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Visualize with me... A portable defibrillator with a durrency of only two uses. Can be as rare to find as a gillie suit from a helicopter crash. Only able to revive someone if dead for no longer than 30 seconds. If the player has taken a head shot or has been shot multiple times, they can not be revived. I think this would make a great addition to the DayZ survival experience. Let me know what you think and leave comments please.

Sincerely, Renzo.

Philips-HeartStart-Home-Defibrillator-AED.jpg This is my vision of the portable defibrillator.

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Love the idea, I'd make it a minute rather then 30 sec but other then that I love it!

Reminds me of L4D2. ^^

Edited by Hakultair

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+1 to this idea.

Especially because you said you wanted a timer,

and that multiple shots make it impossible to revive.

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Defibrillators are only good if your heart stopped...

If you're dead, you're dead, there's nothing to do about it.

So, no.

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I dont feel this game needs a crutch like defibs to magically resurrect people from GSWs and or being beaten to a pulp by the Infected.

And Tyrog, Defibs are no good if your heart has stopped, it still needs to be active for a defib to work its magic. But you're right about one thing, die from bloodloss and a defibrillator aint gonna do you no good.

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Defibrillators are only good if your heart stopped...

If you're dead, you're dead, there's nothing to do about it.

So, no.

Don't you watch House? xD People's hearts can stop and be defibrillated, making their heart beat again because of the mass amount of volts of energy the heart takes from the shock, causing it to start beating again.

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People's hearts can stop and be defibrillated, making their heart beat again because of the mass amount of volts of energy the heart takes from the shock, causing it to start beating again.

That's exactly my point. This is the only use to a Defibrillator. "Reviving" someone that has been shot down is just stupid. This ain't BF3.

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That's exactly my point. This is the only use to a Defibrillator. "Reviving" someone that has been shot down is just stupid. This ain't BF3.

Yeah.. man that'd be like eating food to replenish blood, we don't want that kinda logic in this game! oh... wait...

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Yeah.. man that'd be like eating food to replenish blood, we don't want that kinda logic in this game! oh... wait...

Or healing broken bones with morfine.

The extent of realism can only go so far. Otherwise the game would tell you to limb around in a cast for 6 weeks after you break a leg. Even with people getting shot, I guess you can get pretty far in saving them with a blood bag, some bandages and a defibrillator.

Head shot = permanently dead, otherwise can be saved with a defib. I like the idea. But in my opinion it may be just as rare as a NVG.

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Or healing broken bones with morfine.

The extent of realism can only go so far. Otherwise the game would tell you to limb around in a cast for 6 weeks after you break a leg. Even with people getting shot, I guess you can get pretty far in saving them with a blood bag, some bandages and a defibrillator.

Head shot = permanently dead, otherwise can be saved with a defib. I like the idea. But in my opinion it may be just as rare as a NVG.

Exactly my point. ;) Like the idea.

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That's exactly my point. This is the only use to a Defibrillator. "Reviving" someone that has been shot down is just stupid. This ain't BF3.

I can understand that this indeed is not BF3 and maybe using the word "Revive" was not a great choice of a word to use... Let me rephrase, if a player was killed due to some reason such as being shot or a zombie killing them, the defib would have a "chance" to revive them, not being 100% capable of fulling bringing them back. Also, say they died and came back only at... Let's say for example, 3k blood. That would be reasonable, or maybe they would come back and have red food/water, broken legs, heavy shock etc. I'm just trying to get some new stuff added in is all.

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Or healing broken bones with morfine.

The extent of realism can only go so far. Otherwise the game would tell you to limb around in a cast for 6 weeks after you break a leg. Even with people getting shot, I guess you can get pretty far in saving them with a blood bag, some bandages and a defibrillator.

Head shot = permanently dead, otherwise can be saved with a defib. I like the idea. But in my opinion it may be just as rare as a NVG.

Thanks for the like, but as I stated in my first post, it would be AS rare as a gillie suit or what you said... A NVG. Which is what it should be due to the extent if it wasn't, it would be highly OP.

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+1 I like the idea nothing can be real as it would in real life because you know you break your leg by falling 2 feet...

