aoshi 32 Posted July 16, 2012 0% in the last 4 days, and i got like 60 kills(split in 5 lives)...Bra1 and bra2, firestation just deathmatching, cuz a bug eat my as50, then i fall from a place without use v lost m107, then same bug eat my m24 from backpackBut i notice one or two times a body disapear way too quickly, maybe they alt f4 after a lee enfield shot? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) I was on a FR server during the night before as a fresh spawn. I had my torch, bandage and painkillers. I toddled into the airport at balota and it was pretty clear someone was there before me, so I was stalking around -- Well I found the guy in a hanger behind a metal cargo container.He was armed with an M4 and started firing rounds at me all panicky. "oh snap", I flashed my torch in his face to blind him and ran around the container to get cover. Then I saw there was a shotgun on the floor behind him, after a little bit of sneaking I'd gotten behind him he stopped moving and panic firing now though -- I was about to pick up the shotgun and then I got kicked off of the server......I guess I got meta-Alt+F4'd?? For shame. I had a fricking torch. People log out for ANYTHING now, because nothing's stopping them. 1x zombie agrod? Log out, takes 5 seconds. see someone? log out.. wait, take a shot first if they don't die then log out -- no risk, everything to gain!Sure is a hardcore game when you can log out from anything PVE or PVP related that's able to actually kill you. It's a small wonder anyone dies... Edited July 16, 2012 by itputsthelotion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D4saken1 80 Posted July 16, 2012 I rarely encounter people. Even on a 40 pop capped server I go to the airfield and get a clean run. Which seems odd. I have fought several people and never seen a DC so far (which is odd I assume).My friend on mumble Alt+F4s and then yells at me to do the same so as to not "lose my gear" but that being lame I refuse and restart if I lose. nbd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sticker704 121 Posted July 16, 2012 80%.One pussied out and ran behind a tree to d/c.I didn't kill him though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bezki 31 Posted July 16, 2012 till now never!either i dont let them see me. they kill me or i headshot instakill them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kaylo 11 Posted July 16, 2012 You realize they can alt f4 after death and their body still vanishes?Moronif you manage to put them in shock and give them time to d/c their body disappears. it's not that hard to get three shots into somebody unless you have shit aim and get nervous adrenaline over a video game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leodimas 31 Posted July 16, 2012 when i press alt+f4 while ingame nothing happens, i have to press escape and then abort to leave game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted July 16, 2012 if you manage to put them in shock and give them time to d/c their body disappears. it's not that hard to get three shots into somebody unless you have shit aim and get nervous adrenaline over a video gameWE GOT A TOUGH GUY IN HERE, STEP BACK EVERYONE 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plymouth_colony 10 Posted July 16, 2012 0%. I don't, and all guys I shot died and could be looted. I have never experienced that problem! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kiro (DayZ) 57 Posted July 16, 2012 Please please do address this Rocket, we want at least a playable mod without this exploit before you start work on the standalone. Me and my team work hard for our fire fights, and to have the enemies just vanish is such a buzz kill after hours of playing tactically. If one of our team dies, the rest of us fight to the death and try to avenge the fallen, none of us d/c.This. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goose8 2 Posted July 16, 2012 I've encountered it once and I must admit I would have done the same. I was driving a bus around NW Airfield spawning infected then circling around to loot the barracks, and as I entered the southern barracks someone was crouched in the showers. He started blasting away with an automatic, missed every shot, and I managed to get 2-3 rounds into him with the glock. He fell unconscious and Alt+F4'd before I could finish the job and loot him.This was on US 783 a few days ago, and if anyone could tell me what happened with that bus I'd appreciate it. I managed to get it parked in the middle of the runway before I lost connection. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cdrive 60 Posted July 16, 2012 I wish Rocket could explain to us how it's so difficult for him to add something that maintains a character connection to the server 10 seconds after the user behind it leaves. That's all it would take. Instead of a character instantly disappearing when the user disconnects, have it linger for 10 seconds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpo 38 Posted July 16, 2012 Close to 100% of the players that I encountered in DayZ so far have disconnected a moment after I shot them.I personally enjoy it when I get into those tense moments where your life is on the line. Just to see how my brain works under simulated pressure is very interesting and a great learning experience for me. Training your brain to function and not panic under pressure is a great thing and useful in many real life situations I think. I don't mean something like zombie apocalypse real life situations but maybe in a traffic situation or in some sort of panic ones brain might function better and make better decisions in split seconds if it has gone through a similar situation before.I think the Alt-F4 guys all can't handle those pressure situations. Their brains just shut down basically so it's their only option. Maybe you can compare it to the Corporal from the movie Saving Private Ryan. You know that guy with the typewriter that messes up the ammo supply really bad under pressure in the end and a lot of people die because of him? I picture people who use alt-f4 tactics to be this kind of person. They are not bad or anything. Just too scared. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
