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Most intense firefight of my life

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Awesome vid, I was jealous a bit of the rush of adrenaline you experienced.

One thing though, don't tell your team mates to STFU that's fn rude.

You screaming like a girl was great.

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Awesome vid, I was jealous a bit of the rush of adrenaline you experienced.

One thing though, don't tell your team mates to STFU that's fn rude.

You screaming like a girl was great.

Well we are all friends and always tell each other to shut the fuck up, its normal to us when its a big group. It bothers outsiders more than us xD we all close so we know how far to take things and when it goes over we respect it still.

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Nice ammo swap there, refilling DMR mags that way is an EXPLOIT. Good to see you are dumb enough to post video of yourself being a over-excitable manchild and a cheat on the net. ^__~

Edited by Korax
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He must be related to this guy

Edited by PineScentX

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Not annoying. Actually, anyone who can get annoyed by something like that is annoying in my opinion. "Oh wow so annoying." That's annoying, not someone getting a rush on DayZ. It's not like you are 11 years old and sound like you've been inhaling helium for the past hour.

My beans.

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Those guys were chumps. You were fully exposed standing in that field for like 30 seconds after they got out of the truck. If they had known what they were doing you would have been toast.


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You really sound like a little girl when you get shot at.^^ Fight was good, but you can't stop taking your medication. And shouting something like "..you know who I am.." kind of pathetic, isn't it... you are bit of a monkey.

Edited by *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

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You know, if you calmed down a little bit, you probably would have been able to actually hit them. I mean, I get where you're coming from - firefights in this game definitely get my heart pumping, but if you make any effort at all to control that shit, you can usually stomp all over other players' nuts while they're freaking out.

Also, why the fuck does everybody keep insisting that he knew the grenades would dupe? Any idiot can tell that he's as surprised as anybody else when the counter stops going down. Sheesh.

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wow did someone drop you as a baby or some shit.

''silence the fuck up''

''screams on the mic himself''

wow really?

ps: no he didnt blow up the truck, YOU DID. So technically, you are a ''CUNT''.

Edited by Guest

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Terrible use of cover when all you had to do was be patient and use the brow of the hill and zoom, exploiting ammo bugs, bad weapon selection discipline, spamming bullets and nades to destroy the vehicle you wanted to loot, losing your cool completely, not equipping your sidearm when you moved closer.

Taking out 7 guys in a truck single-handedly, being fearless and ruthless, perfectly summing up what an intense game Day Z can be.

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Well first of all, you're an horrid aim. Second of all, you show an awful example, you should probably moderate your language, because those are not your school colleagues so stop calling them "motherfu*kers" because that's just rude and childish, as once again, you're not that good. Actually it was bad vs bad, so I don't understand all the freakin' hype around it.

What I really saw on this vid was some sad guy screaming to his mic, insulting people that he doesn't know, using bugs to refill ammo, shooting like a complete retar*. So sorry, nop, you're not the best, quite the contrary, any skilled player would have wiped you, and one proof of that is the fact that they get inside the truck knowing that you were there.

Now, don't get excited kid, and learn how to respect the other players, because they don't know your family so stop calling them "motherfuc*ers"

Edited by Tenshi

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*no one talking* " OKAY SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!! *loud breathing*"

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This was really cool to watch.

DayZ is probably the closest simulator (in a firefight) to real life.

It gets everyone's adrenaline rushing!

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Yeah dude your mic is ridiculously loud compared to any other sound, ever. My headphones almost exploded. On that note, I was laughing for probably 5 minutes after your video ended because of how stupid it was.

I will say... i've been in minor firefights where I see 2 guys running straight at me, my heart freaked out so much that after I killed the two guys I had to abort because I thought I was going to die. I came back 20 minutes later to loot the bodies after I calmed down... If my pulse goes above 120 I start to have PVC's and that freaks me the fuck out haha this game can be fucking intense sometimes, and people won't understand it unless they play it.

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