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This game won't be popular at release

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Doesn't appear to show players currently playing the game. If you paid attention, you'd realize that was the statistics I was specifically asking about. Also: fuck you.

"These statistics" is vague and implying you are asking for the general collection of statistics that people are talking about in this thread. I don't think you were simply asking about "current players online", but you say you did to seem like less of an idiot.

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"5 o'clock in the morning"

Would every server really be full at that time??

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Everyone introduce Angry Joe to this mod so that he will migrate his Angry Army here! (most possibly bandits because of his clan of Siths in Old Replubic) He likes open world games so there might be a chance he will try it out and even review it if enough words is given.

( and if you seriously don't know who is, here's his site: http://angryjoeshow.com/ and his twitter: https://twitter.com/AngryJoeShow/ )

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I missed the part where I cared, but entertaining thread anyway.

Ever thought about the increase of servers?

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I few up in my mouth a little.

Thanks for the recycled dinner as breakfast.

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Is it really wise to judge a game that is months from being complete?

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Everyone introduce Angry Joe to this mod so that he will migrate his Angry Army here! (most possibly bandits because of his clan of Siths in Old Replubic) He likes open world games so there might be a chance he will try it out and even review it if enough words is given.

( and if you seriously don't know who is, here's his site: http://angryjoeshow.com/ and his twitter: https://twitter.com/AngryJoeShow/ )

I'm waiting for angry joe to mention this mod too. It's gonna be epic.

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Is it really wise to judge a game that is months from being complete?

Best time to wouldn't you say?If you boil away the OPs personal tale and look at the bare feedback in what they are saying, they are pointing out that the gameplay is a bit dull and the mod needs more than *Find stuff>Hide Stuff>Protect Stuff/Kill for Stuff* before it mutates into a full blown game.

When viewed like that i'd tend to agree.

Rockets proposed future content doesn't hold much hope personally. Underground bases etc are just the same stuff we have now just approached slightly differently. What (IMO) needs work is the whole spawn system and the way server hopping gets treated. As it stands, DayZs main goal is to get good gear, but the flawed spawn and farming system we have now makes a mockery of that, so there is core issues needing changes.

Edited by Never

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"These statistics" is vague and implying you are asking for the general collection of statistics that people are talking about in this thread. I don't think you were simply asking about "current players online", but you say you did to seem like less of an idiot.

Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with you? You have the reading comprehension skills of a cross-eyed Catfish. My original post makes it perfectly clear what I was refering to with my question. Here it is again:

But... There is currently 19,000 players. When I first started playing a month ago it was a big deal when there was 11,000 people on.

Quick question: where do you find these statistics?

Of all my posts on this board and this is the one that I get flamed for the hardest? It's pretty LOL really. Now, stop wasting my time and DIAGF, Troll.

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Which is why Rocket has continually said he wants to work on the end game content. You didn't honestly think it was going to be released like this did you?

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Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with you? You have the reading comprehension skills of a cross-eyed Catfish. My original post makes it perfectly clear what I was refering to with my question. Here it is again:

Of all my posts on this board and this is the one that I get flamed for the hardest? It's pretty LOL really. Now, stop wasting my time and DIAGF, Troll.

Keep telling yourself that. Your post was vague and i was aggroed by the displayed retardation, whether genuine retardation from your side or miss-communication from both sides, it matters little at this point because there's no way to decide what is what or who thinks what about what who did because of what. I stated why I was startled--I never seize to be surprised by the levels of retardation that exists both IRL and on the internet--and my reaction was logical, at worst premature and uncontrolled (not surprising due to my sleep deprivation).

I still think you are retarded, though.

Edited by Athrins

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So, does the TC realize that this game has been steadily growing ever since release yet? And that it is currently more popular than it ever has been? This post fails so hard.

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Op is either a clueless moron, or a bad troll. or both.

0/10 for effort. try harder.

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there is sadly not much to do when you gather lots fo loot.

i hunt snipers now, they killed me too many times and now i seek revenge :)

...and the game is still in alpha, still more features to be added, don't worry!

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One of the largest appeals of DayZ is the fact that it's character driven. We are provided tools, it's up to us to put them to good use. DayZ was never meant to be your typical "Fun" game. This game is entirely based on heavy decision making that authors some of the rawest immersion (if allowed), that many have seen in years. One of those games that annoys you to the point of logging out, only to return thirty minutes later. The only deciding factor as to how broad you can be with your adventures is what supplies you have at hand. Therefore, it's truly on you to make or break your DayZ story. It's almost like a sick social experiment, but I love it.

Edit: If you run with a crew of friends, I would highly suggest setting roles and appointing a navigator plus some leader role. Running about with no motivation is a waste in many ways. Get creative, be aggressive. Don't just sit at camp holding hands.

Edited by Corpserey

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Op is either a clueless moron, or a bad troll. or both.

0/10 for effort. try harder.

OP played the game 10 hours a day for months and now because he is bored, the whole wolrd should be bored. And because he wouldn't buy the game, the world shouldn't buy the game. I hate to repeat tha same shit again and again as some people do but, the game is in Alpha state, things are being added and new stuff is being created and it will take some time until it can be considered as a stand alone project.

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I feel like the majority of people who are bored with the game at this very moment are the people who play it like a single player game, or play it strictly PvE. The kind of players who after a month have 1000 zombie kills but 3 player kills. It doesn't matter the game you're playing, player vs player environments are going to be much more dynamic and exciting after a month of doing them then any PvE encounter you can introduce to the player.

If you want to exclude yourself from the entirety of the population of a game, and choose to roam the sandbox for days in hopes of "maxin' your character' then good for you, but don't ignore a major aspect of the game (Player vs Player encounters) and expect there to be any longevity.

Inb4 bandit etc.

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All games get boring after a while. I dont understand the point of threads like these. And besides, there is still more to come anyway.

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Thread summary:

ADHD kid with ADHD friends get bored with playing a game in development that is not even halfway complete. Uses this experience to make a troll post. Stops posting when called out on his "statistics".

Seriously though, even rocket himself has said that there isn't enough in the game to keep it interesting past a few days. Of course there are going to be more elements put into the mod. Instead of making a troll post like this in some kind of lame attempt to get a rise out of the dev's, how about you go into that suggestions part of the forum and suggest what you want to see in the game?

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The game was never really meant to be fun It's a simulator.

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