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Simple Solution to Banditry

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Have to make people prefer to work together for something better and harder so as to not spent their time on killings just 4 fun as it is now.

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But cause you lose all ur progress with a death if you are a solo or small group player makes it hard for that player to work on future long term goals. As I see the game atm we should focus on testing instead of actually playing cause any long term progress will somehow be lost either by bugs or cheaters.

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To be honest, this whole idea of players completely running towns cooperatively sounds really boring. The PvE aspect of this entire game is really boring once you know how to effectively avoid zombies or just have a silenced weapon.

I'd prefer to see the whole PvE side of the game to become a lot harder, less weapons, less ammo, harder zombies with better AI etc. So you really need to use your supplies in do or die situations, hopefully making people think a lot more if they should waste ammo on a player, cause it could mean they end up in a PvE situation with them dead, hopefully ending up in more players helping each other just to survive.

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To be honest, this whole idea of players completely running towns cooperatively sounds really boring. The PvE aspect of this entire game is really boring once you know how to effectively avoid zombies or just have a silenced weapon.

I'd prefer to see the whole PvE side of the game to become a lot harder, less weapons, less ammo, harder zombies with better AI etc. So you really need to use your supplies in do or die situations, hopefully making people think a lot more if they should waste ammo on a player, cause it could mean they end up in a PvE situation with them dead, hopefully ending up in more players helping each other just to survive.

Exactly thats the point we need reason to make pvp wortless for our progress, so as you will have to be very well organized and skilled in order to rule the server as you want and at the same time be able to avoid deaths from zombies and other groups of players that will try to stop you from growing stronger, after all the post catastrophic scenario says that people will try to group up in order to survive and to do this will have to control the resources of the map and annihilate possible threats. Zombies have to become a threat cause as it is ATM I don't get how these two legged half eaten things managed to destroy whole nations it's like walk in the park facing them.

Edited by 0only1

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I love this idea... Maybe there could be a kinda rank system? Raising by 1 if you kill a bandit, lowering if you kill survivors ( Negative rank = bandit, positive rank = survivor)

And maybe you could obtain skins at say rank -10.. Rank +10, that kinda thing. (But as you said that makes the game similar to other ones)

Edit: To change anyones mind. If this was implemented, imagine seeing a town over a hill. Fenced off with barbed wire. People with assault rifles stand on rooftops and civilians trade in a square. Cars parked outside along the road. The cooperative gameplay would be amazing... But it would change the game completely and alot of people wouldn't agree with whole towns of survivors.

Edited by CraigWazHere

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To be honest, this whole idea of players completely running towns cooperatively sounds really boring. The PvE aspect of this entire game is really boring once you know how to effectively avoid zombies or just have a silenced weapon.

I'd prefer to see the whole PvE side of the game to become a lot harder, less weapons, less ammo, harder zombies with better AI etc. So you really need to use your supplies in do or die situations, hopefully making people think a lot more if they should waste ammo on a player, cause it could mean they end up in a PvE situation with them dead, hopefully ending up in more players helping each other just to survive.

Not running towns, but helping each other survive. I'm not talking about clearing cities of zombies and installing a mayor (ugh), I'm talking about makeshift 'services' to help your fellow survivor.

A group of survivors patrols Cherno to keep it safe for their fellow man, greets newbies and gives them essentials.

I read something about a guy going around as "The Doctor" and he had an entourage of people who protected him as they went server to server helping people, that sounds amazing!

A group of people organize a bus that goes along the main road on the beach to give free rides to people.

The possibilities are endless and it's all limited by the fact that nobody wants to work together and help eachother survive in the zombie apocalypse.

This could work with raising the difficulty as well, adding another barrier to not becoming a bandit. Again, not saying bandits are bad, just that there really needs to be a choice on whether or not you want to be one, and benefits/consequences to each side.

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Thank you for reminding me, this doesn't necessarily have to include the shoot first idea, the problem with a lot of ideas is that they start with one thing and then tunnel vision into oblivion. If someone would like to start thinking of a different approach to the identifying killers, please do and post!

