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Anyone in Cherno? The Good Old Dayz.

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I hate the servers that will ban you if you use the chat, it ruins friendships you can find

Well if you are one of these folks yelling and making crazy noises on global&command channels, then ban is appropriate.

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I can't wait for the radio to come. Imagine playing at night, trying to avoid some zeds and walking around talking to the radio asking if any survivors nearby. I wonder if it's gonna be global radio or a short wave radio.

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I kinda miss the random chat too.

Especially after hearing/reading somewhere that all the russian chat were no more than them trolling swear words at us. I was wanting to complete my repertoire of russian swear words! I'd managed to learn all those that began with A B C D & E, but sadly the chat was disabled before I could get to F :(

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I miss trolling the side-chat-exploiting nubs

'hey I need blood asap, at kamenka'

'oh hai cool I just got glitch spawned at like the bottome left corner of the map, run west along the coast and I'll fix you up'

'hey man I ran off the map where are you?'

'in Novy, don't cheat'

delicious tears

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having 'spawn with radio that = side chat' .. is an EASY fix... those who want the chat can keep their radios, those who dont... just drop it anywhere on the ground

and to get another... kill someone! or find a spawn lol

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I like it without currently, but if I was a loner, I would understand it's enjoyment. I think the radio idea is a good compromise.

Just a humorous story that pissed me off at the time but is pretty funny now... I had just spawned and was rummaging one of the southwest cities. I was still quite new and didn't use an online map so I had no idea where I was.

I was watching global chat and one guy was chatting with another guy...

Guy 1 "Hey, I think I see you, is that you at that loot pile on the porch in [some city]?"

Guy 2 "Yeah, that's me, I'm a bandit"

Guy 1 "You're walking now?"

Guy 2 "Yup! You better not kill me!"

I walk into barn and Guy 1 shoots me dead. Guy 2 is in Stary. The idiot didn't stop to consider that I can't type and move at the same time.

Edited by baz

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Why do you want Global Chat back?

So you can listen to,

"Who's shooting in Cherno?!"


"I have this glitch and this glitch and this glitch." Again?

The game isn't really about Cherno or the coastal cities. It can be, but that's just turning it into pure PvP. If you want Global Chat, I'd have to say you missed the purpose of this game.

Edited by LordRayken

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Why do you want Global Chat back?

So you can listen to,

"Who's shooting in Cherno?!"


"I have this glitch and this glitch and this glitch." Again?

The game isn't really about Cherno or the coastal cities. It can be, but that's just turning it into pure PvP. If you want Global Chat, I'd have to say you missed the purpose of this game.

In short, Yes.

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