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Harris (DayZ)

DayZ should become a stand alone game using a different engine.

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CE3 can handle pretty big maps. you can check it out for free


but I don't know how it would handle other aspects of the game

pretty big is relative, write a number in sq km(or miles).

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pretty big is relative, write a number in sq km(or miles).

from what I can read, the max size is 256 sq km, but a map that big probably won't be 'stable'. but that's just with the free SDK. the actual devs might be able to work around those limitations

I know games like Skyrim (and I think Just Cause 2) render the map in 'cells'

I think the elephant in the room here is the time and effort it took to make the Chernarus map, regardless of the engine

Edited by daze23

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I believe the theoretical potential for CryEngine 3 is actually well over 1000 sq km. If using a normal map based rendering system it wouldn't be much better than Arma's map (except for detail) however there are other methods out there for map making/usage in engines and the limitation of size can be overcome with the right minds thinking about it.

As for versatility and backwards compatibility you would be looking at a DX11 gfx card minimum and a quad core CPU (preferably a Sandy-Bridge level Intel or Phenom II quad-core or higher). That would be the minimum to run with tessellation set to low which is the best way to do Level of Detail, rather than having multiple models for the different LoD's (the things which are responsible for pop-in and sudden detail changes). By the time of release (2013/2014 for a proper product given a 2 year dev cycle) those specs would be respectable and very viable for 60% or more of gamers to on a PC (at that time of release) to have as well as giving the possibility of cross compatibility with current and next gen consoles from a business perspective.

As for the map creation yes it takes time, however with the tools being developed constantly and the new tools available, populating the map/world with detail is so much easier. Pathing is especially easy in CryEngine, though currently it uses two methods for indoor and outdoor, however that looks set to update soon.

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no, the elephant in the room is the netcode

the creation engine is fine and dandy for one person, but for two? nope. why do you think the Elder Scrolls mmo is being built on the SWTOR engine?

CE3 (in Aion) doesn't sync as many things or to even remotely similar resolution as ARMA (Aion needs facing and a bunch of binary states to do realtime), nor does Aion's CE3 contain the entire map in a single instance

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Good luck getting an engine or game world as awesome as what is in arma2 for this kind of game...

I would rather have it in a sim engine like ARMA then something like COD.

Shooting also feels very godo in arma to me, I don't want to play Crysis2 or COD tyep combat/controls for a dayz style game.

ARMA2 might have some issues but with how huge the game world is and how realistic the gun combat is the only improvement I coudl ask for is in ARMA3 engine, similair style but just better.

Edited by kozzy

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Day z is so popular because it's a huge open world, survival horror mmo, which to my best knowledge is a new creative format. When I saw the videos of people playing on youtube I thought "I have to get me some of that!'. Then I remembered Arma 2, I have friends who played this game quite a bit, I couldn't find the enjoyment in the game, way to glitchy and a user interface from hell were my best memories.

I wonder if most of the people who seem to pop up in every thread doing the 'It's Alpha moron... Surprise' even realise that the bugs being complained about are inherent in the arma engine, judging by the fact they haven't been fixed in 3 years... will NEVER be fixed, alpha, beta or otherwise. I'm all for day z being developed on an engine that at least supports melee combat as a standard and has a more conformist approach to the UI, more importantly an engine that day z can be implemented as a survival horror zombie game rather than a realistic gun game on a huge map.

Edit: I hate the fact that other big companies will rip off the idea and profit on it when it's rocket that deserves the plaudits and the cash money, unfortunately people are not going to stick around in a perpetual alpha game when there will be better alternatives around.

Edited by tenshu

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in all honesty if/when dayz becomes a standalone project, if they changed to a different engine i would more than likely lose interest. when you break it down dayz is just arma with some scripts thrown in, and thats just the magic of arma, its whatever you want to make it into, thats why its such a powerful sim, and also why it has had such a niche following through the years, most people just want to buy a game and play it, and to really appreciate arma you have to be willing to take the time to learn how to bend it to your will, most people dont do this, but every now and then someone makes something really cool and the community oohs and ahs at it, but this time around when someone did something really cool word spread like wildfire outside of the community and everyone and their brother bought arma JUST for dayz.

to me, as an arma/OFP vet, dayz on any other engine would only be dayz in name, personally i hope it does go stand alone, but stick with the building blocks that the arma engine provides, otherwise i think it moves to far into the territory of being a totally different game altogether, and in a video game industry that is absolutely saturated with zombie games the risk of losing the unique feeling of the game and just becoming another zombie game is too high IMHO.

my 2cents

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Don't use any Arma engine because then you'll be restricted and won't be able to freely add in more complex game mechanics/systems.

I'd say definitely go with UDK as it has FPS and MMO support and you'll be able to achieve a big enough world map and have lots of freedom and customization.

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It's possible to retain Arma 2/3 mechanics/systems and develop them on another game engine.

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Registered for this thread.

Independent development ok.

Studio/Publisher help only with Independent conditions. That'll only happen at BI or Valve. So good luck.

Free to Play or One Time Purchase is fine.

New engine is fine as long as you maintain complete features included from ARMA.

No dumbing down, only expansion of current concepts.

You're amazing.

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DayZ is going to become its own game, but it sounds like they are going to use Arma 2's engine. I think they should use a different engine.

Wouldn't you pay for DayZ to have:

Performance Increases

Better Zombie A.I

Better Loot Spawning System (sometimes doesn't spawn when your the only player in a town)

Better Graphics

Better User Interface

More Weapons

Better Vehicles and Driving U.I.

