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m.w. vindicator

Vz.58 (Sa58P/V) rifles should be added

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The SA58 is a Czech assault rifle that is used in ARMA 2 OA. The CZ550 is a Czech weapon that is already in the game so it would make sense if Czech military weapons were also present.

The SA58 uses 7.62x39mm just like the AKM does. So logically they would share ammo. These weapons could be added effortlessly. There are several variants in ArmA OA such as the P variant for infantry and the V variant for crewmen.

The appeal of this rifle is the shared ammo feature. A player could have AKM mags and use them for a SA58 rifle or vice versa. Also I think weapon variety is always nice!

I searches the forums and found nothing on the weapon. Give me your opinions and tell me if I made a mistake (unless it is a minor grammar mistake!)

Link to Wikipedia page : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vz._58#section_3

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I should mention that this is an eastern bloc weapon. It seems people want moar of those!

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The Czech republic DLC is coming out for ArmA soon. I heard dogs will become an active part of combat in the DLC and will be added into dayZ.

Chernarus is obviously fictional but it would have to be semi close to the Czech republic

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SA58 definitely has superior sights to the akm. And the addition of a cco or an acog is a huge upgrade.

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WTF...this thing was in the graveyard already...



This topic never got yarded.  it was just really really old. 

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