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About SSG Izo

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  1. SSG Izo

    How many people have you converted?

    So far, I've infected 7 that doesn't play in my clan.
  2. SSG Izo

    Rewards for high humanity

    Never change anything concerning weapon performance based on how much humanity a player has or dont have, a bullet should always have the same effect. Kevlar/ body armour, sure. Angel/devilskin, no.
  3. SSG Izo


    So cars saves like characters in the database but like tents are saved on specific servers?
  4. Unless you want a wider variety of Gucci guns and steady supply of ammunition for those guns, there is really no point leaving the bigger cities. I rarely go back south, and if i spawn i leg it up north again. The southern coast is like the wild west without sheriffs, people killing each other for canned beans and makarov mags.
  5. There is nothing random about weapons in Arma. If you are a good shot and use 7.62 you SHOULD kill another player before he reacts. This mod doesnt need the "Everybody gets a fair chance, even if you are a bad player" that most FPS's have. If you get ambushed, my opinion is that one didnt pay enough attention to his surroundings/wasnt cautious enough. You already have a revive feature, Epi pen for someone that is unconscious. I dont want defibrillator style reviving a la BF3. I am all for new tools/features that promotes teamwork, just that BF style reviving isnt one of those features.
  6. SSG Izo

    More supplies than KBR/Halliburton

    As far as i can tell, the camp in Stary was removed with 1.5.1. That was the only other viable option to get Gucci-guns and ammo apart from the airfields, now the attention is yet again airfield camping. Had the Stary military camp been located in the middle of the map, it would have been an excellent way to get people to stop hugging the airfields. If the loot spawned once, and only reset at server restart, the amount of Pking will skyrocket. "Well, im not gonna find any loot since its 12h+ since server restarted, might as well shoot any player i see on sight" That doesnt have to be a bad thing, but from my point of view, it is. I do agree that food/drinks are too easy to find, but we've all had situations when we are desperate for food, checking village after village for any form of nutrition (Canned beans included but no preferred).
  7. SSG Izo

    Identify your killer.

    I think we need some kind of system that reveals the identity of ones killer. I dont want a "kill feed" somewhere on the screen where it says player X killed player Y. I think a notification either when i respawn or when the killing actually took place could be an idea. The main reason i want it is so we can try to sort out who's hopping servers, or find out what nickname hackers ect have. As an example, a few nights ago everyone on an EU server got teleported to Elektro where they got gunned down. If we could have identified the killers, most likely we would have found the hackers. I know the whole concept is opening a whole new can or worms, like. "You shouldnt be able to identify me when i sniped you from 500m+" As im wrapping up this post im still not sure that i even like the idea myself, but im throwing it out there to be scrutinized/discussed.
  8. SSG Izo


    There is no nuclear power plant in Chernarus, and as far as im concerned, unless the zombie apocalypse followed a nuclear war, radiation really doesnt belong in DayZ.
  9. SSG Izo

    Time to rid the idlers!

    I think the issue isnt with people being afk ingame, but idling in the lobby. Some people use it to "reserve" their slot on the server when they go afk for longer periods of time. There is a difference between lobby and ingame, lobby idling should have a timed kick.
  10. SSG Izo

    Server hoppers

    This is why i think we need a notification on who you got killed by. Its should by no means be a "kill feed", it would just be a notification that the victim can see.. and if he so pleases, share with the rest of the server.
  11. SSG Izo

    Shift time of day +12 hours

    Latency matters less in Arma than other FPS's, so jumping between US and EU servers is viable. Dont like the current lighting conditions? hop on another server :) I prefer the long cycles, and i frequent servers with 100+ ping without any issues.
  12. Zombies are fine just as they are right now. If you run in a straight line with zombies chasing you, there is no way they can harm you. If you alternate between running and backpedaling you can shoot zombies as they try to attack you. If you have alot of Z's chasing you, keep running until you find a barn or supermarket and let the turkey shoot begin. If you manage to get more Z's after you than you can handle, you are not playing smart enough. The only time i fear zombies is if i get caught in the open whilst having bigger threats to worry about, like not shooting to alert other players ect. The only thing that i agree with is that you shouldnt get one hit TKO'd by a Z if you're at full blood. Other than that, in my opinion they should make the zombies harder.