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So anyone here NOT shoot at first sight?

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Newbie that understands it part of the game, but in several servers in several locations Im being gunned down by everyone, people will shoot me while they are in a pile of zombies just to kill me even if im unarmed and moving in the opposite direction. Are these just COD kids or is this a much more bigger thing then I thought.

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Of course everyone you see shoots on sight. You don't see all the people who choose not to shoot you, because they don't draw attention to themselves.

And insulting someone for playing Call of Duty, which was a fairly good game for its time, is an ignorant form of mass slander that screams prejudice.

Edited by Techercizer
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I dont.

But today we had a car in cherno at the hospital and a new starter started running around us and pulling zeds.

He died :/

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I don't shoot on sight. If they fire first, then I will kill them :)

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Only early on, in starter towns when faced with other starters, I'm sure if I came across someone a bit geared at a starter town I'd be shot.

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I've never really played COD, other than at friend's house's. I shoot everyone who doesn't comply with my requests over direct chat, and if they're too far away to hear me, I shoot. If that makes me a COD kid then so be it, COD is a good series.

Edited by Yeung-Jin

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What's a "CoD kid?"

Lots of people play CoD. Not all of them are kids. And what does any of it have to do with DayZ?

Most people shoot on sight because the world has gone to shit. If you haven't established contact and determined the intentions of someone, then don't expose yourself to gunfire on their behalf.

If you open yourself up and make yourself a target, don't be surprised when someone removes you from the equation.

It's like when you're putting, see? And there's a leaf on the green between you and the hole. And you're like "You know, my ball probably won't hit that leaf and even if it does it's probably not going to significantly effect the trajectory to the point of turning a good putt into a miss but I'm going to get rid of it anyway because why not?"

You're the leaf.

So if you don't want to get smashed and scattered to the wind, then don't sit in the middle of the fucking green while someone is trying to putt, okay?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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i dont shoot on sight i shoot people that shoot at me or if i see them shooting at other players i hunt down people that are just playing this game for the pvp

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Hello there

I personally only shoot if I feel threatened. If you leave me alone I will leave you alone.

Although, once I thought I saw two chaps with NVGs stalking me near a hospital, so I engaged and after the fight realised i mistook their forage caps for NVG's.

I felt rather bad about that, but the recent culture has made me somewhat twitchy.

On the whole I wont KOS, even if another player has great kit.



Edited by orlok
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I don't speak to anyone over direct chat, the directional audio in this game is too good, they'll know exactly where I am. Shoot them first then loot later, then ask questions. It's how it is in DayZ - if you're here to make friends, you're gonna have a bad time.

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Way I see it is (and I guess a lot of others) is I have spent the last 12+ hours traveling the map gearing up. I don't want to lose it all just because I decided not to kill the person I have a clear advantage over. Any person who comes within my sight I will kill, even if they are running away from me I may come across then in an hour or so and I may not be the one who has the advantage next time.

Killing people is also a great way to gear up. My friend killed 2 guys trying to come into the building we had stopped to loot in Berezino and one guy had a coyote backpack and M4A3 CCO with 9 mags. Also got my friend a DMR by killing a guy on the top of the factory in Cherno who was trying to kill people in the city below. I pulled off a 750-800 meter shot I was rather proud of since this was on a veteran server so had to guesstimate distance using mildots on the DMR I was using.

Edited by Scene
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I don't personally, but that's more because I don't waste ammo unless I have to and less with how much I trust people. Most of the time, you won't even know I was there. Think of it like this; most players are like wild animals, wolves if you will. They will attack out of fear, desperation, or some kind of miguided alpha-mentality (omg wut a n00b i iz so l33t) So, like wolves, if you avoid them then they will have no reason to attack. Unlike wolves though, some people are just spiteful fuckers that do it just to get their dicks hard. And there's nothing to be done about that.

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I do, but I won't go out of my way to do it. If I see you running across town looting, I'll just try to leave you be.

But if you're in the same area as me and there's a chance you might see me, I'm going to do whatever it takes to ensure my safety.

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Only time I've ever shot some one is because I thought that guy had just shot me, turns out it wasn't him, the guy who had shoot me had ran the other way onto the Bolota airfield and got sniped from the tower :)

But I felt like CRAP for shooting the one guy :( I did waste most of my ammo on an unarmed fresh spawn, so I guess that some what makes up for but still.... :(

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I've murdered almost no one.

When I can, I notice them before they notice me, I duck behind cover and announce myself. If they reply I leave cover and talk, if they dont I mostly stay hidden, change my position and make sure they leave.

I get killed a lot but I dont plan on changing my playstyle.

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I dont shoot on site.

One guy broke my legs in cherno, he didnt finish me so i threw a grenade while he looted the church. I missed because he was inside but he must have been scared as fuck by it. Also i wasn't going to let a prick like him have my grenade.

Edited by amudkipz

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What's a "CoD kid?"

Lots of people play CoD. Not all of them are kids. And what does any of it have to do with DayZ?

Most people shoot on sight because the world has gone to shit. If you haven't established contact and determined the intentions of someone, then don't expose yourself to gunfire on their behalf.

If you open yourself up and make yourself a target, don't be surprised when someone removes you from the equation.

It's like when you're putting, see? And there's a leaf on the green between you and the hole. And you're like "You know, my ball probably won't hit that leaf and even if it does it's probably not going to significantly effect the trajectory to the point of turning a good putt into a miss but I'm going to get rid of it anyway because why not?"

You're the leaf.

So if you don't want to get smashed and scattered to the wind, then don't sit in the middle of the fucking green while someone is trying to putt, okay?

I love your analogy sir. One can of beans for you.

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Not on first sight anyways, if i spot you i will see where you are going, what you are doing and if you are a threat to me.

Some guy at Stary sobor military base ran right towards me at one point but somehow he didnt see me, he then proceeded to loot the tents along with some guy in a ghillie.

Could have killed both easily right there, but i had just looted the tents and aslong as they dont see me i'm fine.

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I play DayZ for couple of weeks and I met only 1 player who didn't shot me on sight so we teamed up, more important: he didnt shot me in my back

I got killed 4 times by people which I spotted them first but I let them live and they killed me then...

*true story* :(

so now because I dont want to kill people Iam trying to stay away from big cities

I don't shoot on sight. If they fire first, then I will kill them :)

hmm :huh: you will die if they fire...

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Hullo again,

I also think that people KOS as it's easier to loot someone and steal their equipment rather than go to the effort of finding their own kit.



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If i see someone and have the chance to shoot, i would 9 times out of 10 leave them be and either leave or let them leave.

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I was a 'no shoot on sight, but if in the area ur a threat' kinda guy, but after recent events and careful consideration, I just outright kill people unless both hands are empty.

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Hullo again,

I also think that people KOS as it's easier to loot someone and steal their equipment rather than go to the effort of finding their own kit.



Yup. This is how I gear up practically every time I die. I just find an Enfield or something comparable and go hunting.

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Anyone playing for keeps will shoot you in any situation that they have a good chance of winning. Death means nothing to experienced players, so they will often even shoot at you when the odds aren't great just to make things exciiting, or as you suggest more like COD. Gear is the name of the game, and even some beans and a bandage qualify as gear. Your best bet is to be invisible and hope DayZ separates itself from games like COD or just go back to playing them.

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