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Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

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Not only unpassword lock but also let the admin be able to excercise his power to kick and ban. I see jumpers daily and its disregarded. I've seen so many loopholes that could be fixed

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Not only unpassword lock but also let the admin be able to excercise his power to kick and ban. I see jumpers daily and its disregarded. I've seen so many loopholes that could be fixed

Admins are allowed to kick (and even ban) for DCing to avoid death and such.. Rocket has said it's an exploit himself, so it violates DayZ rules.

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I highly doubt most people here are actually in ownership of a server and if you are way to pay monthly just to play on a server they assign you and have no real power in. Thats what I call having a backbone in life

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So what about spawn killing? Does Rocket frown on people driving around the coast killing newly spawned people? Seen that happen a whole day in one server

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Maybe instead of asking the community what Rocket likes, you can watch some of his interviews that he has done over the past few months.

The answer to your question though is no, he doesn't. This is a completely open game with no rules. If you don't like what is going on around you, use what you have available to you to make your situation change.

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I concede it seems this is something a rant will not solve. And whoever said I was trolling I dont do that. In all honesty I was going to buy a server so me and alot of my friends could set up a colony. No bandits hassling us and we get to play the game like it could of be intended as. But it seems that is not possible from the feedback received. I guess I will just have to contend with all the jumpers, spawn killers, campers, and the sort.

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By the way think of Cherno fortified, think of heavily armed encampments owned by one faction or another. Think on trading posts in remote locations. Think of pitched battles between groups at these set up forts. It would of been on youtube but its highly impossible with the unspoken shoot on sight rule

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Well thank all of yall for you feedback. I do plan on

bringing this up from time to time so please be fresh cause its back to the drawing board for me. I got a vision and its gonna happen

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Ha Rockets priviledge ehhh. How many other games are out there? Yea he has my priviledge of playing his game and if your gonna limit me on a game I PAID for you and everyone else just threw their money away w/ oit realizing it

Then don't play, instead of being indignant and swinging around your sense of entitlement.

Which by the way makes you look like an idiot.

EDIT: After reading your other posts in this thread, yeah. You're an idiot. I love how you equate not being allowed to lock your DayZ server to "not having a backbone in life." Enjoy your summer vacation, because once it's over, I'll be wanting fries with my meal.

Edited by aversionfx
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I highly doubt most people here are actually in ownership of a server and if you are way to pay monthly just to play on a server they assign you and have no real power in. Thats what I call having a backbone in life

I had many servers in my life, although for different games.

I'm currently making some hosting research to find a good dedicated server to host DayZ on. I do it not because I want to have unlimited power, but because I want to add another server for people to play on, and I want to finally have a server in Israel, where I have yet to see a DayZ server. I'm sure me and all my friends would make good use of a server that actually has normal pings for us.

No one's stopping you from building a fortified Cherno, you just had to fight off the players yourself.

Edited by krtshv
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Too the guy calling me a idiot and wanting fries. Lol yea I bet you eat alot of fries eh Gustas. Also I equate having a backbone in life with actually saying what should be done and sticking to it. If that somehow offends you to leave a jerk off comment then please I need another laugh. Ha I swear people dont stand up for anything and just accept the rules. Sheople

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@Krtshv I dont want unlimited power. Just the power to run my server as I see fair. Which isnt really that bad at all. Thx for the advice I'm past rant mode now and wish you luck on that Israel server. I'm always lookibg for survivors who dont abide by the shoot on sight rule so if that applies meet me in Cherno. Lol like that will happen

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@Krtshv I dont want unlimited power. Just the power to run my server as I see fair. Which isnt really that bad at all. Thx for the advice I'm past rant mode now and wish you luck on that Israel server. I'm always lookibg for survivors who dont abide by the shoot on sight rule so if that applies meet me in Cherno. Lol like that will happen

It's not a problem of how you want to run it, it's a problem of how it will affect other people. If you had a seperate database, you could do anything you want, but in DayZ, the database is shared. How would you feel if someone uses a private server to get the best gear in the game and then come to your server and launch a rocket at your camp or snipe you from a kilometer away? If you just wa t to play with friends, then get a seperate database, but as soon as it affects anyone other than you and your friends, tben no.

Again, it's rocket's mod, he decides what you can do with it.

I can see why you want all thoae privilages, like putting a password and shit, but it affects other plagers and servers. You say you can decide what to do on your own server, so why do you allow yourself to affect toher servwrs aswell?

Sorry for any mistypes, I'm via my phone.

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See I understand the fact that all items are transferable. But any Jumper can do the same and across the length of many servers. If the only problem people have is its shared inventory or its Rocket's game... well once again DC's ruin the game and I could care less on who owns the game. He wants to make it better well here's a way. And I'm sure your not limiting your customer. Does anyone know if servers can be hosted off the main database? So as to avoid the people who believe I will use my private server as an advantage against them (lol I worry bout Bandits so I want a bandit free server)

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I concede it seems this is something a rant will not solve. And whoever said I was trolling I dont do that. In all honesty I was going to buy a server so me and alot of my friends could set up a colony. No bandits hassling us and we get to play the game like it could of be intended as. But it seems that is not possible from the feedback received. I guess I will just have to contend with all the jumpers, spawn killers, campers, and the sort.

You can do that... on a PRIVATE server NOT connected to the hive. What you are crying for is a private server that is connected to the hive. All this says is that you want free loot so you can hop server and demolish "noobs" on the other public servers. If that's not why you want it just take a private server not connected to the hive. You can still play DayZ and you can password protect it all you want. The key thing is that by not being connected you can't farm on your server and then harrass players on another server.

TLDR: Get a private non-hive server, stop QQing, it's to protect the other 600,000 players

Edited by Wolfie-wolf

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Ok I got that and let me make it clear its not my intention too loot a pw server to go mess w/ people on another. Pretty sure if I had my own private server I would have my hand ls full making everyrhing look so much better. I do not shoot on sight and I think bandits ruin the game. Pw servers would give not just me but a good portion of that 600k a funner way to play and it may actually stimulate sells of servers. I understand not everyone plays fair and have to resort to a cheapness of character to get their kicks. But I dont. I just wanna get what someone who pays for a server/ manages a server deserves. Why do you think people want to own a MIneCraft server. Cause they can make socities and have people donate. Not only that but the youtube videos that people take in these socities promotes the game in a way paid advertising couldnt ever do

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If your Rocket and you want to make Day Z a stand alone game at some point it will have to be considered if PvP should allowed to be rampant; thus limiting others v.s. a balanced way. Suggestion: The pw servers should be put on different lives like when and 1.7.2 were at a split.

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PrivateDB servers exist (Non-hive), and you can do what the fuck you like on them. I am not going to link them in this thread, because I am pretty sure rocket doesn't like them. I will however point you too Google, I am sure you can figure out the rest. Instead of ranting on the forums for something that rocket has said before he has no plans of changing, and spent literally 5 minutes on Google you could have found out what you needed to know to about how make a PrivateDB server. This would have saved you time as you wouldn't have had to rant and argue for 3 pages, and would have saved me time having to write this post.

Edited by Madfast

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