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Most intense firefight of my life

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the dmr is essentially the m14, there's absolutely nothing wrong with using it the way he did. Other points are valid though, and yeah looks like YOU blew up the truck.

XD possible. and the 1911/revolver and DMR/m14 round changing is a exploit? if so i wont do ne more but other than that ok

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It's an exploit cause you get all your ammo back for the clip, which you knew that :) Either way I enjoyed the video.

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Ya shooting with the DMR in this kind of Situation is maybe good or usefull, Panicmode on :D

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I honestly have no idea how my grenade counter didnt go down

Oh, really? That's why you screaming 'I have infinite grenades' over and over..other guy even says: 'dude you need to edit that out if you gonna place it on youtube', right affter you start screaming about your grenades.



Edited by tickle_me_jesus
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Oh, really? That's why you screaming 'I have infinite grenades' over and over..other guy even says: 'dude you need to edit that out if you gonna place it on youtube', right affter you start screaming about your grenades.



yea cause i it didnt go down i was pretty fucking excited.... u can see afterwards they randomly do and i wouldve edited it out if i was a cheater....

Edited by xxnickpwnsxx

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this guy wins..


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dude, I seriously can't stop laughing, this is absolutely AMAZING, purely for the fact you're a fucking mental-ist hahaha

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ty i have many other videos i will be uploading, except im not yelling and sniping very well....didnt think it would get any attn lol ill be making alot more videos so sub if ya want or hate on me idgaf ^_^

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No matter how decent a person you are - a fire fight in DayZ will give anybody the high you need to get this crazy. I had 3 intense firefights today and actually got a little sick from the stress. Love this mod! Best thing that has happened to me in gaming in years!

Holy shit completely agree! My blood is rushing just from watching and making me wanna start Dayz again =D

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I liked the video and your energy despite all the negative posts. I have been in some nasty firefights as well and can empathize with the rush you got; DayZ is the only game that has given me feelings of panic or excitement at a substancial level.

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It is possible that you killed the truck. A ural (the truck they had) isn't armored and it is possible that your shots and grenades hit the fuel tank or something. Once severely damaged any vehicle could ignite!

Is there a self destruct feature for vehicles?

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ROFL...spastic as fuck...but I would be too... Nice job lol... love your screaming like a bitch when they started to return fire at you...LMFAO.

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Holy shit completely agree! My blood is rushing just from watching and making me wanna start Dayz again =D

Yeah this video is an example of the greatness of this mod. You risk so much at every shot fired, it makes you stress, go crazy, celebrate victory and get mad when you die. I haven't had this feeling in any game!

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Yeah this video is an example of the greatness of this mod. You risk so much at every shot fired, it makes you stress, go crazy, celebrate victory and get mad when you die. I haven't had this feeling in any game!


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I know that feeling man. Everytime I hear the "whip-crack" of rounds flying, I get an adrenaline spike like crazy. Afterwards, I get the shakes for a good 10 minutes coming down. Best high in the world...

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ROFL...spastic as fuck...but I would be too... Nice job lol... love your screaming like a bitch when they started to return fire at you...LMFAO.

rofl mine too xD

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