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A weird incidence

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So, I play with a group of about 6 friends, our normal server we play on is down so we try a different one. Nothing streange, we carrry on like everything is normal. First day on our new server goes well, we find decent supplies and weapons, couldn't be happier.

So, the next day one of the members of our group finds a clans stash of vehicles, he takes thier heavily equppied Ural truck and makes his way to Kabanino before an alpha glitch nearly kills him due to debris not loading for him. He's from AUS playing on a US server so it's understandable that it happens. The truck is totaled and he is saved,

Fortunatley, the rest of he group were in a bus and were heading towards him. there were ATV's and cars there, so we went to the spot to take what we could. Turns out they have a ouple of tents well hidden. We raid them as best as we could, one of our members went to an ATV to bring it to us and BOOM! She blows up. We assumed she was a bad driver and we continue on our looting. Shortly afterwards, our newest member in the group while looting one of the tents blows up as well.

We are worried now, while he was separated a bit from the group we heard nothing up until the giant explosion. Pin point accuracy grenades possibly, or pipebombs as there was some spotted on the truck that blew up. So we go prone and try to pinpoint who is shooting us with the M203 as that could possible be the only explaination at the time.

Sure enough, we were reduced to 4 people looking around, while 3 of us were somewhat close together the fourth of our group was about 100m ahead of us. In clear view the last we saw of him was the smoke of the explosion around him. Since we saw nothing except the explosion we think hacker. We've run into a few hackers before, most just respawn after we've killed them about 20 seconds before we shot them. We log off, something isn't quite right. We are aware that it's bad to log off but from where we were, there was o excuse that no one heard any thing else but explosions.

About 20 mins after we've calmed down, I log in myself because the first 2 that were killed were both banned/kicked from the server. I thought I would see for myself if I would die while back in that spot or be banned because we raided the admins camp, as that could have been a possibility, After about 30 seconds being back in, I check my imediate surrounding, no sign of life apart from myself. My screen goes bright white and when the white went away I find my body in a lump and dead. From an explosion...

I will share the details of the server and location if need be, to protect the set up that these guys had, but if no proper explanation is given I will release that info so others can test it out.

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Hacker, or very well prepared defender with M203 training.

Due to it taking so long between each kill, I'll assume guy with M203. But someone should have heard something, and not just the explosion. Although, it could have been a very slow script kiddie not knowing how to really hack and slowly running the scripts to spawn explosives at your feet before setting them off. But then someone would be on here saying so-and-so server has a hacker because everyone is dying.

So hacker or M203 crackshot. My money is on the latter.

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Well what would be best course of action, have someone a little more experinced in the mod head there and see if the same thing happens, or just leave it?

Personally if it is a scripted guard dog I feel that everyone should go there and raid them, to destory what they have,.

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