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Recommended Inventory?

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What is the recommended number of blood bags, bandages, painkillers, morphine, food, and water to be carrying at all times? I have an ALICE pack and would like some ideas on how to sort my inventory.

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2 blood bags, 2 pain killers, 2 morphine, 4 food, 4 water or soda. Could always use more food or drink though.

Edited by TheFreindlyOldMan

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It depends a lot of your play style if you stick to the forest lines and pass survivours you wont need much but if your more of a go into town guns blasting you'll obv need mre

blood bags really depend if your playing with someoine if you are then jsut holding 3 each should be enough if your careful, with the morphine as much as possible, water only needs one slot if you have a flask and food its good to kill animals and cook their meat, it restores more blood and its easy to come accross

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Looks like we need to make a trip to the hospital. Are epi-pens really necessary?

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Do you want me to come and do your ironing as well?

Really though, you'll probably develop your own style over time. If you can get a tent, even better, then you can start a stash of essentials.

Edited by Fraggle

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I like to carry around a Jerry Can of gas in case I run into any vehicles that are operational but out of gas.

I also like having a smoke gredade they're great for surviving a sniper if you've got one shooting at you.

Edited by trashcanman

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You do NOT need more than 2 food/drink on you at any one time. Especially if it's canteens for drink. On one alone you can always make it from one refill area or loot spot to another to find more. If you want to stock past that it's alright, but stock too much and you won't be able to carry a second primary around in your pack, assuming you have Alice/Coyote backpack.

As for medical supplies, 3 bandages 2 morphine 2 painkillers. You can get away with just one blood bag, especially if you're playing solo since you aren't super likely to get any use out of it, but I try to carry 2 whenever I can. I usually keep one bandages in my pistol ammo slot and the other two in my bag, so I have plenty of pistol ammo on me, just in case.

Of course, a lot of it boils down to personal preference. I actually like being stocked up on extra food/drink when I'm not carrying a second primary, as I don't like waiting until it flashes to eat/drink, even though I know I just waste resources doing it any earlier. I dunno it's fun, my survivor is a fat ass and loves his cooked meat and pepsi.


3 Bandages (2 in pack 1 on person)

2 morphine

2 painkiller

2 food (cooked meat if you can)

2 drink (try to get two canteens)

Optional: 1 Epi-pen

Anything past this is probably overkill, as you can easily go get more supplies from any point in the map more or less with this set up.

EDIT: As for Epi-pens, I always carry one when playing in groups. I don't know if I would consider carrying one necessary though. Still, I have saved lives because I had one on me at the right time before.

Edited by Sephka

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The bare minimum list of stuff you need to survive..

- 2 bandages

- hunting knife

- water bottle/canteen

- matches

- map

- hatchet

and a Blu-ray/DVD copy of First Blood... B)


Edited by leeo38

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I try to have in my main inventory

-Primary rifle with 4 mags (used for killing players)

-1 Painkillers

-1 Morphine

-1 canteen

-1 canned food/cooked meat

-1 blood bag

-1 epipen

-Pistol (revolver or m1911 for dispatching zombies when I can't shake them)

-4 mags

-4 bandages

In my ALICE pack

-cooked meat


-spare bloodbags

-2-4 morphine

-extra epi-pens

I usually play with friends so I carry excess medical supplies but at the same time try to keep my ALICE pack 10/20 in case I find a rifle for a friend.

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If you use an m4 carry 2 dmr mags in an alice pack, you can split each into 4 m4 mags. 2 mags silenced ammo if you can find it also.

(you cant recombine m4 mags into dmr so be careful)

2 blood bags (only if in a group and only in backpack), 2 canteens, 2 morphine, 3 or 4 cooked meat, 2 or 3 bandages, sidearm ammo.

If you see a pepsi or coke go ahead and drink it if your over 3/4ths thirsty.

And any toolbelt items you can find.

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3 Bandages (2 in pack 1 on person)

2 morphine

2 painkiller

2 food (cooked meat if you can)

2 drink (try to get two canteens)

Haha that's exactly how my loadout looks like. Except I tend to take 3 morphines.

If you use an m4 carry 2 dmr mags in an alice pack, you can split each into 4 m4 mags

LOLWUT? Are you on drugs? You can split DMR mag into 4 M24 mags, and combine 4 M24 mags into 1 DMR mag. HTF can you split 20 bullets mag into 4 mags of 30 bullets each?

Edited by void_false

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2 morphine *1 in inventory, 1 in pack*

2 painkillers *1 in inventory, 1 in pack*

4 bandages *2 in pistol slot, 2 in pack*

1 bloodbag if I'm playing with other people *kept in pack*

1 epi-pen if I happen to have space *used for when people go in the 5 minute shock for whatever reason*

2 food *although if it's meat, I may carry up to 8 if I have room, usually keep 4-6 though.*

2 water *preferably both canteens*

1 grenade *if you can get it, and in inventory*

2 smoke grenades, 1 in pack 1 in inventory.

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2 morphine, 2 painkiller, 4 bandages, no more than 4 primary mags or 3 of main primary and 2 of second, 3 canteens (just incase i cant get to a lake anytime soon), 4 food, 4 secondary ammo, 1 bloodbag if i happen to come across one.

after that its all gravy

Edited by Stonedknight

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Me as a medic my loadout is:

5 bandages, 5 bloodbags, 3 painkillers, 6 morphine

3 ammo for my side arm and a maximum of 5 for my primary (usually only 3 clips as well)

3 canteens and the rest is what i find

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