complete and atmospheric, but realistically, I'd rather defend myself with a fence post, or a frying pan before choosing a chainsaw.

Eh, I suppose. Like I've been saying though, I'm more interested in SOMETHING that fills the weapon niche previously stated. It could be a kitten tied to a 2x4 for all I care, I just figured that a chainsaw fit. By all means though, if you (or anyone) has some other weapon that fits both the setting and niche then let me know and I'll change the first post.

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Eh, I suppose. Like I've been saying though, I'm more interested in SOMETHING that fills the weapon niche previously stated. It could be a kitten tied to a 2x4 for all I care, I just figured that a chainsaw fit. By all means though, if you (or anyone) has some other weapon that fits both the setting and niche then let me know and I'll change the first post.

As like a backup of a backup? Or a dedicated melee slot?

One of the most effective melee weapons, if you really need slaughter many people with one and still be used as a general tool, would be the machete. Lot of mass to drive into a target, can be sharpened to rend flesh, can cut through annoying vegitation, and be used for plenty of other purposes.

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Molotovs- Flaming hordes of Zeds? Doorways blocked from exit by a wall of flames? Hot and bothered bandits? Yes Please!

Chainsaws- An unwieldy, noisy, bulky weapon that is no more effective than a hatchet but needs to be refuelled? Hell Fucking No!

Edited by Bribase

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