<TK>TheDoctr 13 Posted July 16, 2012 For Me its everytime i shoot at another player, if i dont kill them in that first second, they alt4 out. I personally never have done it to a player, ive done it once or twice when i get glitched into a wall or cant move Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted July 16, 2012 lone players? 80%Clans with vehicles to protect, not so much, but I have had the server admin's clan bounce the whole server before mid fight a couple of times.le sigh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jorden 63 Posted July 16, 2012 I've personally only seen it once. Then again, I don't randomly fire at people like an asshat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpo 38 Posted July 16, 2012 I've personally only seen it once. Then again, I don't randomly fire at people like an asshat.What's that supposed to mean, and what does this have to do with the issue? Whether you are roleplaying a bandit or a survivor should not really matter right?Without asshats who randomly shoot people this game would be very stale. The zombies are something you just need to avoid. Other people are things you need to really worry about. If it was a co-op game then the Zeds would need to be a LOT tougher.Btw, I am not a bandit and I don't randomly shoot at people if I don't really have to but I am very glad that I need to worry about those whenever I scavenge a place. It makes the game so much more intense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrducky (DayZ) 33 Posted July 16, 2012 Less than 10%.But gotta admit, it is friggin annoying when it happens. Specifically since I play fair myself and never DC when getting shot at. Then when I finally get a jump on some bandit I know was shooting other people and the guy just disconnects when getting shot... Just such BS. Those guys sure are ready to kill others in the game, but can't even be man enough to take their own medicine. Makes me want to start exploiting like an a-hole as well, just to counter those guys.I don't care so much about the obvious survivors who disconnect when being shot at. Yes, they should not do it either because its an exploit... But as long as they are not out there shooting other people, I just think that they just want to be play a PvE game... So at least they are not trying to ruin the game for others. I don't care if they play in their PvE way, and I play my PvP way, as long as they then strictly stick to that PvE and never start shooting at me/others.And I do assume many of these cheating bandit guys are assholes in real life as well, because as far as I've seen it, the guys who I know IRL who choose to cheat in games, do seem to be rather self-righteous and narsistic personalities in real life as well. I can't say my sample size on this matter would be statistically significant, but enough for me to draw my own conclusions.If you are ready to shoot other people, you gotta be man enough to accept the fact that others may shoot you too. This applies in the game. And it applies in real world as well. If you're not willing to accept that, then you're a self-centered asshole. Both in the game and in real life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cakelord 0 Posted July 16, 2012 My experience with this is that it all depends on their gear. I notice the people with mediocre gear don't care, while people up north will alt f4 whenever they get the chance.The worst thing for me happened this night when I purposedly crept up to a guy in ghillie with svd as close as I could, because we all know what those kinda people do when they don't die first shot. At around 20 metres I shot him in the head, and proceeded to loot him(svd, bizon sd, nvg and such). Before I even get the chance to loot the fucker I see a "no message has been received for x seconds". Scumbag mods.. Last time I played on eu28. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wall-E 0 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) I don't disconnect when I get shot, but that's because I realized how easy it is to get back on your feet after you lose your stuff. All you have to do is go to deer stands and remote areas of the north and you can find good stuff again. But yes almost everyone my friends and I shoot at disconnect if we don't kill them immediately. Edited July 16, 2012 by Wall-E Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
logan23 118 Posted July 16, 2012 Can't we just have Alt+F4 disabled?????? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benlandia 73 Posted July 16, 2012 I would say around 90% of players will disconnect after getting shot. Unfortunately even if you 1 shot kill them and they disconnect quickly, the body sinks into the ground and you cannot loot it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ywain 16 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) Well let me fill you in.A) Kill the person with a first shot and the problem if avoided.But anyone that has any worthwhile gear will Alt-F4, the counter to it is killing them with a quick headshot.OH GEE WHAT AN INTELLIGENT COUNTER THANKS IVE NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE GUESS ITS NOT AN EXPLOIT AFTER ALL GUYS LOCK THIS THREAD\ Edited July 16, 2012 by Ywain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMachine 803 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) I've personally only seen it once. Then again, I don't randomly fire at people like an asshat.Yeah, we're asshats and deserve whatever we get for the crime of engaging another player.In this case what we're getting is severe cowardice from limp wristed nancy boys not man enough to fight. Edited July 16, 2012 by TheMachine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrath (DayZ) 140 Posted July 17, 2012 I really hope this is one of his top priorities, it really is more important than new features. Its starting to turn people off this mod. I really don't want that as this is the perfect game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites