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Most memorable moment in DayZ so far?

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i've got 2 memorable moments so far 1: my second time playing the game i found a motorbike in perfect condition at berezino hospital all it needed was fuel. i drove that thing cross country for like 2 hours before i got clipped by a crafty zombie while refueling and passed out while he munched me. 2: i was scouting the elektro supermarket when a guy came sprinting out of the city with a train of zeds close behind, he hadn't seen me but was closing in fast. he was only about 10m from me when he finally spotted me prone in the grass. he continued running for a few seconds then turned around to observe me popping the zombies heads off one by one as the horde beat me to a pulp breaking my legs. weary from the chaos i get up spin round and pump 2 bullets into this fool for the stress he's caused but before he hits the floor he fires a shot and hits me. i quickly bandage, im down to 200 blood with broken legs. the crawl to the hospital was a long way.

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A while ago, was hunting some animals near the forest North of Elektro, where I heard a Helicopter over head following a man running away, they were laughing and joking at the man who was being hunted, I happened to have a AS50 and I took pity on the man being hunted I took aim through the scope and shot into the engine, I heard the rotor cut out and the chopper dropped height rapidly then I just heard an explosion.

The man just kept running not stopping to even say thanks he just kept running away, when I checked their bodies they had some rare weapons and lots of food.

That by far is the my most vivid memory of DayZ

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New story for ya. Me and my friend were go to stary to loot the tents and hopefully get some military grade weapons. Well, we do what we usually do and I watch over the tents while my friend raids. Well I went prone and was keeping watch. I looked to my right and saw a person prone under a tree right next to me! It looked like he was player killing by the whole set up of the scenario. Well I shot him twice with my enfield. Ted was dead. Happy for the first BANDIT kill ever, I rushed to his body. I pooped a little. L85 AWS thermal vision gun! And night vision goggles!! Along with a acog m4 in his back pack plus 3 antibiotics. Best kill IMO.

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The first time I played with a friend, we planned on meeting at the factory in Kamenka. Both of us were unarmed, just with our starting gear. I was coming in from the West, and I see another unarmed guy running straight towards me, followed by quite a few zombies. I start asking my friend over skype if that was him, and all of a sudden a british bloke starts yelling "RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" I book it to the south towards the factory, and by the time I make it to where my friend is, I have a huge trail of zombies on my tail.

We ended up losing them, but zombies can be such a pain in the ass when you are unarmed, especially the lives where you can't seem to find a gun anywhere.

Never found out what happened to that guy.

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Edited by tommy3579

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taking out 3 of a 4 man bandit squad with a lee enfield and they had snipers and rifles. I was strolling along in a field above stary after finding nothing in the tents. Then out of nowhere I had dmr shots cracking past my head. I went into the bush and peaked out and saw the sniper. 2 shots got him. I thought he was the only one so I ran out to loot him then I saw 3 others emerge from the bushes. I zig zagged and amazingly avoided all their shots. I got into another bush and crawled into a better position, I couldn't see them but then I got shot, broken legs and hardly any blood, i quickly bandaged and i was shaking all over the place. Someone came running at me so I tried shooting him. I managed to get him by noscoping. I looted him as he was right next to me. he had a grenade. I knew I wasn't going to live much longer and saw a guy in a bush from the corner of my eye. i threw the grenade, killed him but then I got shot from a guy that flanked me

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My best moment was a while ago when i was on foot in chernarus near of fire station looking for some ak when i heard some noise , then a guy appears behind me with a sniper as50 i thought "he gonna kill me" but no , he said "take this" gave me a shotgun , then he said "come with me" after a while walking on foot to the west i saw a white uaz and he said "im fixing this give me a little help" after we fixed the jeep we start your travel to stary boor when we was attacked by two snipers , one i killed with the jeep and the other i killed with the sniper that i grab of my "friend" , he was killed , i was the only one alive , so after this little war , the uaz was broken and i decide to walk since i was near of stary boor , when i was a 300 meters of that city i was shooted 3 times and i die , weird but saddly yeah

Edited by therock1990

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getting my squad together for the first time back in July all 7 of us head to mogi and hear a heli for 1st time above us. we soon realised he didn't av a gunner so we opened fire from under some trees the heli then crash into my mate killing him lol. i like thinking that the pilot had no idea how many of us there was under them trees. good times

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I was playing on a public hive server that had Side Channel on and i had recently spawned near Elektro. It was night and I'd managed to scavenge a few cans of food and drink and also a winchester from a barn. I was running through the industrial sector trying to shake off a hoard of Zombies before i would be spotted by a bandit. Suddenly someone says

"Anyone in Elektro need a ride?"

