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US 711, Two Streamers are being given tonnes of shit from hackers.

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Some friends and I logged on to US 711 to stalk this guy and girl streaming, and kill them. One of our troupe was killed instantly from a hacker. There are also a whole lot of dogs, free items being given to these two, and other hacked events. This is the twitch channel, you can see the hacking in progress. It's 11pm GMT-6 (saskatchewan) http://www.twitch.tv/thoranar.

Please bring the bans!

-TrSqd- Stephen was killed instantly without gunshots or blood by a hacker. -TrSqd- Anthony killed the guy streamer in cherno.

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These guys don't even care about being banned. "We can't really do much so we have too accept the items" said by the streamer(s)

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These guys don't even care about being banned. "We can't really do much so we have too accept the items" said by the streamer(s)

I'm a moderator from their stream, so I think I can speak for them. They are not endorsing nor using hacks them selves, they're just providing a good stream and promotion for this mod and the ARMA II game. They've only been playing for about 2-3 hours now, and they've died several times. A "hacker" or "server admin", whatever, has entered the game and given them stuff (that to their knowledge) is perfectly normal. This will probably be their only time playing this game, at least for awhile, but their only interest for now is to provide a good show, have fun, and kill some zombies. Ban the hacker sure, but they have done nothing wrong and don't deserve to be banned from a game they've just started playing.

Edited by clone1018
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They've never even played the game before and they're being followed around by a hacker. The streamers have hardly any clue what the hell is going on, or what they're doing.

Also, LOL at a stream-sniper reporting a hacker. Get a life.

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I for one am angry that they were given free stuff from a hacker just to die and lose it all before they even did anything i wanted to see a war :(

Edited by Deadlyburn

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Dude they dont care if they get banned, they said that in the LiveStream.. its their first time playing the game and they joined a Server and in which a Hacker was in their and they got Free Shit. Go be a Newbie somewhere else

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Dude they dont care if they get banned, they said that in the LiveStream.. its their first time playing the game and they joined a Server and in which a Hacker was in their and they got Free Shit. Go be a Newbie somewhere else

They might not care if they get banned, but what's the point of banning them if they've never broken any rules? Don't you want the possibility of them being able to play again?

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They might not care if they get banned, but what's the point of banning them if they've never broken any rules? Don't you want the possibility of them being able to play again?

IDC if they stream, they can stream other games. Plus yea they cant even get Banned because they didnt brake any rules, the hacker did.. named John.

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ya the hacker is turning one of them into things and giving him stuff even if he tries to drop it. he might as well try playing one way or another for entertainment considering they barely know how to play the game.

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They've never even played the game before and they're being followed around by a hacker. The streamers have hardly any clue what the hell is going on, or what they're doing.

Also, LOL at a stream-sniper reporting a hacker. Get a life.

Haha, that makes total sense. Why don't you actually say something useful next time? Stream sniping is considered meta-gaming. Hacking is bannable, as is playing with hacked items. L2PLAY Bitch.

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God you people who reported need to get a life.... It wasn't their fault they got stuff. If you were given it would you have dropped it? And its a freaking MOD its NOT THE REAL GAME.... tards

Edited by Gwizzlle
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Every streamer has to hide their name and prevent this kind of thing. I honestly hope they become successful DayZ streamers, but they have to discourage hacking like everyone else.

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Every streamer has to hide their name and prevent this kind of thing. I honestly hope they become successful DayZ streamers, but they have to discourage hacking like everyone else.

They have no desire to become DayZ streamers, they're simply having an event tonight. They didn't know to hide any information beforehand.

They're normally WoW streamers :)

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Lol @ all the fanboys coming to protect their guild leader

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New or not, they are taking part in breaking the rules. Too bad, so sad. They need to be given the ban hammer.

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These guys don't even care about being banned. "We can't really do much so we have too accept the items" said by the streamer(s)

Isn't actually what he said. He can't do much about it. The hackers are spawning items in his inventory. He drops them and moves along. Stop trying to get people banned that aren't even hacking. He's played the game for a total of about 2 hours.

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