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Zombies: why they are silly and unbalanced

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Zombies in DayZ run fast. really fast. as fast as a player's maximum speed (doubletapping the W key)

While this on it's own might not be all that unbalanced, zombies also zigzag erratically and have a chance to knock you out (this is instant death 100% of the time)

Zombies in games and popular media are dangerous not because they can outrun you or dodge your bullets, but because they cluster in large groups and will slowly overwhelm you

That is why I suggest

-Increasing zombie awareness to gunshots and increasing their sight range

-Decreasing their speed to player jog speed (they will match you if you are jogging but you have a chance to outrun them if you sprint at full tilt for a while

-completely removing instant knockout, or at least massivly reducing it's length

I think if those points were implemented zombies would be a lot more "realistic" but not any less dangerous.

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The ZigZagging is just good ol' ArmA AI physics there isnt much you can do about that.

The knockout % is actually quite low anyways.

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I agree on the " speed must be reduced " a bit, maybe this will lower the zigzag effect.

Also they sould stop following the player after a while. Getting chased around the 225km2 of Chernarus is a bit ridiculous imo.

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The ZigZagging is just good ol' ArmA AI physics there isnt much you can do about that.

The knockout % is actually quite low anyways.

Out of my 7 or 8 deaths, at least 2 were caused by a lone zombie getting a lucky knock out and single handedly draining my blood while I sat staring at an hourglass.

Also zombies are way more stupid than they should be, especially if they are inside a building. I don't know if this is fixable but their viewrange should be increased so it isn't laughable

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I agree on the " speed must be reduced " a bit' date=' maybe this will lower the zigzag effect.

Also they sould stop following the player after a while. Getting chased around the 225km2 of Chernarus is a bit ridiculous imo.


This would also mean that you can get into a shitty situation and then just run until they stop. It just makes the game that much easier, and difficulty staying alive is part of the lure of this mod.

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Well you can make them stop after a huge ass distance for exemple.

But infinite distance, i stay on my position, is meh.

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I agree on the " speed must be reduced " a bit' date=' maybe this will lower the zigzag effect.

Also they sould stop following the player after a while. Getting chased around the 225km2 of Chernarus is a bit ridiculous imo.


This would also mean that you can get into a shitty situation and then just run until they stop. It just makes the game that much easier, and difficulty staying alive is part of the lure of this mod.

If zombies run at jogging speed, you are forced to full on sprint to outrun them. And you would have to sprint qutie a while

plus every zombie movie that is even a little "realistic" has humans outrunning 2 or 3 zombies.

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I'd just like to have them eventually stop following you.

50 zombies could literally chase you from Chernogorsk to Krasnotstav.

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The fact they chase you relentlessly just takes the fun out of it in my opinion. You should be able to lose them and at least outrun them if you sprint. I've been chased up and down the coastline countless times and it just gets tiring :-/

And if you're out of ammo while being chased, you're essentially fucked.

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Zombies chasing you infinitly would be fixed if they only ran at jogging speed.

then you could use short bursts of sprinting with doubletapping W to potentially lose them

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The only thing i would like fixed is that damn zig zagging,thats my main concern.I actually love how the zombies never stop,makes it really intense and satisfying when your being chased by about 10 zombies and you haul ass into the woods and throw a smoke grenade so they stop tailing you.

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Or you have to find a barn you can run into, let them get a few feet inside and then run like hell out the other side. It takes them awhile to lumber thru the barn.

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The only thing i would like fixed is that damn zig zagging' date='thats my main concern.I actually love how the zombies never stop,makes it really intense and satisfying when your being chased by about 10 zombies and you haul ass into the woods and throw a smoke grenade so they stop tailing you.


You're from GT aren't you? Thanks for making that thread and getting me into this mod (;

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All you have to do is find a barn or large, open building and shoot them while they walk. Realistic? No, but it makes for a fun game. I think it's quite balanced as it is seeing as how you also have to worry about bandits.

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The only thing i would like fixed is that damn zig zagging' date='thats my main concern.I actually love how the zombies never stop,makes it really intense and satisfying when your being chased by about 10 zombies and you haul ass into the woods and throw a smoke grenade so they stop tailing you.


You're from GT aren't you? Thanks for making that thread and getting me into this mod (;

Thats me!Glad you're enjoying!

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i agree the instant knockout is pretty annoying and barring a few player kills is the one way that i have died i know the knockout chance is low but if you have the instant knockout the timer should be less than it is currently make it a high damage event but not certain death when there is only 1 zed on you

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-completely removing instant knockout' date=' or at least massivly reducing it's length


this I have to agree with. kind of strange to see one zombie do it, considering I have a weapon in my hand. I'd suggest making this possible only if you're surrounded by a pack of zombies. and instead of that hourglass there should be an animation of your char being ripped to pieces ;)

every zombie movie that is even a little "realistic" has humans outrunning 2 or 3 zombies.

ahaha, c'mon, man. humans outrun zombies in movies because the main characters have to stay alive for at least 1 and a half hours of screen time

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Zombies are fine just as they are right now.

If you run in a straight line with zombies chasing you, there is no way they can harm you.

If you alternate between running and backpedaling you can shoot zombies as they try to attack you.

If you have alot of Z's chasing you, keep running until you find a barn or supermarket and let the turkey shoot begin.

If you manage to get more Z's after you than you can handle, you are not playing smart enough.

The only time i fear zombies is if i get caught in the open whilst having bigger threats to worry about, like not shooting to alert other players ect.

The only thing that i agree with is that you shouldnt get one hit TKO'd by a Z if you're at full blood.

Other than that, in my opinion they should make the zombies harder.

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I don't get the complaining about knockout with zombies.

The mod is more of a zombie survival simulation, and yes it's completely possible/realistic for someone to be K.O.ed in one random hit. If you get knocked out by a zombie you're done and dead, accept it, the dead aren't going to just paw at you or ignore you when you're in your most vulnerable moments. I understand that it's frustrating, but I'd say that's how life goes.

As to using barns, stairs etc. to kill zombies I think it's rather realistic. Most of these places exist as natural choke points, and you're exploiting a zombie weaknes: They may be fast, they can move erratically, but you know they WILL follow you, and you know they have a hard time navigating certain obstacles. You'd be insane not to take advantage of these facts in a real scenario. Besides you still need to make those shots count, you can still attract more, you need time to reload/ bandage/etc. so it's not like the game suddenly becomes easy once you've figured out basic zombie fighting techniques.

I can't count the number of times I've had tense moments fighting a horde in some choke point wondering if I had enough rounds or if I was going to bleed to death before I killed them all. The zombies aren't to keen on taking a timeout for me to bandage my booboos :P

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There's 3 things I dislike.

1. The distance. Give them an aggro radius of sorts

2. The knockout. If I'm perfectly healthy, they shouldn't knock me out.

3. The bleeding. I seem to almost ALWAYS bleed on the very first zombie hit. Bleeding also needs to stop on its own after like, 5k blood or something. Unless it's a huge gash, losing all your blood from a single wound is really tough to do.

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