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Don't Whine About The PvP

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It is a big part of the game and if you don't like the realism, do not complain here, the realism is from ARMA, not DayZ, seems like you people don't know, It is my favourite feature of the game, and I'm not a bandit, now suck it up, if you can not accept that bullets suck to be hit with, go somewhere else.

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It is a big part of the game and if you don't like the realism, do not complain here, the realism is from ARMA, not DayZ, seems like you people don't know, It is my favourite feature of the game, and I'm not a bandit, now suck it up, if you can not accept that bullets suck to be hit with, go somewhere else.

I'd have to say that someone strafing around you zeroing in with a hatchet swinging is much more dangerous than someone with a gun.

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It is a big part of the game and if you don't like the realism, do not complain here, the realism is from ARMA, not DayZ, seems like you people don't know, It is my favourite feature of the game, and I'm not a bandit, now suck it up, if you can not accept that bullets suck to be hit with, go somewhere else.

Yes because in real life, a bandit can log out of the world the moment I begin to shoot back.

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i always randonly die to a 'dodgy' sniper, nothing else, I wish they would stop changing the server names (always to a telporting sniper on a rouge server). I'm all for PVP but i think high grade military equipment should be taken out

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i always randonly die to a 'dodgy' sniper, nothing else, I wish they would stop changing the server names (always to a telporting sniper on a rouge server). I'm all for PVP but i think high grade military equipment should be taken out

Got headshot in the airfield just now and lost my day old characetr, he had all tools and could live up north in bush easily living of meat.

I was gutting a cow in the middle of the strip in stary which probably wasn't the smartest idea but i hadn't seen a player in so long thought i was safe.

Long story cut shrt, stay the F** away from airfields, there's always a sniper around.

Edited by Mr Zee

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Complaining about PvP in Dayz is like complaining about corners in a driving game!

the realism is from ARMA, not DayZ, seems like you people don't know,

But what the hell does that mean? Makes no sense at all.

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This game is supposed to be P&PvE&P. Player, possibly with Player, Versus Environement and Players.

The only thing I think is bad is that PvP is so easy and rewarding that it's PvP+E, lacking the other interactions available if you are not in a Skype/Mumble server and similies.

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Complaining about PvP in Dayz is like complaining about corners in a driving game!

But what the hell does that mean? Makes no sense at all.

People whine that Dayz is to realistic when it is not Dayz being realistic

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There are almost more threads about people complaining about people complaining about PvP, then there are about people complaining about PvP.

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On my server there have been a group of 4 people that has been harassing all the coastal citys with helicopters and always camp the airstrips. Recently people have gotten really tierd of these guys killing every one. So what i did was assemble everyone i know that plays, and a few other guys on the server, we ended up 12 people that headed to the NW airstrip where we took down there precious helicopter and now we are hunting for these crazy killers.

I now know what rocket meant about fixing the problem ourselves.

No use whining about bandits, gather people and make the hunters the prey.

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I don't complain about PVP but the effect the KOS mentality is having on players.

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Don't whine about the "whiners"? :rolleyes:

Everyone is allowed to play how they want to, you are just as bad trying to force other people to play your way.

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