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Unless you are having a heart attack, using a defibrillator is going to kill you. Despite what media would have you believe, it is not a magic cure all. It basically only works if you heart is quivering irregularly (fibrillation) by forcing the heart to momentarily stop so it can resume a normal rhythm by itself.

If you get shot enough to die and thus warrant some kind of resurrection, you are going to need a trained trauma team, a fully equipped surgery room to have any chance. I don't think this fits in with the atmosphere of the mod at all. In an otherwise mostly "realistic" and harsh world an almost pseudo magically item to bring you back to life after suffering multiple bullet wounds or zombie bites seems incredibly out of place.

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Don't you watch House? xD People's hearts can stop and be defibrillated, making their heart beat again because of the mass amount of volts of energy the heart takes from the shock, causing it to start beating again.

Just for kicks. NO!

A heart that has stopped CANNOT be started again by using a defibrillator.

A heart thats close to stopping, "fibrillating", can be RESET by using a DE-FIBRILLATOR, and that may get the heart to beat normally again ;).

So im sorry to tell you this, but TV has lied to ya.

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Unless you are having a heart attack, using a defibrillator is going to kill you. Despite what media would have you believe, it is not a magic cure all. It basically only works if you heart is quivering irregularly (fibrillation) by forcing the heart to momentarily stop so it can resume a normal rhythm by itself.

If you get shot enough to die and thus warrant some kind of resurrection, you are going to need a trained trauma team, a fully equipped surgery room to have any chance. I don't think this fits in with the atmosphere of the mod at all. In an otherwise mostly "realistic" and harsh world an almost pseudo magically item to bring you back to life after suffering multiple bullet wounds or zombie bites seems incredibly out of place.

Well in your reply I'm going to touch up. In real life, people have used defib's on people who's hearts have stopped. Hence, that's what I'm trying to put in. You can still die and lose blood and or your friend(s) would have to defib you and then bandage you or vise versa to save your life.

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Ok ok ok, so to make you ALL HAPPY :D, Why not make it so when you die your heart beats for 30 seconds slowly going out and if you make it there, YOU CAN SAVE THE PERSON!!

There now we have a heart beating about to STOP!

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Don't you watch House? xD People's hearts can stop and be defibrillated, making their heart beat again because of the mass amount of volts of energy the heart takes from the shock, causing it to start beating again.

Not strictly true. A defibrillator doesn't restart a heart that stopped beating. It 'resets' a heart that is beating in an incorrect rhythm such as ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia and tries to get it back to a normal or sinus rhythm.

When the heart is not beating it is called asystole (colloquially known as flatline), at this point the patient is clinically dead though CPR and the administration of drugs such as epinephrine/adrenaline may help (though recovery is very unlikely).

The realistic treatment of gunshot wounds may involve all or some of the following:

  • Tourniquets to stop massive blood loss
  • Use of haemostatic agents
  • Needle decompression
  • IV fluids such as saline
  • Blood transfusions
  • Oxygen
  • Chest decompression/drains
  • Field dressings
  • etc.

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I like the idea of a 1 use. 2 minute after death timer. only thing that stop it is a headshot. must be bandaged then revived. Then youd need a bloodbag.

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Well in your reply I'm going to touch up. In real life, people have used defib's on people who's hearts have stopped. Hence, that's what I'm trying to put in. You can still die and lose blood and or your friend(s) would have to defib you and then bandage you or vise versa to save your life.

In real life you can't use a defibrillator on someone whose heart has stopped. The whole purpose of a defibrillator is too induce asystole ( Flat lining , Ie heart stoppage) so their heart can resume a normal beating rhythm on its own. If your heart is either stopped or not suffering from a irregular beating pattern, that often come with heart attacks, it will either 1. Do nothing or 2. Kill you, despite what popular culture would have you believe. If in these "real life" examples you are talking about someone used a defibrillator on someone whose heart had stopped that person would continue to have no heart beat.

Edited by Madfast

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I like this idea.

Carrying a defibrilator will be a good implementation and will make people play in groups. I Played domination last weekend and liked that you can "revive" a fallen unconcious comrade.

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I like the idea of a 1 use. 2 minute after death timer. only thing that stop it is a headshot. must be bandaged then revived. Then youd need a bloodbag.

Exactly, he summed up exactly what I wanted this to turn out to.

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