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Harris (DayZ)

DayZ should become a stand alone game using a different engine.

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DayZ is going to become its own game, but it sounds like they are going to use Arma 2's engine. I think they should use a different engine.

Wouldn't you pay for DayZ to have:

Performance Increases

Better Zombie A.I

Better Loot Spawning System (sometimes doesn't spawn when your the only player in a town)

Better Graphics

Better User Interface

More Weapons

Better Vehicles and Driving U.I.

And less buggy

I think that if DayZ were to become a stand alone game they should not use Arma 2's engine. Not only does it have performance issues, but its outdated. Wouldn't you want DayZ to become a better game even at the cost of time of release. Instead of making a mod in several stages make a game with Alpha, Beta, and Final release stages.

My ideas on this awesome mod.

Please put your input on this idea in the comments whether you agree or not.

What would you like DayZ to use as an engine and why.

RV4 (ArmA 3 engine)

RV3 (ArmA 2 engine)

CryEngine3 (Aion, Crysis 3, etc.)

Unreal Engine 3 or 4 (depends on when 4 releases)

List any other engines you think should use and why.

Edited by Harris

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It is becoming stand alone.... read news goddamnit..

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Yes but I think they are using arma 2's engine. If they were to use something like Unreal it would be so much better.

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With Unreal engine it will be impossible to have a map the size of Cherno without having loading screens while you are moving. Arma2 engine is bad, but it's the only engine a map that big could run out without said loading screens. It will run on the ArmA 3 engine.

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@ Aeia There is nothing that says the game is definitely going to be a stand alone product. That is just what Rocket, and a lot of other people are wishing for.


The game has outdated graphics because Arma 2 is almost 3 years old. This isn't the final version of the game.

The latest patch supposedly offered a bunch of performance increases already.

Arma 2 doesn't really handle a loot system very well as Rocket stated in his interview. If the game gets ported over to Arma 3, hopefully that engine will be able to handle loot systems a bit better.

Not really sure what you mean by better user interface. The one they have right now does just fine. I'm sure it could obviously be improved, but I couldn't imagine this is high on the to do list.

You are not going to find a game with more weapons than Arma.

The vehicles and interior of the vehicles has been improved already for Arma 3.

The mod is buggy because it is an alpha version. Over time these bugs will be removed, and I'm sure on final release a lot of the problems we currently see will go away. I'm also sure there will be plenty of new bugs to take their place, just like every other game that is released on the market.

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In some interview he says his long term direction would be a single server shard i.e. EVE-like tranquility server where the entire player base is on one huge map(?) he should direct his time into finding an engine that could actually handle that much traffic, we all know ARMA2 falls over connecting to a 40 man server...

I personally think theres some sort of edgy/shady deal inside Boh's studios, no sane person would deny an entire studio's development team in which he states in writing that he'll keep control of DayZ's development process.. He works for Bohemia Interactive so the choice to stay on the ARMA engine is either biased or forced. :P

There's alot of "better" engines & the "realistic" elements of the game are lines of code which can be duplicated.

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With Unreal engine it will be impossible to have a map the size of Cherno without having loading screens while you are moving. Arma2 engine is bad, but it's the only engine a map that big could run out without said loading screens. It will run on the ArmA 3 engine.

Are you an expert on UDK? ;)

CryEngine looks great & it's proven within the mmo genre ;)

Hopefully Arma 3's engine won't be as bad.

Don't hold your breath.

Edited by Ejaculacid

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@Zipper The GUI all together would make the game better. Rocket already stated that he does not like the gear interface and would like to upgrade it. Yes ArmA 2 has a lot of guns but having more of a variety would be nice. Same gun different skin most of the time. The looting system was not designed at all in ArmA 2 meaning it is harder to do as a mod. All of this could be fixed by using a different engine. Also there would be less bugs making a new game then modding a already broken one.

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Are you an expert on UDK? ;)

CryEngine looks great & it's proven within the mmo genre ;)

Can't think of any MMO's using the latest Unreal engine off the top of my head, can you name some?

The biggest I can think of using the engine would be platformer games, HOWEVER, they are not truly open so the developers can 'cheat' with the resources, whereas with this game absolutely everything is open-world.

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Can't think of any MMO's using the latest Unreal engine off the top of my head, can you name some?

The biggest I can think of using the engine would be platformer games, HOWEVER, they are not truly open so the developers can 'cheat' with the resources, whereas with this game absolutely everything is open-world.

Err i was on about the CryEngine being proven in the mmo genre, the only UDK mmo i can think of is APB which is 200 players per shard.

Edit: DC Universe Online which is another UDK mmo. fairly large worlds & high player counts.

Edited by Ejaculacid

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Borderlands was made with Unreal and had some pretty large areas, as big as Chernarus, no, but im sure something could be worked out and if DayZ were to become its own game there is a good possibility that it would have to use a different map.

And the current loading of the world its not efficient no matter what DayZ will have to fix it or find an engine that can.

If Unreal 4 is released soon they could try using that it might have some different loading styles.

Edited by Harris

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Err i was on about the CryEngine being proven in the mmo genre, the only UDK mmo i can think of is APB which is 200 players per shard.

Edit: DC Universe Online which is another UDK mmo. fairly large worlds & high player counts.

Oops sorry, I misread :P

Not very experienced with the CryEngine - it could work, but people will need a high end pc to play the game (in an ideal world this game shouldn't have multiple render distances, else someone with max render will always kill someone without max render if the latter has 'fog' blocking them from seeing the former person, which will cause a lot of whining.)

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I think the reason with current limitations using the Arma 2 Engine is that Rocket does not have the ability to edit the source code for use until making the game become stand alone. He has mentioned that he has to do things the long and hard way and that if he uses/changes the source code (Should be available if he make it standalone on the arma 2 engine) things will be alot easier to acheive.