I've been thinking about this and I think a karma system maybe the answer to it.

For example:

You start at 100 Karma, that would be neutrality.

Anything less than 50 would be bad karma (give you the Bandit skin)

Anything higher than 150 could give you good karma and a +2% chance of finding rarer loot (just a random idea to promote cooperation without being excessive, could also give you a "nice guy survivor" skin.

This would also keep the thrill of not knowing whether to trust a player if they are between 51 and 149 karma as they will still be donning the standard survivor skin.

Here are some ideas on the karma points:

- You could lose 10 karma for killing a player (5 murders = bandit)

- Gain 10 karma for killing a bandit who has killed more than 10 people.

- Gain x amount of karma for give other players items

- Bandit who gave other bandits items would not gain karma so that they could stay bandits if they wished. However, the could gain karma and work their way back to positive karma by giving survivors items or by killing zombies with a certain radius of a survivor (kind of like a saviour kill on Battlefield 3).

Another related idea that would help with another major issue of the game is: Give players 3 karma for every 25 minutes they play without logging out. Logging out within that 25 minutes would stop you gaining that karma. Obviously bandits might not necessarily want to gain karma so playing for 25 minutes at a time could gain them a +0.25% chance of finding better loot (up to a maximum of 2% to equal that of the good karma advantage)

These are only a few things that I have thought of, the whole karma interface could be easily implemented in the debug monitor and could have certain perks for bad/good karma. Then it is up to you to decide how you play.

Let me know what you think (remember all values involved are just ideas and could be easily changed) :)

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That's an idea already working the karma system, tho it goes the opposite way when you do bad things karma goes up not down.

Interesting idea tho.

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so you're in the supermarket getting some beanz.

then you hear

"you're surrounded drop your gun or we'l kill you"

so you hide in a corner and you see a guy crouch walk in looking to kill you, so you shoot him.

now you're the bandit and killing you is the good thing to do

there's more to the situation that who fires first

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I've been thinking about this and I think a karma system maybe the answer to it.

For example:

You start at 100 Karma, that would be neutrality.

Anything less than 50 would be bad karma (give you the Bandit skin)

Anything higher than 150 could give you good karma and a +2% chance of finding rarer loot (just a random idea to promote cooperation without being excessive, could also give you a "nice guy survivor" skin.

This would also keep the thrill of not knowing whether to trust a player if they are between 51 and 149 karma as they will still be donning the standard survivor skin.

Here are some ideas on the karma points:

- You could lose 10 karma for killing a player (5 murders = bandit)

- Gain 10 karma for killing a bandit who has killed more than 10 people.

- Gain x amount of karma for give other players items

- Bandit who gave other bandits items would not gain karma so that they could stay bandits if they wished. However, the could gain karma and work their way back to positive karma by giving survivors items or by killing zombies with a certain radius of a survivor (kind of like a saviour kill on Battlefield 3).

Another related idea that would help with another major issue of the game is: Give players 3 karma for every 25 minutes they play without logging out. Logging out within that 25 minutes would stop you gaining that karma. Obviously bandits might not necessarily want to gain karma so playing for 25 minutes at a time could gain them a +0.25% chance of finding better loot (up to a maximum of 2% to equal that of the good karma advantage)

These are only a few things that I have thought of, the whole karma interface could be easily implemented in the debug monitor and could have certain perks for bad/good karma. Then it is up to you to decide how you play.

Let me know what you think (remember all values involved are just ideas and could be easily changed) :)

I'm much more in favor of a karma system now that I think about it, although I think loot chances are way too game-y for Day Z and implementing that would be much harder than a conventional MMO due to the way items are spawned. I love the idea of people in between keeping the tense, "Do I trust this person?" while giving truly good survivors the chance to help people.

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Done: http://dayzmod.com/f...ication-system/

Get out there and identify them yourself.

Thats a bad idea for 3 reasons,

1. Newbies would have a hope in hell of idendifying bandits before they are killed

2. I probably can't even be implamented in the Arma 2 engine and would be clunky as hell

3. who has time to wonder round the map noting down who "looks" friendly or not,

I like the idea of a backwards cap or something along those lines.

