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Staff: Need clarification on ban-able offenses

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Bob you must not be a server admin. because if you watch your logs you can see very clearly if someone DCs after being hit by a bullet. It's in there and provable.

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Bob you must not be a server admin. because if you watch your logs you can see very clearly if someone DCs after being hit by a bullet. It's in there and provable.

Can you provide an example in the logs of this? It would be much appreciated. I haven't found anything that shows bullet hits/kills, maybe I am looking in the wrong place.

And about this whole ordeal: Its a friggen mess. Basically you have too many players, too many servers, and an unpaid team in control who has basically no resources limited by an engine that is wide open for abuse. Until this is monetized I don't see anything changing for the better. Meanwhile I am losing access to my server and losing control over even basic admin functions. I try to see it from both sides.. I mean the devs are struggling to cope with the growth, there ARE lots of exploiting admins out there and there ARE lots of exploiting players. Instead of properly policing and taking care of the offenders (due to lack of resources) we get what we have here: a blanket assumption that everyone's bad and can't be trusted. IMO the devs have kind of given up on Arma2/DayZ project and are just babysitting it for marketing to the next paid offering that should be much better and come with the resources required to keep things in line. For now though things are just screwed.

Planning on canceling my server at end of cycle too.

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I want to point this out first....

I know exactly what free reign admins are capable of and that thread in the link above proves it. If there is no clearcut evidence on either parties side, the abusive admins still win. They ban the victim due to their own ambitious personal reasons and get a slap on the wrist. The banned victim ends up having to relocate to a new server, cheated out of their well earned spoils of victory. Admins can claim "he/she D/C'd during the fight." In the above link's case, Stalker abused Omega's concern about announcing his ingame name on the forums and claimed Omega was never on the server.

The logs will not prove a thing about D/C. A well organized group can raid the admins camp, kill all the inhabitants and then proceed to get falsely banned for D/C; and the logs cannot prove anything. For all we know, the admin just waited until they disconnected and banned shortly afterwards.

This is why admins shouldn't ban for D/C. Banning for hacking (video helps), sure; D/C, no. Unless there is video evidence it should not be allowed.

You get 8/10 for effort at trolling but 1/10 for factual content as there are several issues that you have failed to include in your lovely post;

1. The server underwent an announced server restart that Omega failed to read the chat about and his immediate thought was that he had been kicked.

Note, this was proven by a 3rd party in this post - http://dayzmod.com/f...me/#entry286801

The server spams chat regarding the restart for a period of 15 mins prior but Its also worth pointing out that for a period of 5 mins prior to rebooting the server is automatically locked, this is done to prevent people getting stressed with joining a server that is about to reboot.

2. There was only 1 {SAS} member on the server at the time and he wasn’t killed. I miss wrote (as I stated in that thread) that I thought there was no body on the server at that time due to nobody being in TS at that time. How Omega killed 4 members when there was only 1 member on and that member wasn’t dead is still to this day a mystery.

3. He failed repeatedly to tell me who these members were, thus more or less proving that he had indeed killed 4 randoms during a server reboot, got kicked (along with everyone else as the session was lost) then put 2 and 2 together and got 8 and started to cry.

4. The reasons that he wouldn’t give me his in game name were, I suspect due to malicious circumstances. I’m not going to accuse him of anything but lets just say that there was only 1 kick command issued during the time he says he was kicked and it was for a BE script violation that resulted in the person in question being globally banned. Lets leave that one there shall we.

The reason that, that thread was locked was because he failed to give any evidence what so ever to back up his claim and everything pointed to at best him making a genuine mistake and not noticing the server announcements or at worst malicious intent. He is not on our ban list, if he is banned its due to BE.

For the record, we run the 4th most popular Dayz server in the world, our ban list contains 4 people all of which were added by me personally and none of them on the day the above shit storm was released (we have 3 for scripting a heli and 1 for a racist name and thats it). I fail to see how that can be construed as abuse. Would the server be as popular as it is if the admin team were idiots ?

Edited by {SAS}Stalker
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There are several issues that you have failed to include though in your post....

I'm not saying Omega was right, or that your server needs blacklisting. While reading that thread, I did find Omegas case a little fishy as well as yours. There was no clear cut evidence for either party besides the 3rd party post (which doesn't say much in regard to the actual situation if it actually occured.) If Spyder was the only one banned during that time frame, then I have no reason to disbelieve you. I also have no reason to believe as well.

However, what I am saying is that that specific case 'could' be abused. If it can be abused it will be. The main point of my post was to say that admins can be abusive and that the logs will not show if the person D/C'd during combat. With that, admins will win any way you look at it. Against exploiters or fair playing people.

