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So, I was thinking about something while I was running in a forest while it was raining. In real life, when you run in the mud under rain, you leave pretty distinct footprints behind, witch would disappear within minutes. Why not introduce something like this in the game? It would initiate "tracking" players.

Also, when you run in the mud, then go run on concrete, like in a city, you would also leave footprints. You could also set-up traps that way, by running backwards.

There could also be an item that could show how much mud you have on your shoes, and remove it to avoid making too big of a mess in cities.

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Yes, very cool idea! This has been in several games, is not that difficult to implement via decal system, and could add a lot of depth to the game...


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when i walk on the road when it rains i get footsteps....

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when i walk on the road when it rains i get footsteps....

I don't really know what you mean. When you don't have any mud on your shoes and you walk on the road the only footsteps you make are kind of "bubbles", witch disappear in seconds.

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I love this idea but i have concerns this will put a lot of strain on the servers

Yes, I thought about that also, but since it would be only when raining or when the ground is wet, I wouldn't see that as too much of an issue.

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Footsteps are decals that disappear fast, like bullet holes do in the game...i guess you could make them stay almost permanent like the bullet casings in ACE.

Edited by Enforcer

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+1 good idea make the footprints stay on the ground for like 15 mins or so and could be washed away by rain

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sounds like a good idea, but I couldn't see it being used for many real situations. It's probably not something they would even bother putting in.

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I think in conjunction to this - seasons! Think how cool winter would be - tracks in snow and only the pine/evergreen trees offer cover. Also would mean that you'd need to swap out ghillie suits to match the seasons - nothing like sitting in your green ghillie suit on a snowy white field lol

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Footprints would be client-side, created by players' footsteps when they are synced to a client, just like grass gets flattened when players crawl through it. The server wouldn't need to preserve them and sync them.

Could be very interesting to use to shadow players. I'm not sure it would make sense for all terrain to have them, though.

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when i walk on the road when it rains i get footsteps....

You actually make tire tracks with your feet xD

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