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Instructional Video: About 70 Reasons To NOT Fire A Lee Enfield.

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New players, if you ever see a Lee Enfield on the ground and you think "YAY MY FIRST PRIMARY WEAPON" use it only as a show piece untill you find something that's not a Lee... or suffer the consequences...

(I don't know how to embedd videos properly because i'm retarded.)

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The ONLY thing you can use a Lee Enfield for is to climb ladders with. Don't even bother carrying ammo for it.

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If you can't shoot a Lee Enfield, and not surive, then leave and dont come back, all that this great mod has done to the current game, is devastating, dont get me wrong, this mod is awesome, but when you go on a realism server, you only see this in chat: How do i open doors, wheres the enemys, how do i fly. And its driving me crazy. Hell even take the Zargabad life or Cherno life servers are sawmped with effing DayZ noobs, who just go guns blazing on everybody. /rant off

About the Enfield I gladly use it. Its a great weapon, you just have to fire it from a distance.

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Strategos, It's the honest truth. Ive been playing in the realism community since before OFP, and have never stumpled upon this many kids asking how to do things, and its breaking the game.

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Imagine throwing a frag grenade down on that blob of zombies ^^

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Best way to use a Lee is to do it in a field on the outskirts of town or in a building because otherwise that thing aggros like no ones business.

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Strategos' date=' It's the honest truth. Ive been playing in the realism community since before OFP, and have never stumpled upon this many kids asking how to do things, and its breaking the game.


It always amazes me how people can get elitist about playing a video game.

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can anyone tell me what the noise level of weapons are (or direct me to a link) and how it affects the zombies? :)

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I remember when I first fired the lee enfield. The mod was just coming out, there was about 3 servers. No one really knew what was up, and everyone was friendly.

Amnesty and I are good friends, so we always run together, and we approached a town, just inland from the main lighthouse. I found the Lee in a building and I was pretty happy. Simply because the pistol was out of ammo, and it was a "great rifle" at the time. As we were leaving, we accidentally triggered a zombie. No big deal.. not until I fired.


I aggro'd every zombie within 300 meters. I wish I had the screenshot of the zombies to my right, and the ones chasing amnesty. It was incredible.

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Strategos' date=' It's the honest truth. Ive been playing in the realism community since before OFP, and have never stumpled upon this many kids asking how to do things, and its breaking the game.


It's breaking the game? Who cares how long you've been playing these sorts of games for, we all had to start somewhere. Try to be a little more helpful or understanding.

If it bothers you that much, ignore the chat, it's hardly game breaking. Alternatively, you could go play with people as amazing as yourself and I'm sure this would never happen. Ever.

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Jorgy people like you ruin video games.

How are you guys not being as "bad" as him? Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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Just drop your weapons and play without one. Surviving zombies without a weapon is fun . You aren't going to take out the CZ sniper from the cities and towers with the enfield anyway :P.

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Strategos' date=' It's the honest truth. Ive been playing in the realism community since before OFP, and have never stumpled upon this many kids asking how to do things, and its breaking the game.


Everyone is new to something at one point. I fail to see how it's "breaking the game" in any way. All the "newbies" I've helped out in chat have thanked me for the help.

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