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So it's pretty damn dark

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Many nighttime servers I join are shrouded in total, complete blackness. I can see the sky and silhouettes of buildings, and that's it.

Is this a bug or intended feature? I mean I have a flashlight, but in real life you can always at least see a bit of the area around you, even with cloud coverage.

I've also tried jacking up my gamma and brightness to max, but it doesn't make a difference; there's apparently no light being emitted for the contrast to matter!

I like the darkness for its scariness and stealth enhancements, but this is just a wee bit too much.

Edited by Zexis

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put HDR to very high as well as max gamma and brightness. if it doesn't work, join another server.

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The night time in this game without a full moon is pretty damn realistic. I nearly poked my eye out once on a pitch black night in a national park in Utah.

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You should not play on a nighttime server without nvg even though on full moon when you actually are able to see a lot everybody who has a nvg will spots you realy easily and will have no problems to hunt you down. So stay at day without nvg's and enjoy the night with them. Happy surviving.

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If you've ever lived in a rural area you know how dark night actually is. Big city light pollution has actually created for you a false expectation of what real night looks like. Without street lights, night is dark. So dark you can't see your hand in front of your face even after your eyes adjust. The moon can help, but there is no appreciable difference until it's something like 3/4 full.

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The night time in this game without a full moon is pretty damn realistic. I nearly poked my eye out once on a pitch black night in a national park in Utah.

If you've ever lived in a rural area you know how dark night actually is. Big city light pollution has actually created for you a false expectation of what real night looks like. Without street lights, night is dark. So dark you can't see your hand in front of your face even after your eyes adjust. The moon can help, but there is no appreciable difference until it's something like 3/4 full.

I've done a fair bit of traveling out west and actually visited Utah (Zion, Arches, etc.) a few weeks ago. I know how dark it can get (as well as how pretty the stars can be!) Even so, there is at least some light reflecting off of something somewhere. In DayZ, there is literally no light on the ground, and the sky is only partially clouded.

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Even so, there is at least some light reflecting off of something somewhere. In DayZ, there is literally no light on the ground, and the sky is only partially clouded.

There has to be a source of light to be reflected. No Moon, no light. That being said, the blackness of the night has long been a topic of discussion with ArmA. It hasn't changed in all this time so I doubt very much it ever will.

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I've done a fair bit of traveling out west and actually visited Utah (Zion, Arches, etc.) a few weeks ago. I know how dark it can get (as well as how pretty the stars can be!) Even so, there is at least some light reflecting off of something somewhere. In DayZ, there is literally no light on the ground, and the sky is only partially clouded.

I got lost in a park behind my house once. It was pitch black and I was living in a moderately sized city (with great state parks everywhere). I got lost BEHIND my house. There was absolutely no moon at all so the only light available was from the stars. Even the light pollution from the town was no help since I was behind a bluff. I had to FEEL my way down this densely wooded hill hoping to find a game trail.

Just like in the game, some nights it's pitch black, some nights it's not. I don't mind it in game as it adds a little more tension while reducing zombie aggro.

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There has to be a source of light to be reflected. No Moon, no light. That being said, the blackness of the night has long been a topic of discussion with ArmA. It hasn't changed in all this time so I doubt very much it ever will.

The moon doesn't go away. Even if a cloud is blocking it, unless it is a big-ass cloud, moonlight will be reflecting onto other areas which, in turn, reflect weakly back to ye.

That being said, I switched servers and it was what I would consider "normal" darkness. Meaning I could actually navigate if I turned my settings up.

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I've done a fair bit of traveling out west and actually visited Utah (Zion, Arches, etc.) a few weeks ago. I know how dark it can get (as well as how pretty the stars can be!) Even so, there is at least some light reflecting off of something somewhere. In DayZ, there is literally no light on the ground, and the sky is only partially clouded.

Lived 16 years in rural Washington state. I can tell you this is light level is 100% accurate for night. To have light reflecting first you need a light source. Unless you have the moon, or you brought one, you don't have a light source.

The moon doesn't go away. Even if a cloud is blocking it, unless it is a big-ass cloud, moonlight will be reflecting onto other areas which, in turn, reflect weakly back to ye.

The moon phases.

Edited by Ragdrazi

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Many nighttime servers I join are shrouded in total, complete blackness. I can see the sky and silhouettes of buildings, and that's it.

Is this a bug or intended feature? I mean I have a flashlight, but in real life you can always at least see a bit of the area around you, even with cloud coverage.

I've also tried jacking up my gamma and brightness to max, but it doesn't make a difference; there's apparently no light being emitted for the contrast to matter!

I like the darkness for its scariness and stealth enhancements, but this is just a wee bit too much.

you've got to understand that humans have a form of nightvision, our eyes adapt to the darkness, however they don't do this in the presence of light such as the flashlight, If you want both natural nightvision and a flashlight- consider attempting to loot the military flashlight. You're an idiot for posting this topic at all when it should've been common sense. You. You are one of the general public and thus an idiot who doesn't think before doing.

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you've got to understand that humans have a form of nightvision, our eyes adapt to the darkness, however they don't do this in the presence of light such as the flashlight, If you want both natural nightvision and a flashlight- consider attempting to loot the military flashlight. You're an idiot for posting this topic at all when it should've been common sense. You. You are one of the general public and thus an idiot who doesn't think before doing.

And you're a pretentious twat who could've made a much more respectable post by cutting out the second half.

