logan23 118 Posted July 14, 2012 Hi guys,With Rocket's mention of possible future underground living areas/ bunker/ etc.I wanted to start a discussion on how these could work and also what problems/ pitfalls the devs should watch out for (playes who try to camp locations).Some of this topic is mentioned in Rocket's interview with GamebreakerTV-http://www.gamebreak...hall-interview/The goal is to look at possible issues-The benifits with this idea-How do you see it growing and what would be needed to build a dwelling like this......What tools are the players looking for to make these dwells their own and add functionality and build on the whole survival/ re build society topicPlease keep everything civil, this thread is meant to help Rocket and teamThanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chilled 17 Posted July 14, 2012 Need jukeboxes imo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blt 1 Posted July 14, 2012 Its an intresting concept to say the least, and would give the 'larger' groups of bandits or survivors a place to group up and such, and id say to build it would either be select sizes or adding on by getting x material and y tool and z material to expand and such. A lot can be added, and can do a lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
logan23 118 Posted July 14, 2012 If they have a jukebox then you would need to find a CDs/music. Each CD then can allow a player to place a music track into the jukebox....of course you need power =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kovah 4 Posted July 14, 2012 (edited) One problem could be: if they are not cleared/wiped every so often there would be 1000's of little "Holes, trapdoors or hidden grass piles" all over the place.His idea was to have them instanced so an entrance will be required for it. Edited July 14, 2012 by Kovah Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EpsilonNaught 9 Posted July 14, 2012 Need jukeboxes imo.Lol jukeboxes would be one of the last things added, if that. I think building underground would be simply amazing. Use entrenching tools or shovels and dig out a bunker. Pick Axes could be used to expand the underground area and such...These newly added generators could provide power for a lot of electronics, like lighting, defense systems, security, air conditioning etc..They'd have to be careful on how the underground is constructed, like if it is in its own instance, or in a seperate world with every other underground base. Having it seperate from anything else means more security for whoever owns it because others would not be able to dig in from somewhere else. New storage would also be great. Tents should not be allowed underground, so I think ammo crates and weapon racks should be allowed to be installed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 117 Posted July 14, 2012 i'm hopeful about this whole idea, however i have some apprehensions... i think i heard rocket mention instances when he was talking about this, which is fine, but i don't want bases to be completely safe and disconnected from the world. i want them to be accessible from the outside world, potentially by hostiles. an interesting thing that popped into my head on hearing about this would be to add some sort of key or padlock combination system to their entrances so you could potentially lose your key to a bandit, or have someone give away your combination, and have security compromised in the future, leading to bandits/hostiles invading bases and intense cqb. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
logan23 118 Posted July 14, 2012 I agree that the locations should not be 100 percent safe.I'm picturing the dwelling could be actually a small cave which players can then dig and enlarge it for future rooms.I can see that the dwelling would have a door which can be camoflouged if you have a items for it.Tools and items/gear could also be used to make locks to prevent other players from simply walking in but as Roket mentioned in the Interview that then other players can find ways to hack in and break what ever security the player setup.I'm also picturing that the location to build these will need certain soil. This will keep players from building one inside a town.Need Tools to start?-Shovel-Remove/ transport rock and dirt away?-Gas or electric powered tools to cut and trear through the dirt and ground-DrillsDwelling would need generator to have lights inside and Metal Scraps to help build walls and supports to build out more rooms.This would need to take time.I'm think these type of dwellings would be for groups while tents are for lone wolves? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 117 Posted July 15, 2012 I agree that the locations should not be 100 percent safe.I'm picturing the dwelling could be actually a small cave which players can then dig and enlarge it for future rooms.I can see that the dwelling would have a door which can be camoflouged if you have a items for it.Tools and items/gear could also be used to make locks to prevent other players from simply walking in but as Roket mentioned in the Interview that then other players can find ways to hack in and break what ever security the player setup.I'm also picturing that the location to build these will need certain soil. This will keep players from building one inside a town.Need Tools to start?-Shovel-Remove/ transport rock and dirt away?-Gas or electric powered tools to cut and trear through the dirt and ground-DrillsDwelling would need generator to have lights inside and Metal Scraps to help build walls and supports to build out more rooms.This would need to take time.I'm think these type of dwellings would be for groups while tents are for lone wolves?like the camo idea. haven't thought deeply enough about build location restrictions, but it might be cool to be able to build under a town, so i'm not sure about that. he's mentioned generators in the past, so i'm assuming they're likely to be included in the future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Herb (DayZ) 121 Posted July 15, 2012 I think the only way for this to actually work would be for it to make a portal to an instanced zone, and that portal is only in the server it was put in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Batuhan87 24 Posted July 15, 2012 i'm hopeful about this whole idea, however i have some apprehensions... i think i heard rocket mention instances when he was talking about this, which is fine, but i don't want bases to be completely safe and disconnected from the world. i want them to be accessible from the outside world, potentially by hostiles.an interesting thing that popped into my head on hearing about this would be to add some sort of key or padlock combination system to their entrances so you could potentially lose your key to a bandit, or have someone give away your combination, and have security compromised in the future, leading to bandits/hostiles invading bases and intense cqb.This idea is amazing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
