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About brandmon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. brandmon

    DayZ on pirated ARMA 2

    Can you hear that fellas? That seems to be the sound of an Intercontinental Perma-Ban Missile homing in. Better get our safety helmets while we can.
  2. brandmon

    Takistan map?

    Unless vegetation is increased to DayZ Chernarus level and a lot more buildings and villages are added, Takistan is a big no-no.
  3. Even during night time, there is always a slight white source of light. The moon provides the most obvious illumination, depending of course on which light. And the eyes are tenfold more sensitive to light as they are during the day. While details still need to be indistinguishable during the night (such as survivor vs zombie recognition), the landscape needs to be visible at the slightest and a the sky clearly distinct from the horizon in order to achieve the least bit of orientation. People are right to complain about this and anyone who is implying that it is not a problem simply forgot that he turned his gamma to maximum a while back to actually allow him the play during the night.
  4. Lee-Enflield: The quickest way to play "Find Waldo the Zed"
  5. brandmon

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Need I say more?