And less buggy

I think that if DayZ were to become a stand alone game they should not use Arma 2's engine. Not only does it have performance issues, but its outdated. Wouldn't you want DayZ to become a better game even at the cost of time of release. Instead of making a mod in several stages make a game with Alpha, Beta, and Final release stages.

My ideas on this awesome mod.

Please put your input on this idea in the comments whether you agree or not.

What would you like DayZ to use as an engine and why.

RV4 (ArmA 3 engine)

RV3 (ArmA 2 engine)

CryEngine3 (Aion, Crysis 3, etc.)

Unreal Engine 3 or 4 (depends on when 4 releases)

List any other engines you think should use and why.

Me wants Arma3 engine, me wants it nao!

@ Aeia There is nothing that says the game is definitely going to be a stand alone product. That is just what Rocket, and a lot of other people are wishing for.


The game has outdated graphics because Arma 2 is almost 3 years old. This isn't the final version of the game.

The latest patch supposedly offered a bunch of performance increases already.

Arma 2 doesn't really handle a loot system very well as Rocket stated in his interview. If the game gets ported over to Arma 3, hopefully that engine will be able to handle loot systems a bit better.

Not really sure what you mean by better user interface. The one they have right now does just fine. I'm sure it could obviously be improved, but I couldn't imagine this is high on the to do list.

You are not going to find a game with more weapons than Arma.

The vehicles and interior of the vehicles has been improved already for Arma 3.

The mod is buggy because it is an alpha version. Over time these bugs will be removed, and I'm sure on final release a lot of the problems we currently see will go away. I'm also sure there will be plenty of new bugs to take their place, just like every other game that is released on the market.

This man speaks truth

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Don't use any Arma engine because then you'll be restricted and won't be able to freely add in more complex game mechanics/systems.

You probably don't know what engine means. I dont see why he wouldn't be able add more complex game mechanics. He cant add them now because he can't tweak(adjust) the engine itself but just mode the game. But if he going to make standalone he will be tweaking the engine that they use, probably Arma 3 engine (VR4) as it better in all ways, just for Dayz.Its the same as if he used Cry engine. There are no big restriction in arma engine as people think.

Edited by Starngere

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If Real Virtuality Engine 4 is an overall better engine and is not majorly bugged then yes maybe they should use that. All we can do is hope they would get full access to the engine though...

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I posted in another thread about this but I'll repeat myself. There is no other engine that offers an editor like the VR engine. From what I can deduct from what Rocket says he wants a Eve Online/Minecraft type hybrid. No other engine I can think of offers the editing power to make that possible. The 3d editor for VR3/VR4 is able to achieve this almost right now, it just needs a little tweaking to make it more user friendly without too much time involved, and fits the Minecraft idea perfectly.

I may be wrong but it seem that's what he's thinking.

ETA: Here is the interview where he discusses these ideas


Edited by SIMJEDI

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Yes, RV is a good engine. Though I do believe there are certain aspects that he could improve on and expand in another engine. If he decides to use RV hopefully he uses version 4 and hopefully that version is a lot better than version 3.

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If Rocket has access to the source code of RV3, I think it'll be enough for a standalone game. Rocket actually said that they would be releasing something this September, and given that ARMA 3 is due 2013, I guess RV3 will be the engine. I would happily pay another 15 - 20€ for an actual game with following features:

- A decent server browser

- Ability to join your friends games

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The benefit of developing this on the Arma engine is they get the huge realistic map for free. On any other engine they'd have to create the whole place from scratch, or put up with having it look like a cartoon.

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there are also many players without strong pc's there. With high requirements these players cannot play CryEngine or somesthing. Arma2 Engine is quite well!

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there are also many players without strong pc's there. With high requirements these players cannot play CryEngine or somesthing. Arma2 Engine is quite well!

Fuck the requirements, do the best game possible, or we should be still playing gameboy color.

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Use different engine if it has:

1) Milsim grade weapon/ballistics modeling - (both physics and 3d models) and variety.

2) >225 sq.km map with no sector loading.

3) Separate control over weapon movement (with aiming deadzone), head movement and body movement.

4) Perfect TrackIR support.

5) Arma level editor and scripting.

Well, I thought so, we do not need another L4D/COD with z0mbies111

The beautiy of the game is in the underlying arma engine.

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DayZ is in alpha, but really just barely. Rocket isn't 100% sure where to take DayZ or what it will become and that's why there's no need to make a move to standalone... yet. It's an experiment. No not "hurr durr social experiment" hipster crap, it's an experiment to see what sort of gameplay works. Arma 2 is extremely moddable, this allows for many things to be tested and experimented with before deciding if they're worth bringing along in the full game. Rocket can basically do whatever he likes here just to see if it works or not. That is a huge advantage because much of the gameplay is emergent and adding a set of tools will not necessarily make it obvious what players will do with those tools, unless you, of course, just implement them and see what happens.

Once there's a coherent vision backed by this experiment which shows what the goal for DayZ is (End game, meta game, mechanics etc.), what it should be at the end of the line, that's when you make the move. Feature creep then is just a bonus.

At that point, Arma 3 would not be a bad idea. For one, BI is independent and makes non-mainstream games. This lets rocket avoid executive meddling "we want CoD audience DLC and multiplatform". BI doesn't give a shit about consoles and thank fuck for it. The arma 3 engine is the same as arma 2 engine just improved, might be able to just easily port the whole thing over.

Cryengine is a mess. It crashes all the fucking time. Could it do DayZ in its current state? Maybe, could it do DayZ at the end of the line? We don't even know what that is yet, so what's the point of this discussion?

Edited by integ3r
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