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Sick of players DCing and not getting the kill?

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Pointless post.. I mean, of course if you're a bandit you want to put bullets in them so as long as you're not a terrible shot you'll either kill them or they'll discinnect bleeding or unconcious.

I don't see what you were trying to get at here...

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Easy solution ladies.

M107, AS50=1shot to the Torso, and or head.

Unless you lack Coyote, GPS, Rangefinder, NVG's

A good secondary ia. M4A1 SD(always nice to have one silenced wep)

And you have a good secondry pistol, then you have no reason to loot him.

As a PDM for our clan, i never run up to loot the ones i kill, as i don't need anything from them, so we don't see the problem, if they dc, then so be it.

Makes stuff easier for me/us, as whoever roams the zone might think the body disappeared a long time ago, makeing them less vary in the north.

Sure, it might be annoying that they dc, but if you wanna do something about it, then record it, and send in the video to the dev support team, along with GuID, and Playername.

P's they have 3seconds to ALT+F4 after knowing they died, to make the body despawn, so even if they died, the body will be gone, however, if you are close enough, you have 5seconds to loot him, even when the body is not there, aslong as you start looting him before he ALT+F4's.

Hope i cleared something up.

If not, then good luck finding a better answer.

kind regards,


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Pointless post.. I mean, of course if you're a bandit you want to put bullets in them so as long as you're not a terrible shot you'll either kill them or they'll discinnect bleeding or unconcious.

I don't see what you were trying to get at here...

I was getting at what the title of the post was, obviously.

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Then what is the point in killing them?

Justification for murder is like Schrodinger's Cat - you only know what it is until you observe it.

1. Did they stay in the server and die? You killed them for loot.

2. Did they server hop like a bitch? You killed them for being a server-hopping bitch.

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I was getting at what the title of the post was, obviously.

Only two things are going to happen when you shoot at someone before they disconnect: 1) they die 2) they bleed and go unconcious and disconnect.

Why are you even posting this? It's redundant. You might as well said :

Sick of players DCing and not getting the kill? Then be sure to shoot them in the head!


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