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Most intense firefight of my life

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Haters gonna hate.

That was sweet. Learn to calm yourself a bit more and your DMR rounds won't hit the truck you're trying to save, but other than that... well played sir.

P.S. - PM me about the grenades, I'm curious.

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Pointless to watch, not only is he a terrible shot. ( not saying they were great either ) But he split the MAG and recombined it to regain ammo. Fail.

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Haters gonna hate.

That was sweet. Learn to calm yourself a bit more and your DMR rounds won't hit the truck you're trying to save, but other than that... well played sir.

P.S. - PM me about the grenades, I'm curious.

dude i really dont know i commented on my video about it ill repost it here...



was another not confirmed clearly headshot not sure if logged also between




i thought i was out of grenades i was not paying attention I ran right towards them thinking my dmr was equipped and when i clicked i noticed crosshair for grenades still and then it allowed me to throw 2 more why not? im out numbered you would too.

and also when i started video i had 8 kills +3 but the 3 i killed never showed up on counter i think they alt f4'd.... and when i shoot sniper in face he didn't die and i didn't get a counter when its a clear kill

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I assume those kinds of emotions are unique to DayZ, which speaks in its favor. However, i really don't know why I watched that video until the end, twice even. I'll tell you what it reminded my of. Does anyone else still remember the video of the angry german kid trying to play unreal tournament? That's how annoying it was to listen to OP! It would have been something special (for the opposing team at least) if you had screamed in direct chat all the time instead of annoying your buddies.

Also, it took you 58(!!) rounds to deal with three guys, not to mention some apparently well practised game mechanic exploits (you are quite fast when it comes to converting mags for more ammo).

I honestly have no idea how my grenade counter didnt go down

My bs senses are tingling...

Edited by Lynx

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wow you're an asshole. telling your team to "shut the fuck up" when theyre trying to get to your location to help you in a 1v5 situation.

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Sir, this was the best laugh I ever had at someone playing DayZ.

Not laughing at you, laughing with you :D

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One of the most annoying things I have ever watched. I'm a friendly survivor but if I ever saw you in-game I'd just blast you away no questions asked. Despite the fact that it was a tense situation, it wasn't helped by the fact that all the guns sound like popcorn. Thank you Arma 2 sound designer.

I couldn't watch more than half the video.

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I lol'd so hard.. dude you are fuckin nuts lol.

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Duplicationg ammunition and grenades. Someone ban this kid.

there was NO DUPING of grenades i didnt no i had any left when i ran down towards them until i got shot at and laid down i noticed they were still there so stfu

Edited by xxnickpwnsxx

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The ammo duping is a no no, he is now aware of that. The grenades were not an intentional expliot, but surely did help his situation. Get off your high and mighty horses and learn to relax, as you all seem to like to tell this guy. I enjoyed the video, keep at it and just try not to dupe any more ammo.

Cheers, Twin

Edited by Twin

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Without the infinite ammo exploit and infinite grenades this wouldn't have been possible. You should've listened to your clan members and edited that part out. And don't pretend that you didn't know they were exploits.

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enjoy and sorry for screaming so much xD no other game gets my blood pumpin like dayz

LOL, wow, you need to play some Arma2 if you want to be in some real firefights.

That way you won't have to cheat the way you clearly were doing in the video and then talking about it.

You are the problem with DayZ. Not to mention...CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

Edited by Slyder73

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You seem a bit mental and I could never stand playing with someone like you... THAT SAID, the video gave me a few good laughs. :thumbsup:

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Great video... It just goes to show how amazing this mod is!!!

But... You sir really need to relax a bit... You're going to have an aneurysm!!! My favorite part is when you were taking fire and started screaming like you were getting raped!!! Priceless...

On the fight side.. Great job. Terrible marksmanship (you did destroy that vehicle I believe), but great job nonetheless.

On the gaming side..You did were obviously exploiting, and your friends knew it... Infintite grenades, the speed and precision of the ammo spliting/refilling that only comes with long practice... That's a hanging offence there son... On top of that, anyone who says they have multiple rare objects like GPS's makes me wonder...

Finally, with the kind of language you used, heat of the moment and all. I don't know about your teammates, but if I had been on the receiving end of that abuse, I would have seriously considered teamkilling you myself.

In the end, I'm sorry you got killed. Go slower, aim better and stop the exploits... There's a good man... Classic video for so many reasons!!!

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Great video... It just goes to show how amazing this mod is!!!

But... You sir really need to relax a bit... You're going to have an aneurysm!!! My favorite part is when you were taking fire and started screaming like you were getting raped!!! Priceless...

On the fight side.. Great job. Terrible marksmanship (you did destroy that vehicle I believe), but great job nonetheless.

On the gaming side..You did were obviously exploiting, and your friends knew it... Infintite grenades, the speed and precision of the ammo spliting/refilling that only comes with long practice... That's a hanging offence there son... On top of that, anyone who says they have multiple rare objects like GPS's makes me wonder...

Finally, with the kind of language you used, heat of the moment and all. I don't know about your teammates, but if I had been on the receiving end of that abuse, I would have seriously considered teamkilling you myself.

In the end, I'm sorry you got killed. Go slower, aim better and stop the exploits... There's a good man... Classic video for so many reasons!!!

jesus christ i did NOT dupe fucking grenades i did switch my ammo. i didnt know that was wrong but i dont do it now and i had gps from buddy and we always have group so we always have nvg or gps, im assed out right now since other vid i put up we fixed up 2 atvs killed bandits took their car parts and had fixed up a hatchback also... then they came back for revenge and won. we do not cheat I have never cheated in my life I HATE hackers and this video was for fun...can't believe how much negativity came from it ffs.

Im not like this 24/7 i was doing it for teh lulz and was uber excited haters gon' hate.

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I didnt know that was wrong but i dont do it now .... we do not cheat I have never cheated in my life I HATE hackers and this video was for fun...

Easy with the cussin' there young fella. If you say you're not doing it anymore then I'm cool with that. Don't really care either way. Hopefully next time you'll consider disengaging when you're down to your last clip. You stood your ground and fought it out... Cudos...

As for these forums, it seems like any time anyine posts anything, people are going to flame you... (happened to me several times) so don't sweat it. Keep posting those videos...

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XD possible. and the 1911/revolver and DMR/m14 round changing is a exploit? if so i wont do ne more but other than that ok

Nice work man!!!

Good blood pump levels. Ignore all these people telling you how to be and how bad you are, I doubt any of them would have come out on top.

Calm down?? The man was in a fire fight!!!?!

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funny shit i dont get why ppl are complaining he had the best adrenaline rush of his life so its okay that he screams and shoots like he's got an AK :D

anyway nice done they are pissed to be sure

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i love this video for the random madness :D

everyone handles stress differently.

if you have to vent your stress over voice so be it,

don't let them fuckers tell you off on it,

as long as your team is ok with it xD

once you get experience in fights like this you will learn to calm more.

@all the duping police offices -

if you are so mad at this guy for refilling his dmr mags,

do you always throw away your ammo that gets refilled upon login?

the grenade exploit clearly wasn't intentional,

who would do that ON PURPOSE and just upload it to youtube?

lets give him some props for an intense 1vs5.

Edited by Azrail
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