"YES" - I couldn't believe my luck.

So i meet him by the church. He's in a Jeep and runs over the Z's chasing me. I hop in and he asks if theres anywhere i wanna go. I wasn't going anywhere in particular so i just went along with him for a ride to Stary Sober. He wanted to try and find his bus or something. We get to stary sober and instantly something wasn't right. The place was heaving with zombies. The driver threw a chemlight away from the main part of town to distract a hoard and we begin scavenging the town and split up briefly. I begin crawling around as to avoid too much attention. Suddenly in side channel

"Dude crawling in Stary... Are you friendly?"

"Yes, and there's another guy with me too, we're both friendly" i replied

"Ok, well i'm hiding. I can't say where but i don't think we're alone here".

At that instant the house across the road to me blows up! And it scared the sh*t outa me.

"What the hell was that?" the hidden player asked. The driver who came with me said he wasn't sticking around and was going to leave in exactly 1 minute should anyone wish to leave with him in the Jeep. I run to get in the car and then a new player begins to speak.

"Yes, we recommend you leave Stary Sober now... We're laying siege to the town and everyone in it". These guys, apparently, were lined up all round the outskirts of the town. The driver panics and starts to drive off.

Painstakingly, a new friendly pipes up over chat; "Help, don't leave me please. Im stuck in the big barn theres loads of zombies and i'm outa ammo". I get out the truck, trying to be a hero of some sorts. My driver asks if i'm sure before driving off out in to the distance. I make a beeline for the barn and clear the way of zombies. The survivor runs out, quickly thanks me and goes off to presumably try and loot a weapon. I head for the military tents in the north of the town for better defence against the bandits heading in to town. There i am, crawling in and out of tents, only gathering minor supplies when i see a guy in a ghillie suit laying down in one of the tents. I panic, but he speaks over mic,

"Hey man! What's going on out there, it's crazy" the ghillie man said.

"I dunno man, but it's ok, i've been going about the town for a while now, it's ok as long as you don't draw attention to yourself" I replied.

"Nah, forget that, i've got too much stuff to lose, i'm gonna stay in here".

So i left the guy and he wished me luck, i make it to a few more tents across when suddenly the tent in between us EXPLODES.

"Swing and a miss bandits" i taunt foolishly, and it's here it all goes to sh*t. The ghillie suit man is spooked, "F**k this, i'm getting out of here". He makes a sudden bolt for a building nearby and as i watch him run out into the open i witness him drop dead and a death notification on my screen. I run in the opposite direction towards the houses where the guy i freed earlier is trying to get my attention by waving his flashlight around.

"Turn your flashlight off! They can see!" i shout.

The guy apologises but runs out of a building in to the general direction of the chem light my driver had thrown minutes earlier...

"El Bode where are you!?"

"Turn around, get away from the l..."

I don't even have a chance to finish my sentence because bang... he goes down too. The hidden surviour shouts that they have several snipers watching the town, he can see them but doesn't want to fire at them for fear of being shot himself. I duck into another building to tell him to stay hidden, and also to try and plan my escape. The driver, witnessing this all transpire over the chat has a change of heart and says he's coming back for me. I hold out as about 3 more houses around me explode to nothing but mere rubble. I hear the sound of the jeep's engine coming in to town... then a gun shot... my driver is dead.


I escape out of the building and run the opposite way of the jeep, weaving in and out of buildings but as quick as a flash, i get shot from the trees and i collapse to the floor, dying.

I never found out if my hidden spotter made it out alive as my game crashed and i couldn't re connect to that server for some time. This is most probably the work of hackers, but my god did it made for a terrifyingly exciting moment.

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My story is short.

I was riding around just exploring, when I suddenly stumbled upon a truck packed with all kind of stuff. There were satchel charges inside.

Being the sick and twisted person, I immediately thought of a sinister plan and set it in motion.

I picked up satchel charges and placed them next to the truck.

Then I announced in general chat (which is activated on my server), that I found a truck north of the NW airfield and that I'm "all excited with the items I found inside and how I'm looting everything".

Then I hid on the mountain nearby waiting and expecting the owners to show up.

And truly so, in no less than few minutes, there was an UAZ driving to it. They parked next to it and 3 guys jumped out.

They immediatelly started checking out the truck. The items they left in there is the last thing they saw, as I blew them in the air along with their vehicles.

The aftermath was almost as enjoyable as the explosion itself. I have never seen anyone so angry.

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