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Military Grade Vs Civilian Grade Weaponry

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I don't know what you call the weapons that aren't military, I assumed its civilian/farmer stuff. But anyway...

Currently I'm doing the best I've ever done since playing DayZ ie have been surviving a long time. I'm carrying a Lee Enfield and a Revolver and have plenty of ammo for each.

So this got me thinking - why should I seek out military stuff? I came across a deer stand and found an AK47 with one clip. I debated for a time about taking when but realised my rifle suited me fine and I atleast had double the ammo than what I would of got with the AK. Plus ammo seems incredibly rare for military stuff and easy to find for civilian weapons.

Plus to get the ammo, you'd need to go into military bases and airfields, notorious places for shoot on sight. I was crawling near an airfield earlier to investgate and I heard gunfire. After a quick look over with my binoculars, I just ran away.

So the question is; is it worth it? My currently weapons can kill zombies with one shot regardless of headshot. Is it worth seeking out more with such a huge risk?

Edited by MeatAbstract

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That depends on how comfortable you are with your gear, and what you intend to do with it.

Sometimes it's nice to be able to really suppress the shit out of a sniper with a machinegun while your buddy flanks around, and who doesn't love getting to pop an m203 flare in the night sky?

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Keep in mind zombies are not your only enemy. But you play the way you want and with the inventory you want, if you don't like airfields there's still plenty of other places to get some loot.

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As the above post said, it depends on how comfortable you are and what you do.

Military Grade weapons are basically PvP weapons.

The Lee Enfield is a great weapon, 1 hit kill within effective range, but it's very slow to fire and very loud, so it's only good against single targets at medium-long range.

The CZ550 is also a nice sniper. Zeroing, plenty of ammo.. but it doesn't kill in 1 hit, so you risk your target DCing or shooting you, unlike if you use Anti Material sniper rifles, which are 1HK anywhere in the body.

Basically, "civilian grade" weapons are pretty good (especially the Winchester <3), but quite limited when it comes to your most dangerous enemy - players.

If you are in close range against a single player with an AKM, you stand a very low chance of living if you miss a single shot with the Enfield.

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I go for the Military weapons out of preference, sure i could go get an AKM which ammo is fairly common for or an Enfield but i like the scopes on the military weapon and it's just a rush sneaking through an airfield or getting into fire fights.

I also love Barrett Rifles so always looking for a new M107 to replace my last whenever i play.

I find AKM's in Cherno and Elektro nearly 90% of the time, always hit up Balota on the way to Cherno as well. Civilian weapon to me.

Edited by Momiji
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I pretty much stick only to titles. Whether it's an Enfield or the M14 Aim.

My dream weapon is either the As50 or the m107.

I actually had an M107 for about 45 mins, shot three dupers (or hackers, they had a tonne of stuff spawned) and looted all their stuff.

Best 45 mins of my life.

Shot like 3 zombies, as we weren't game enough to go into a town and kill people.

Ended up dieing to a mysterious sniper in the middle of nowhere.

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Currently I'm doing the best I've ever done since playing DayZ ie have been surviving a long time. I'm carrying a Lee Enfield and a Revolver and have plenty of ammo for each.

You're so cute. :)

No, but seriously.. roam the map from left to right in line with Stary Sobor (be careful around there) and northwards. Look out for helicopter crashes in fields. Kill the Z's and you'll fine really good weaponry on the floor. FN-FAL's, Barret 50 Cal Sniper rifles, DMR sniper rifles and other weapons along with Night vision goggles and ghillie suits. These are all possible drops at these sites.

Forget the airfield. It has a .24% chance of dropping guns like M24's and M14's and the risk vs reward ratio is unbalanced.

A Lee Enfield by contrast is trash loot and to be honest, is just less fun even if you're just going to take out zombies. Everyone set's their own goals in the game though, so whether or not you'll want this loot is subjective.

We have a camp in the woods and like to roam looks for crashes to stash loot. We then just PvP inland. Good times.