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Oops sorry, I misread :P

Not very experienced with the CryEngine - it could work, but people will need a high end pc to play the game (in an ideal world this game shouldn't have multiple render distances, else someone with max render will always kill someone without max render if the latter has 'fog' blocking them from seeing the former person, which will cause a lot of whining.)

Thats one way, the other way is putting a line of code(which i forget) to change the quality of the buildings based on distance or either force a xxx meter limit. Actually the CryEngine isnt that demanding - Aeon ran alot better on highest settings than Arma2 engine does on low.

I think the reason with current limitations using the Arma 2 Engine is that Rocket does not have the ability to edit the source code for use until making the game become stand alone. He has mentioned that he has to do things the long and hard way and that if he uses/changes the source code (Should be available if he make it standalone on the arma 2 engine) things will be alot easier to acheive.

There's a reason why the arma2 community was so small, the whole engine is flawed unless he plans a total overhaul CUin3years.

Theres alot of engines already out there that could do it better, shit i'd even rate the Hero engine over RV3

Edited by Ejaculacid

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I am going to have to say CryEngine as well. I am sure they could get licensing with this mod being so popular.

I mean even the fact of better loading, more worlds, and some of the other stuff I said above I would pay for this game (again......).

Edited by Harris

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Id say go with CryEngine 3, have you seen what they've done with it on ArcheAge?

Yes, you can build your own castles/villages/buildings.. The concept is great but i dont think it'll hit off in the western world being an asian mmo(past experiences)

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@Zipper The GUI all together would make the game better. Rocket already stated that he does not like the gear interface and would like to upgrade it. Yes ArmA 2 has a lot of guns but having more of a variety would be nice. Same gun different skin most of the time. The looting system was not designed at all in ArmA 2 meaning it is harder to do as a mod. All of this could be fixed by using a different engine. Also there would be less bugs making a new game then modding a already broken one.

I don't disagree that the UI could be improved, but that isn't on their to do list right now, and from what I understand, this was another major change for Arma 3. If it has already been fixed in the game it would be ported over to, I don't see why they should spend time on it now.

"Arma 2 features around 80 realistically represented weapons with many variants including assault rifles, machine guns, and missile launchers. There are around 130 vehicle variants, and any vehicle that exists in-game can be controlled by the player, including everything from civilian cars, tractors and bicycles. Similarly, all aircraft encountered in the game can be flown by the player. All have limited fuel and realistic weapon loadouts"

From the A2 wiki.

Even BF3 would have a difficult time matching that number, and that is the latest major FPS on the market. Nothing can come close to the number of vehicles either, and this is a 3 year old game.

It would be foolish for BI to start marketing this as a brand new game right now. They have a perfect platform to learn from, which will find and locate issues within the game that they will be able to fix on final release, or just implement a fix with the improved engine that will be running Arma 3. There is no reason to pick a brand new engine right now, it wouldn't make any sense. They would have to port it over to the new engine, fix all the bugs associated with doing that, and then continue the testing in essentially a brand new environment.

I am a major supporter of the Cry 3 engine, but I don't know if it would be able to do all the things Arma 3s engine can. Wind, bullet drop, physics, explorable underwater areas, and 300km maps aren't easy to run. I know it has the ability to do some of those, but part of the fun in playing DayZ stems from the realistic nature of the Arma 2 engine. Changing to the wrong engine could essentially turn this mod into L4D, and people obviously don't want that to happen. The group they have working on it is doing a great job with what they have. If they manage to get this to near perfection, and maybe incorporate some mods which are already very successful in the Arma 2 community (read ACE), they will be able to deliver a great game once it is ported over to the current Arma 3 engine.

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ARMA's engine is a masterpiece, there's nothing remotely like it for scale and content (starmaps, weather, huge area, huge player numbers, ballistic physics, lighting, audio fidelity, flora and fauna, avatar-control, 10km draw distance, all the guns, all the vehicles, AI, modability, lip-synced player speech...)

my PC can run any game ultra'ed at 1080p, the worst frame rate I see being 45 fps in Metro 2033

despite all the advances to graphics in the years since it was released, chernarus remains the most complete and immersive environment in any game on this PC

so it's a bit sticky in doors (fixable - st movement works just fine) and the P2P netcode required to run this mod is still in alpha phase, that's no reason to throw away the magnificent features we have access to with the ARMA engine

PS, OP and several others have commented on bugs that are being fixed during these alpha stages as if an different engine would never have had any bugs ever at any stage in development, please guys, think before you speak

Edited by Sandy State Phantom
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This mod does not belong to BI they just highly support it because they are making a lot of money from it. ArmA 2 sales increased 500%+ with the creation of DayZ that is a pretty nice paycheck. To be completely honest ArmA is a failing series and this mod could become so much more without ArmA hanging on its shoulder.

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But I don't know if it would be able to do all the things Arma 3s engine can. Wind, bullet drop, physics, explorable underwater areas, and 300km maps aren't easy to run.

You know everything you listed above is just lines & lines of code right? It's naive to think another engine couldn't handle it ;)

Example CryEngine 3's graphics on fullest settings far better than those of arma2/3 imo.

This mod does not belong to BI they just highly support it because they are making a lot of money from it. ArmA 2 sales increased 500%+ with the creation of DayZ that is a pretty nice paycheck. To be completely honest ArmA is a failing series and this mod could become so much more without ArmA hanging on its shoulder.

^ Agreed... I see a mod with great potential that will slowly die out until a studio brings out a "better" version, the cry has been heard by many quality studios it's only a matter of time.

Edited by Ejaculacid

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