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About thebigbobrowski

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. thebigbobrowski

    Consequence to PvP by changing food

    fine as it is unless you make blood bags more common and spawn outside hospitals more often
  2. thebigbobrowski

    How do vehicle saves work?

    it works sometimes we spawnd in today to find one of our vehicles without 2 tires or a fixed engine and no gear that had been put in the night before
  3. i would be for removing name spotting and crosshairs but i do enjoy being in 3rd person when traveling and traversing buildings i dont really see it as an advantage when the whole server can also use it and if you take crosshairs out it effectively eliminates firefights while in 3rd person or at least to a degree. Overall i think its fine that these elements vary server by server that way everyone can play as they like with other players who enjoy a similar style i dont see how this is a problem to people who ask for the immersion of always 1st person if they can play on servers with people who also enjoy this. just my 2 cents.
  4. thebigbobrowski

    Zombies: why they are silly and unbalanced

    i agree the instant knockout is pretty annoying and barring a few player kills is the one way that i have died i know the knockout chance is low but if you have the instant knockout the timer should be less than it is currently make it a high damage event but not certain death when there is only 1 zed on you
  5. thebigbobrowski

    DayZ Update 1.5

    zombies seem to activate a lot easier now