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Newbies would have a hope in hell of idendifying bandits before they are killed

Why should they?

I probably can't even be implamented in the Arma 2 engine

That's okay; DayZ isn't going to be on the ARMA 2 engine forever. I seriously doubt ANY significant mechanics will be implemented on top of the ARMA 2 engine. It's being retired no doubt.

3. who has time to wonder round the map noting down who "looks" friendly or not

You don't seem to understand how the proposed system would work.

And you wouldn't have to "wonder" around - you just encounter players in your normal course of play as you're doing other things, and try to identify them visually.

I like the idea of a backwards cap or something along those lines.

So basically a bandit skin? the thing they already had and took out specifically because it didn't work and accopmlished nothing?

Yeah. Let's go back to that...

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Why should they?

Becuase it's extremly dull walking around seeing someone going to type "friendly?" and being shot

That's okay; DayZ isn't going to be on the ARMA 2 engine forever. I seriously doubt ANY significant mechanics will be implemented on top of the ARMA 2 engine. It's being retired no doubt.

Fair enough but ATM it is unimplamentable

You don't seem to understand how the proposed system would work.

And you wouldn't have to "wonder" around - you just encounter players in your normal course of play as you're doing other things, and try to identify them visually.

So would they have a crosshair above their heads or something?

So basically a bandit skin? the thing they already had and took out specifically because it didn't work and accopmlished nothing?

Yeah. Let's go back to that...

The bandit skin was better than what we have now, but all solutions to banditry are pointless because thats not the main problem with this mod, the main problem is KoS,

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"adds realism" oh yeah, ofc, because every murder irl wears a red cap so they are easy to recocnize!

Congratz on making another solution to a problem that does not exist (banditry)

about cooperation:

all the game needs to add cooperation is a communication system, for example bring back the side chat. I remember numerous times cooperating with others after chatting through side channel..

Inb4 not realistic

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Everything is about coop and teamwork and that's the only solution.

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Also perhaps make a few objectives in the game, that would encourage teamwork, such as taking and holding a possition for 10 minutes while zeds attack it that causes rare weapons or something to spawn, and clears the area from zeds for around 4 hours.

Edited by Badhaggis
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I recall that some games implement a cooldown on global chat to prevent lengthly discussions to happen there, something like 1 to 5 minutes between global chat messages.

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For a survival game about zombies, they no longer really have a large part to play, so prehaps make them move around the map rather than just guard loot like bouncers, it would encourage teamwork if zombies were more intresting to fight.

Edited by Badhaggis

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- Penalties (to avoid player killing I think it should be implemented some downsides on killing other players; the best in my mind is just to make it realistic so in real world if some idiot went around killing people the "normal" guys would team up and hunt him down so you gotta give us some tools to do that like radio and maybe some boards where you can put names or even pictures (with cameras you find in the game) of assholes that kill innocent people; big thumbs up for implementing radios as it is an idea of Rocket as well!!!)

You read my mind - exactly what you demand is what this game needs. If things won't change back to the beginning of DayZ you can bury this game before it really was alive... >:(

And I would also like to see some harsh punishment for ppl shooting other's that are in the inventory / menu ... this was bad etiquette even in Quake...

Edited by lg{R}

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I like the idea of semi - safe zones, where zombies cant get in but bandit clans could raid.

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I got an idea that might be cool.

If servers could have information and stats of the players, let's say you press "I" and get to the info panel where you could see As well with other things, sth like the most wanted players of the server and some info about where they have been last scene or how do they look like or sth idk.

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I got an idea that might be cool.

If servers could have information and stats of the players, let's say you press "I" and get to the info panel where you could see As well with other things, sth like the most wanted players of the server and some info about where they have been last scene or how do they look like or sth idk.


very nice idea but the info should somehow come from the players (with notes to the server or sth.) like I mentioned in the thread (see above)

Edited by lg{R}

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