Sorry if that post is misleading.

Bob you must not be a server admin. because if you watch your logs you can see very clearly if someone DCs after being hit by a bullet. It's in there and provable.

Show me logs of a combat logging. It needs to paint me a clear picture of what happened. Otherwise, it will just show me that the player disconnected. Thus, proving what I said "Admins can claim "he/she D/C'd during the fight.""

Edited by BobJoeXXI

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I was more than happy to deal with Omega’s issue with him in that thread but you must understand how hard that is when the player in question starts with an overly aggressive thread title that accuses you of abuse then not only refuses to tell me who it was he killed in game but even what he is called. What possible assistance could I have given him in that instance ?

On top of all that I was actually in bed at the time as well :P

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You get 8/10 for effort at trolling but 1/10 for factual content as there are several issues that you have failed to include in your lovely post;

1. The server underwent an announced server restart that Omega failed to read the chat about and his immediate thought was that he had been kicked.

Note, this was proven by a 3rd party in this post - http://dayzmod.com/f...me/#entry286801

The server spams chat regarding the restart for a period of 15 mins prior but Its also worth pointing out that for a period of 5 mins prior to rebooting the server is automatically locked, this is done to prevent people getting stressed with joining a server that is about to reboot.

2. There was only 1 {SAS} member on the server at the time and he wasn’t killed. I miss wrote (as I stated in that thread) that I thought there was no body on the server at that time due to nobody being in TS at that time. How Omega killed 4 members when there was only 1 member on and that member wasn’t dead is still to this day a mystery.

3. He failed repeatedly to tell me who these members were, thus more or less proving that he had indeed killed 4 randoms during a server reboot, got kicked (along with everyone else as the session was lost) then put 2 and 2 together and got 8 and started to cry.

4. The reasons that he wouldn’t give me his in game name were, I suspect due to malicious circumstances. I’m not going to accuse him of anything but lets just say that there was only 1 kick command issued during the time he says he was kicked and it was for a BE script violation that resulted in the person in question being globally banned. Lets leave that one there shall we.

The reason that, that thread was locked was because he failed to give any evidence what so ever to back up his claim and everything pointed to at best him making a genuine mistake and not noticing the server announcements or at worst malicious intent. He is not on our ban list, if he is banned its due to BE.

For the record, we run the 4th most popular Dayz server in the world, our ban list contains 4 people all of which were added by me personally and none of them on the day the above shit storm was released (we have 3 for scripting a heli and 1 for a racist name and thats it). I fail to see how that can be construed as abuse. Would the server be as popular as it is if the admin team were idiots ?

I'm out of beans for the day, but know that you saved me the time I would have otherwise used to call him out on using that thread as an example here.

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Bob, I'm not at my computer now (phone) but can send you and example later. Basically when a player gets hit by a bullet the server logs damage at player body parts like pelvis, left foot, leg, etc. if they d/c t that point. Within seconds in the log you will see network errors to that player or a logout request to the hive - usually 3-5 or 10-15 depending on the type of d/c. On vilayer it streams in the web console and I think it is the .rpt log that retrieves this. I just copy the stream and look at it in notepad++ when I get someone that does it after I shoot them.

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lol Ander you are so full of shit it hurts. So every dc'er I find I have to submit a fucking ticket? Oh God my sides hurt from the laughter.

This game is being run into the ground by a fucking over-controlling dev team that is impotent against the hackers and seems to hate the very fucking people paying to keep this little "experiment" going.

Edited by WildGunsTomcat
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Man oh man this thread is getting more interesting by the day.

In other news, hackers have become so rampant on my server I had to enable the crosshair and tags so I know who's the cheater when a heli is in the air or we have a teleporting god mode player laughing at me in direct com...

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Man oh man this thread is getting more interesting by the day.

In other news, hackers have become so rampant on my server I had to enable the crosshair and tags so I know who's the cheater when a heli is in the air or we have a teleporting god mode player laughing at me in direct com...

If that's what it takes...

lol Ander you are so full of shit it hurts. So every dc'er I find I have to submit a fucking ticket? Oh God my sides hurt from the laughter.

This game is being run into the ground by a fucking over-controlling dev team that is impotent against the hackers and seems to hate the very fucking people paying to keep this little "experiment" going.

Good luck with your blacklisted server, bro. Maybe you should have just donated that money to charity.