Good luck mate.

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"Civilian Weapons"- Good enough to usually kill zombies in one shot, except makarov obviously. Not so good against players, i.e. attract shitloads of zombies (enfield), don't take down in one shot (winchester).

"Military Grade Weapons"- Also one shot zombies, but ammo is much rarer, so shooting them with those is not as worth it. Great against players, usually one-shot and a much faster rate of fire than enfield and winchester (if assault rifle), or significantly longer range (if sniper rifle)

All in all, it's a question of "What will you being doing more, killing zombies and looting places that are not PvP hot zones, or risking it all in raids of the airfields and cities that are constantly active with snipers and bandits?"

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Cant you get thermal scopes on some the military weapons too?

Basically, the military weapons are just better player killers. They offer more to safely take out players, rather than take out zombies which die from anything quickly. For that reason, and for authenticity reasons, I feel that while they shouldnt be taken out of the game, they should be really damn rare.

Honestly, how easily would it be for you to find military grade weaponry? Sure, you would come across a few from dead soldiers after some time, but there wouldnt be just fuck loads of them lying around in abandoned military sites. Right now, there are spots where you will find these weapons. Sure, it might be hard to get in there and get them, but thats because of the other players with stock piles of the weapons hunting people going around the area.

I want to view them like the rare gear in a MMO. Not just something you can get easily in an empty server, or a server full of new players at the coast. Something that would take a long time searching areas to find, just like you would have to in real life. This would do two major things for this game. One, it would make bandits have to try harder to kill people, they couldnt just use one of their stock piled .50s to camp the coast. If they die with that .50, they would be fucked. And two, authenticity. I want losing that .50 to be like losing the top tier gear from an MMO, because thats what it would be like in real life. If you where in an end of the world situation, and you lost some high-powered weapon, your first thought wouldnt be "Its OK, we have 10 more back at camp" or "Lets just go raid this place", it would be "Im fucked in the ass."

Honestly, if we did a character wipe and then made military grade weapons rare as fuck, the bandit problem would pretty much go away over night. When they cant depend on guns that let them safely fire from half a mile away and kill you in one shot, they will be less willing to take shots at players. Just like in real life, criminals go for weak targets. When the best thing that they can find in an Enfield which can only one shot at a distance where everyone else can one shot them, and doesnt give them some fancy thermal scope, or even a scope at all, only the bandits worth a shit would be sticking around.

That, and there is just something more fun about using civilian weapons to gun down hordes of zombies.

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"Civilian Weapons"- Good enough to usually kill zombies in one shot, except makarov obviously. Not so good against players, i.e. attract shitloads of zombies (enfield), don't take down in one shot (winchester).

"Military Grade Weapons"- Also one shot zombies, but ammo is much rarer, so shooting them with those is not as worth it. Great against players, usually one-shot and a much faster rate of fire than enfield and winchester (if assault rifle), or significantly longer range (if sniper rifle)

All in all, it's a question of "What will you being doing more, killing zombies and looting places that are not PvP hot zones, or risking it all in raids of the airfields and cities that are constantly active with snipers and bandits?"

I have my self a DMR. Yeah...way worse than the Enfield when it comes to attracting zombies. Basically every military gun is.

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Anything beyond a sidearm for a quick zed kill, a winchester for general use, and an enfield for taking out players is only useful for a bandit or full PVP player. Plus, ammo is plentiful for these "civilian" weapons.

The enfield is loud as shit, but it'll down enemy players in a single hit and with a bit of luck just outright kill them because it a damage comparable to sniper rifles, and zombies aren't a threat if you're outside of a town or inside a town and somewhat near a large enterable building.

Only military grade stuff I can see being useful are the tools, and the silenced guns. It's mad fun to go around a town downing zeds with single hits from a M4A1 CCO SD in the cover of the night, through NVGs. Makes you feel like Sam Fisher or someshit.

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