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So anyone here NOT shoot at first sight?

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well the world if f#*@ed then because if we all kill each other if something real happens we are not recovering.

And a COD kid fyi is one of the 75% of pre teens that play COD that when the ability to do anything with out a consequence will. or when shooting someone screams "ya suck my ##*) fag" or something as juvenile as that. Have I played COD? yes, do I cheat (on pc) no, do I scream or talk smack? No, do I play games that have Player killing and kill players "just cuz"? No I do when necessary. Am I capable of frustration of starting to play a game about zombies but 95% of my deaths have been from players that were unprovoked? Yes....

But im good now, I was given the chance to rant and ill try and live with it a bit more, friends will be joining me eventualy, maybe ill be able to survive longer then 30 mins soon.

Wish they kept chat, atleast I could see if I could get a peace treaty or a simple why on occasion

Edited by Reidlos

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I shoot first then ask questions later.So far it works like a charm.

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Never get the chance to shoot on sight. I'm usually sniped with every character. Haven't died from zombies since I started.

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If someone gets on coms and sounds sincere, "please stop shooting me!!omg!!1I was just looting a cow!" then I usually let them live.

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And a COD kid fyi is one of the 75% of pre teens that play COD that when the ability to do anything with out a consequence will. or when shooting someone screams "ya suck my ##*) fag" or something as juvenile as that. Have I played COD?

Yes. I've played CoD. I've also played every Halo and Battlefied. And honestly nobody has ever treated me any differently in those games than they do in pretty much any other game. There are assholes, sure; but there are also mostly decent players just out to have a good time playing a really good game.

The "CoD kid" myth is just silly.

Every game has assholes. Just like real life. School has assholes. Work has assholes. Your neighborhood has assholes. The world has assholes.

Never get the chance to shoot on sight. I'm usually sniped with every character. Haven't died from zombies since I started.

Try spending less time standing completely still in the open in broad daylight.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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I still try not to, but that gets me killed occassionally.

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If you pop up and scare me, yes I'll shoot. If you sneak towards me, I'll shoot. If you talk on chat, I'll be friendly. If you are fighting zombies and looting, I'll be friendly unless we're at the NWAF. In general, I get more paranoid the further north I get.

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I shoot at first sight and can't trust anyone from various experinces.

~FREINDLY FREINDLY -couple minutes later- Dead

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I hate shooting other people, but sometimes I'm forced to. For instance, not responding to me if I ask if you're friendly, or trailing a pack of zombies right towards me will usually earn you a trip back to the coast.

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hmm :huh: you will die if they fire...

nawwwwwww dawg. I'm like a filthy lizard or something. Anything gets near my safe zone and I flip shit.

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Have only killed three people in two months, definitely not a shoot on sight person. Will observe , sometimes chat and hook up for a wander with someone for a while, try and help out ungeared players if i can. If i see someone all geared i wont kill them and take their gear, i prefer to get my own.

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I don't.

I usually first scope the area first if he has some friends with him.

Then (or after *he* notices me) I'll shoot.

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I don't shoot on sight. I wait a few seconds to make sure you don't have any buddies then I shoot you. :)

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if i see you, but you don't appear to see me, i will not shoot you, and i will move away from you asafp, even if i'm need of supplies you might possibly have.

if i have good gear and you have a weapon and see me, there's a good chance i'll open fire at this point due to sheer paranoia. my preference is to duck into cover and ask if you're friendly if i can though. if i'm met with silence after this, i assume you are hostile and will act as though you are.

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I don't shoot on sight. If they fire first, then I will kill them :)

Looks like we got a badass here. Shame about the fact that if they fire first you are most likely dead.

I myself dont fire first (when playing as a survivor) and it is because of this i happen to die most of the time a player sees me. Them's the breaks - i am determined to see if someone wants to talk rather than fight.

When i am playing as a Bandit though - different rules!

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I actually try to actively avoid just killing folks. I go around trying to help actually, food, ammo, health supplies, I try to share and help support folks however I can.

Spent about an hour with my Einfield over in Cherno last night, just picking off zombies that were near folks passing/looting through. Got a few thanks and what not, felt pretty good. Then popped in this one guy who shot a player's legs out, then started going a really creepy rant, like, overtly detailed sexual stuff that would make even most game players stop and be like "What is wrong with you, you creepy fuck"

Only bullet in the last week I put into a person, best throat shot in awhile.

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I've played both sides, and it usually depends on a bunch of things.

If I'm newly spawned and I have no gear, and I run into another fresh spawn, I will team up until we find weapons.

At that point, I'll usually go my own way, because I don't like being shot in the back.

If I am fairly well geared up, and someone surprises me in a building or something, they will most likely be shot.

If someone is yelling "friendly" in a major city, I will ignore them and leave the area as soon as I can.

If I'm anywhere near the NWAF, or pretty much any other military type area, I will avoid contact any way I can.

The only way i won't shoot is if you're:

a. unarmed

b. actively talking to me on direct chat and declaring friendly intent.

c. a friend from rl, the forums, a group I'm with in vent/mumble etc..

I *will* help you if you're obviously injured, new, or out of food/drink, but afterwards I will usually go my own way as I said before, because again, I don't like being shot in the back.

Finally. I will still kill you if you make any move that seems hostile, because dammit, this is the apocalypse! ;)

Edited by Cyanyde

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I actually try to actively avoid just killing folks. I go around trying to help actually, food, ammo, health supplies, I try to share and help support folks however I can.

Spent about an hour with my Einfield over in Cherno last night, just picking off zombies that were near folks passing/looting through. Got a few thanks and what not, felt pretty good. Then popped in this one guy who shot a player's legs out, then started going a really creepy rant, like, overtly detailed sexual stuff that would make even most game players stop and be like "What is wrong with you, you creepy fuck"

Only bullet in the last week I put into a person, best throat shot in awhile.

Nice work.

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Having played DayZ for a while now, I have definitely noticed that the number of people I shoot is become less and less. At this point in the game I try to help out whenever I can. Just the other night me and a couple friends fixed up a large civilian truck and started giving rides to people. Don't get me wrong though, I will still shoot other players, but only if they shoot first.

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I find myself bringing players up in my ironsites a lot of the time but, I just can't bring myself to shoot unless im taking incoming fire. I mostly avoid or help out unarmed survivors, usually end up trading.

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Of course everyone you see shoots on sight. You don't see all the people who choose not to shoot you, because they don't draw attention to themselves.


If someone sees me and is close enough to have a high percentage shot at me, whether they actually shoot at me or not, I consider it a major screw up on my part. Excepting spawners/server hoppers, of course.

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I get food and drinks and my lee enfield, then I proceed to camp in a high spot in Cherno or Elektro watching people with my binoculars. If I see them killing some other player in a way that I think was unjustified then I'll kill them. Sometimes before I leave I'll bury the corpses so nobody gets to loot the gear they acquired by being bandits.

That's the way I like to play DayZ! :lol:

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