logan23 118 Posted July 15, 2012 I think the only way for this to actually work would be for it to make a portal to an instanced zone, and that portal is only in the server it was put in.Yes, I believe he said these dwellings would be stances so there would be no lag or clutter to the game world.I'm not sure but it might be something that is cross server since it's instanced? i could be wrong...I don't think they will allow it inside town due to the de spawning of the Infected. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted July 15, 2012 I think they should at least -TRY- above ground settlements before they embark on instancing underground stuff. Isn't that what we're all about? Trying new things?All the items/tools are there, just no mechanic for the player to use to create with them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SteveMac555 37 Posted July 15, 2012 I have come up with a few ideas...Was easier to do a Google doc:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eI6tYZgmDTOKBZtdT7UxQ99A6kyy3QjOghL-JRspe38/edit?pli=1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexis 127 Posted July 15, 2012 One problem could be: if they are not cleared/wiped every so often there would be 1000's of little "Holes, trapdoors or hidden grass piles" all over the place.His idea was to have them instanced so an entrance will be required for it.Maybe give them a despawn timer that activates upon player death? Could be for several days, even: the bases wouldn't be easy to establish and the map is pretty darn big. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shea 13 Posted July 15, 2012 (edited) Everyone knows about the potential of such ideas to:-bog down servers with data (unused bases still taking up space on a sever, etc.)-be useless to the owners while they are offline-be impossible to defend 24/7-how to limit the size of such a feature, considering its essentially a base for people-how to have safety features of some kind (any case where there may be ally-accessible-only features)anyways this list goes on and on.SOLUTION:Create a squad system. Have a squad leader and group members possibly. Such a feature allows for an ingame mechanic that has potential to remedy all of these problems, and many more.Examples:Q: limit the size of the base?A: Have the size of the base be dependent on squad size? Hell you could put a cap on base size even, its possible but at least there'd be some sort of mechanism to determine this.Q: Cluttered server due to tons of bases on the map...even unused ones?A: Have your base be tied to your squad info as a file, so that the base can be loaded into a server. Give it a cool-down timer to despawn, have it only be able to spawn in its original location (if un-occupied on the current server of course), hell you could even have a voting/roll-call system for determining when to have it accessible to spawn.The point here is that there's A BOATLOAD of applications for a squad mechanic, hell you could even have armbands or some on-screen icon to ID teammates. The potential is limitless really, and the solution is simple too.I pray someone--Rocket or one of his crew at least reads this. . . . . Pipedream or no? Bad idea or no? Edited July 15, 2012 by Shea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dingus (DayZ) 429 Posted July 15, 2012 My number 1 concern for his idea, as much as I like it, is how the transition from surface to underground would occur.Where are these bunks, or even places building would be allowed, located? Using the same map on all servers, would not everyone know all these locations anyway? Can more than one instance/base be build from the same 'access point?' If a base is built large enough, could it make contact with or bump into other bases?Once these kinds of logistics are ironed out, I would feel more comfortable fantasizing on what my 'vault' would be like. I loved the concept; it just seems far out. I especially liked him discussing the possibility to have hydroponic farms underground or other means of self-sustainability. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Techercizer 82 Posted July 15, 2012 I've long had a dream of stalking down a long, pitch-black, square, concrete tunnel underneath the surface of Cheranus, with only whatever light I bring in with me to stave off the darkness, and the tiny possibility of someone lurking at the end of every turn in the dark, waiting... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shea 13 Posted July 15, 2012 (edited) --Dingus:Just use the squad mechanic like I suggested (above) and have the creation of a base/bunker/hole-in-the-ground be create-able in set regions and place-able in the same way tents are (enough clear space/flat ground...whatever specifications you could think of for a base) Edited July 15, 2012 by Shea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slyguy65 499 Posted July 15, 2012 To those who have travelled around the map a good amount.....take it you have come across those random blue doored concrete shacks...usually there is a fence around them....ya i bet you money those are the "underground" bases he is referring to...and actually i like that idea easier than adding the complication of clearing an open town and trying to defend it against zombies...funny i was always wondering if they were going to utilize those random bunkers all around the map.Anyway how i would like underground bases to work-they would be in those aforementioned blue door shacks most would be unlocked some would start out locked (the locked one would have better gear)-if you enter an unlocked one you find a key that you can put in your utility inventory and that lets you lock and unlock your base door.-to unlock locked doors (pre locked and player locked doors you can do one of two thingsa)blow it open with a satchel charge (this would destroy the door and make it un repairable so the bunker would no longer be safe to use for storage...unless you want to risk it)b)Crack it open this will require 3 sets of tools perhaps; matches,fuse,and small plastic explosivesNOTE: any forced entry would break the door and you would then need a tool box to fix the door (would give more use to the toolbox)NOTE: each bunker would have its own unique key so that mindless killing will get you no where....use your head not your blood lust to get his bunker key and location. Or just do what everyone else will do...kill on sight and happen upon a bunker key and feel good knowing you just fucked someone over....but nevermind that.