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I hit the mother load...then bam

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So im server hopping (it takes about 10 minutes to scope out the area to a decent extent, so it by no means easy) in this location that has vehicles or tents about 10% of the time... well this time i hit the motherload (again, the first time i hit it the servers got attacked...and now the server i found stuff on doesn't even exist)...then bam session lost...as i was going through the enormous amount of loot (about 8 tents worth) i get a session lost...and my game froze...coincedence??? Granted the first time was just shit luck but this time....well guess what now i can't find this server now either....wtf is going on...am i just hated by the gods of fortune?

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Well it could of been a server admin seeing you in his tents and restarting the server. Happens often, Or maybe the server just crashed.

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You deserve for your session to be lost since you are a server hopper, the "gods" of fortune just falcon punched you for cheaply trying to attain it.

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You deserve for your session to be lost since you are a server hopper, the "gods" of fortune just falcon punched you for cheaply trying to attain it.

Just camp at the NWAF barracks wait for people to spawn RIGHT outside the tree line good times.

Sounds like an admin might've taken the server down for you but it is kinda justifiable.

Edited by Kovah

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Sad that people play the game this way to be honest..

At least he wasn't camping a loot spawn or a building, but yeah, not very immersive gameplay experience for him.

For the owner of the camp, though: Darwinism working as intended--obvious location must be pretty obvious if a server hopper is scouting that exact location for camps.

Edited by Athrins

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so it by no means easy)

Sure, I bet it's awfully hard. Like Bandito said, might have been the server admin who kicked you for finding your stash or because you're a suspected server hopper. Either way, this was a pretty good story. Glad to hear that the bugs sometimes work out for the best.

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So im server hopping (it takes about 10 minutes to scope out the area to a decent extent, so it by no means easy) in this location that has vehicles or tents about 10% of the time... well this time i hit the motherload (again, the first time i hit it the servers got attacked...and now the server i found stuff on doesn't even exist)...then bam session lost...as i was going through the enormous amount of loot (about 8 tents worth) i get a session lost...and my game froze...coincedence??? Granted the first time was just shit luck but this time....well guess what now i can't find this server now either....wtf is going on...am i just hated by the gods of fortune?

And that's the way the cookie crumbles...

Edited by Freekill0
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i don't server hop to kill people that is just cruel...i sever hop locations where i think people hide loot....is that so wrong that i steal instead of kill? And i only can hold so much....i leave about 90% of it for them i just like to stick my fingers in some pies....plus finding a city full gear and vehicles....feels good man.

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I have no sympathy for server hoppers, hackers, crakers, laggers, or bad Admins.

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No please by all means break the game and oh most importantly break the rules. Server hopping is against the rules of DayZ AND most servers. Be happy you don't get banned.

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Also people when you have played since the beginning...starting all over again just gets repetative...sorry i can't just play the exact same way forever and ever god forbid i find different play style that is fun or entertaining. i dont find enjoyment from PVP like 90% of the community i like finding peoples stashes and picking them a bit.

P.S the place i survey is quite large it isn't just a montain its more like a circle maybe 1 or 2km in diameter, and i travel between "spots" to see what people hide...its fun to see the amounts of loot for example these guys have satchel charges...about 15 of them....yaaa are those even legit.

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So you spend your time server hopping and now you're complaining? I bet you combat DC as well.

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Also people when you have played since the beginning...starting all over again just gets repetative...sorry i can't just play the exact same way forever and ever god forbid i find different play style that is fun or entertaining. i dont find enjoyment from PVP like 90% of the community i like finding peoples stashes and picking them a bit.

P.S the place i survey is quite large it isn't just a montain its more like a circle maybe 1 or 2km in diameter, and i travel between "spots" to see what people hide...its fun to see the amounts of loot for example these guys have satchel charges...about 15 of them....yaaa are those even legit.

Go play a different game then,

What;s the next step for you then? Straight up cheating?

"Sorry guys I've been playing the game way too long legit, it's just not fun to play that way anymore."

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That's what you get for server hopping and searching for camps / tents.

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Is it considered server hopping when you pick a different server to play in every time you log in for the day?

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Go play a different game then,

What;s the next step for you then? Straight up cheating?

"Sorry guys I've been playing the game way too long legit, it's just not fun to play that way anymore."

ya cause you know me so well...assume what you will i play two ways...i play immersive and i play like...this i guess....i play the way everyone thinks the game should be played about 80% of the time and the other 20% i just go around looking for top tier loot and its fun to do so...haters gana hate.

To be truely honest when i find a tent city (that hasn't already been raided; most are) i am usually already full for example the server came back up i checked their tents...they had just about every top tier weapon in the mod, they had a bout 5 SD rifles so i traded my bizon for one and took some mags....IMO this is the only way to "trade" with people safely so hate all you want i just found more than one way to enjoy myself.

P.S i only take the vehicle if it has room for passengers so me and my buddies have a vehicle...if it was so easy to server hop and steal everybodies stuff people would do it...just like DC'ing but it isn't you have to know where peopel hide their stuff. I say why let that knowledge go to waste. If people hid their stuff better i (or everyone else before me rather) wouldn't find it. Its not like im a server hopping prick in cherno or something with a sniper that kills noobs...nor am i a prick who says "well i can't carry all that loot i think ill dump it all on the ground so they can't use it either....seroiusly.

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Is it considered server hopping when you pick a different server to play in every time you log in for the day?

Ya i guess so....these people assume up the ass...

I only "server hop" (i switch server 2-3 times then get off) when i don't feel like playing for 5-6 hours...which is how i feel a lot of the times i just feel like playing 10-30 minutes so guess what i just camp a spot and hop once or twice to see if any loot is there. And i only play like twice a week or so now since honestly the game is just boring right now for me.

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Can you just let me shoot you in the chest with a double barrel? You are the kind people in DayZ who deserve to be kicked for a week or two. :thumbsup:

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Can you just let me shoot you in the chest with a double barrel? You are the kind people in DayZ who deserve to be kicked for a week or two. :thumbsup:

Its fun posing things i know people will flame at just shows how predictable peoples reactions are not to sound like a know it all or anything...ya know.


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who cares - combat DC'ing is the real problem

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