Edited by BobJoeXXI

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Don't really care about what the devteam says. I'm banning cheaters (ammobox spawners.. Don't know what else to look for in the logs) and players who disconnects to avoid death. Letting them roam free is hurting the whole community. If the devs wanna blacklist my server because I'm actually taking time to look through logs and ban cheaters, then so be it. You guys are ruining your own game.

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Don't really care about what the devteam says. I'm banning cheaters (ammobox spawners.. Don't know what else to look for in the logs) and players who disconnects to avoid death. Letting them roam free is hurting the whole community. If the devs wanna blacklist my server because I'm actually taking time to look through logs and ban cheaters, then so be it. You guys are ruining your own game.

I would not do that. That is the exact definition of what a rogue server would be.

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I would not do that. That is the exact definition of what a rogue server would be.


I'll be rogue all I want, until you start paying for my server. Then I might listen to your brown nosing bullshit.

I can't tell where you end and the devs begin BobJoe.

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I would not do that. That is the exact definition of what a rogue server would be.

And you have proven yourself to be the exact definition of an idiot.

You can have the orange kool-aid too if you think blindly following Ander is a good idea

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Well that does it.

The fucking shit that come out of your mouth and onto the screen smells worse than a homeless guy that just crawled out of a septic tank Ander.

I've submitted 8 tickets on people I observed disconnecting to avoid death with fraps and log proof. A week later? All 8 were still playing on my server last night. So I banned them yesterday. All 8 of those shitbags. Not one complaint. And you know what? My server is better for it and I don't care what anyone else thinks about it.

I'm going to continue ip and GUID banning people I see exploiting. I'll continue enforcing rules on my server and it is in my motd that I will ban and they can email me any complaints.

I'm not abusive and I'm not doing anything that harms the game. My efforts, if anything, encourage people to keep playing. You won't blacklist my server because if you do you will have to blacklist 100s of servers for the same thing. You can't afford to do it and you don't have the time to do it. Just like you don't have the time to go through 400meg log files and ban only 8 people I sent to you.

So to any server admin that's on the fence? Just do it. Better to ask forgiveness than permission from a Dev team that isnt doing shit to fix a real problem that 90% of the community supports an Admin based solution to.

[Warned - Ubi]

You can warn me all you want when you know it's true

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You can have the orange kool-aid too if you think blindly following Ander is a good idea

It's not a matter of blindly following Ander or the dev. team. It's a matter of keeping your agreement you made to do so when you signed up for a server. To not do so makes you a liar.

Edited by Mister_Magotchi
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I would not do that. That is the exact definition of what a rogue server would be.

Of course you wouldn't do it....You don't run a server so you couldn't do it......

No worries, the Dev team is Blacklisting servers equally as fast as they are banning hackers, answering support tickets or fixing the exploits......In other words, they're NOT.

....And as we have stated before, worse thing happens is we put $50 - $100 a month back in our pockets and go play on some other fools waste of money.

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You can warn me all you want when you know it's true

You're under the mistaken/delusional impression that I am warning you to censor some "truth" that you are espousing. You were being abusive, thus, you were warned for doing so. I don't care about what you think is right or wrong with this practice, Ander clearly laid out the rules. You either follow them or risk whatever punishment the Devs deem appropriate. I personally don't care either way.

What I do care about are the impassioned displays of bitterness that you direct at other posters who have nothing to do with the current state of affairs.

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy
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It's not a matter of blindly following Ander or the dev. team. It's a matter of keeping your agreement you made to do so when you signed up for a server. To not do so makes you a liar.

Are you a server host?

Oh you're not? Well...that makes sense then. No server host agrees with you, not anywhere on this forum.

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It's not a matter of blindly following Ander or the dev. team. It's a matter of keeping your agreement you made to do so when you signed up for a server. To not do so makes you a liar.

If I could take your beans I would. Instead I'll keep referring everyone who wants to exploit to your server in my motd.

If the devs would do their job in banning we wouldn't have to. If they actually blacklisted we might be afraid. But they don't, can't, or won't. Either way your holier than thou self righteous attitude only allows exploiters to thrive. In the end it doesn't bother me if I get blacklisted or not because I'm doing something people like you are too afraid to do.

My server stays full because people know I take care of the problems. That's all I need to know I'm doing it right. And if these sorry excuses for devs actually started blacklisting for this, they'd have a very small handful of servers and a very pissed off community. That's why they won't do it.

And if you think I'm the one in the wrong why do so many people agree with me and give beans to myself and the others in this thread that oppose Anders sorry excuse for a response?

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I'm sure if he feels the need for a response, he'll post one.

Closing the thread, it's purpose has been served. It's now just people ranting.

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