-there will be cache's in each bunker where you can store weapons and food (unlocked ones will still have loot in them maybe but the locked ones will for sure and they would have the equivalent to crashed helicopter loot.-there will be a fountain where you can re fill water bottle-also there could be different bunker types such as medical bunker, military hardware bunker (gps,rangefinder,NVG top tier guns also these will be the majority of the "locked" bunkers next to medical) then there would be civilian (the majority of bunkers) civilian would just have food maybe a double barrel, enfield or such low tier backpack."Well what if i kill someone and take his bunker key and never find his bunker?" Hmmm well the key could be reset after a certain amount of time if not used like vehicles it would be taken out of said persons inventory and would respawn in the bunker would still be locked if locked last....so pretty much what would happen after a while would be that most people would have to force there way in"What if most or all the doors become destroyed completely on a server...well hopefully there wouldn't be enough satchel charges to do that...but knowing people, if theres a way to fuck things up...they will find a way....(what its just fact). To prevent that any bunkers without doors would respawn a door every ...month or so?Obviously over time with all the killing and what not all the bunkers would locked because people will lock them go out and probably die with the douche bag murderer just not bother using it so ya pretty much the mindset will be..."oh look a bunker it is locked" so people will most likely end up searching for the 3 tools needed to open a bunker instead of just looking for a bunker."So if the bunkers follow a key/lock method will it work cross server" AAHHH yes the one flaw (IMO) since well everyone would end up having copies of your key pretty much right? Hm...idk maybe some how make them server specific? idk. Maybe just get rid of the key idea all together and have the only way to open locked ones is through the 3 tools/satchel mehtod.The only time that it can be locked by a player i guess is if they are inside. I don't love that idea but it would be the best method since a unique key system is kind of out of the question (then again i don't know if its impossible or just hard to do) Or just have the ability to lock it whenever and the only to open it back up again is to crack it and repair it over and over each time you want to enter and leave...best i got this is all just brainstorming.But ya off the top of my head that is what i think bunkers would be in dayz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maderas 12 Posted July 15, 2012 I think it's a cool idea, and I'm looking forward to see the implementation of it. The game needs some long term goals to work toward, as is now it's very simple and becomes boring within a month or two.There's going to be an almighty shitstorm kicked up by the "RAAGGHHH ME HATE CHANGE! ME WANT EVERYTHING STAY SAME FOREVER!" crowd when it comes out, though. Guaranteed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosh 5 Posted July 15, 2012 Rocket said he already tried the above ground structures and it cluttered the world too much. I believe he also mentioned he already has some sort of security/lock system that you can actually write the code for in-game, and then another player can try and hack his way through it. Not knowing any programing whatesoever I would probably just bash it with the axe until it opened:)Other thoughts/comments:I like the idea of gas or electric powered tools being needed.Needing to harvest wood to use as support beams underground could be interesting. Would depend on how the mechanics of actually digging out and creation works. Removal of dirt might be too tedious for my tastes.Solar panels in addition to generators? Pros and cons.. more visible (esp from the air), but no refueling needed..Hydroponics: would be neat, especially if you could loot rare and high quality seeds. Perhaps some plants could provide medicinal remedies as an alternative to needing to always raid hospitals.Respawn: This may not be within the concepts for the game, but I really would not mind respawning inside my shelter rather than the beach. If I've got the shelter to a point that it is livable then I have most certainly paid my dues in the game...respawning there instead of the beach would be a huge relief to the start over fatigue.Could entrances be big enough to drive vehicles into? mostly comes down to how the doors will work?Lots of interesting ways this could be done, Looking forward to hearing and discussing more as time goes on! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killavirus 12 Posted July 15, 2012 i think bases should only be attackable when players registered with the base are online or inside the base. otherwise it could easily be abused.No vehicle hoarding inside the bases.Would love to have open design possibilities.When you register with a base you get a key and a marker on your map. If you are killed somebody can take the key and get teh marker on the map and they can just waltz in if they want.The key should be non droppable (stop people from just hiding them every time they leave).Need toolbox and scrap metal to make new lock (if your quick enough).if your base is powered there should be lights outside the entrance.I think with those ideas it would give a good balance to wether you should have a large or small base. Large clans could be infiltrated and smaller clans wouldnt be abused when offline. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cyanyde 165 Posted July 15, 2012 (edited) If something like this happens, I want to build the Bat Cave! :)Digging out a shelter sounds a little too Minecraft though..My guess would be npc survivors with some sort of trade system, and possibly some sort of quest thing.(Not really sure I like the quest thing but I doubt that part)Maybe you could rent a room in the converted sewers of Elektro or Cherno..Or maybe outposts held by survivors and NPCs where you can hellp to fight off random hoards from time to time.I can think of all sorts of ideas, but I'm hoping Rocket comes up with something awesome that none of of us saw coming. ;)Dunno, it's starting to sound less like DayZ, and more like Stalker/Fallout. :P Edited July 15, 2012 by Cyanyde Share this post Link to post Share on other sites