You say so yourself that our eyes dilate when in the absence of light. Then why does my vision not enhance like that in DayZ? Because of engine limitations, I'd assume.

I don't know that some of you have experienced the darkness I'm talking about. There's very dark, and then there is an abyss. It's where, if the stars weren't out, you would literally have no idea that the game had even finished loading.

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I don't know that some of you have experienced the darkness I'm talking about. There's very dark, and then there is an abyss. It's where, if the stars weren't out, you would literally have no idea that the game had even finished loading.

I experienced the darkness you're talking about almost every night for 16 years. On your trip to Utah you were probably in one of the brighter phases of the moon.

Edited by Ragdrazi

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Alright. Next time it's uber dark on a server, I'm going to see if I can find the moon at all. If not, then I guess that's that.

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So a few patches ago it was fixed so adjusting your HDR and Gamma/Brightness would NOT make the night brighter. Then, out of nowhere (I'm fairly certain between DayZ patches, but after an Arma patch), HDR Gamma/Brightness affect the night making it so you can see as clearly as day. I never heard rocket or anyone address this. Was the "actual night" just an experiment? Personally I enjoy total darkness at night. Gives you more to worry about. If the current state continues, where the night is just as bright as day, you might as well get rid of the day/night cycle all together.

Does anyone know if the current state of darkness (being so bright) is intentional???

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Quick note:

The OP experienced Dusk and was curious about it.

During Dusk, which not many people encounter, it is literally pitch black. I had a guy full sprint in front of me out of the darkness and all I could see was his hat as it touched the horizon a little bit. You literally cannot see anything even with gamma up full blast. As time went on and the moon rises, you slowly get to see more and more. Eventually it gets as the OP described where he switched servers and the moon is out and it's kind of like playing in 'greyscale' mode. See pretty good just black and white.

Dusk is awesome. Find servers which have timezones which are just getting dark (IRL) to experience this. First twilight comes, where you can see but things fade, and finally it's just pitch black blobs everywhere, and then the moon comes up and you can see again.

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So a few patches ago it was fixed so adjusting your HDR and Gamma/Brightness would NOT make the night brighter. Then, out of nowhere (I'm fairly certain between DayZ patches, but after an Arma patch), HDR Gamma/Brightness affect the night making it so you can see as clearly as day. I never heard rocket or anyone address this. Was the "actual night" just an experiment? Personally I enjoy total darkness at night. Gives you more to worry about. If the current state continues, where the night is just as bright as day, you might as well get rid of the day/night cycle all together.

Does anyone know if the current state of darkness (being so bright) is intentional???

Notice 'dark' servers are 2/50 and daylight servers are 50/50? I assume that's why, so that people can play in the dark without holding a 'kill me' light. Still, I wish the dusk as pointed out above was the full 'darkness'. When I first experienced it I said, "Man, this is how darkness should be!"

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Notice 'dark' servers are 2/50 and daylight servers are 50/50? I assume that's why, so that people can play in the dark without holding a 'kill me' light. Still, I wish the dusk as pointed out above was the full 'darkness'. When I first experienced it I said, "Man, this is how darkness should be!"

Are servers not being in "full darkness" intentional? I'd really like someone to explain this to me...

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Anyone who can help me, me love you long time. I am having a huge issue. A few weeks ago, I was on a server and it was night. At the time, I would just put up my brightness and gamma to see. But, just a few days ago, I tried using the trick. My brightness works, I can see the fluctuating. But when I turn my gamma up and down, there is no contrast difference. I don't know why, but my gamma isn't working. If it helps, I am playing on a laptop. Is anyone able to help with my issue?

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Bohemia have gone to great depths to extend the players senses enough to take in all the game-changing details that a real human could detect in that environment. Sparing no realism in favour of the bright, commercially friendly spectrum of colours, sounds mechanics. The moon won't be alarmingly more close to earth than usual to illuminate our way and give everything a crisp shadow, as is common with 99% of games on the market . And I'm willing to bet that the moon has been given a cycle even if missions were not initially intended to need them, which will still have SOME impact on brightness level.

In terms of the pros and cons of a real-world environment, Bohemia has taken as much care as including real star constellations to help you navigate which direction is north independantly of any equipment.

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Are servers not being in "full darkness" intentional? I'd really like someone to explain this to me...

It's called the moon, it reflects sunlight onto the planet.

People bitch and moan when the sun goes down and don't wait for the moon to rise.

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It might be realistic but you have to question whether having daylight servers full and night-time servers empty is a good utilisation of server resources.

Maybe when they develop haptic feedback we'll be able to grope around in the dark, but until then its not much fun.

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"Waah waah waah, if you can see anything it's not realistic. I've lived in complete darkness for 50 years, it's so dark here I get lost while sitting on the can."

I don't know if it's people who have a stockpile of NVGs that are whining about realism here and afraid that people could even theoretically see them on night servers, but completely black nights are almost entirely unplayable. You can't use the flashlight while running, so you have to stop every 5-10m to look around, plus you have to unequip your sidearm (unless you've got one with it attached). You could throw road flares, but outside of towns you're going to need a lot of them if you want to get anywhere. Chemlights don't really illuminate enough to make them worthwhile... you're not going to see more than 3 steps in front of you and you're lit up like a christmas-tree for everyone to shoot at.

So what does everyone do? They don't play on night servers. I think things should be difficult to see, rather than downright impossible.

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