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Mr Zee

FPS Dropping Randomly

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With the latest couple patch's we have seen improved coding, which has resulted in better performance on the servers.

I noticed that as of 1.72 the load times, and overall gameplay fps was perfectly fine, but since I've updated to it seems to have taken a step backwards in terms of FPS randomly spiking.

So I was playing for about a couple hours just now, and then the FPS started to drop really bad, down to unplayable. I logged out of that server and switched, then it was fine but it came back after a while.

I don't think its a memory leak as the only way to fix that is to close the .exe and I didn't do that, switching server fixed the FPS temporarily.

Maybe its just Electra, Cherno was fine...

Anyone else want to comment on random spots that seem to lose FPS? I've been playing on High graphics for the last week with absolutely no FPS drops until now.

(I just know someone is bound to post 'your gfx card or blah blah is probably failing or ram is bad etc etc' please don't post that crap, I already check these things)

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Well aside from posting, "Crap" I'd suggest redownloading the last patch incase it was corrupted, and verifying files on steam if you used that to buy it.

You could also turn off Six Launcher in the background, as that might be the cause (heard some people had FPS spikes when it updated server lists).

Virus scan as well.

And restart your comp.

And your video card could be going bad XP

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Well aside from posting, "Crap" I'd suggest redownloading the last patch incase it was corrupted, and verifying files on steam if you used that to buy it.

You could also turn off Six Launcher in the background, as that might be the cause (heard some people had FPS spikes when it updated server lists).

Virus scan as well.

And restart your comp.

And your video card could be going bad XP

Lol you just had to put that in there didn't you lol, nah I dont use SixLauncher, couldn't get it to work it always gets stuck on 'verifying beta'.

What do you mean by posting crap btw?

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I have the same problem. Since, I've gotten serious fps drops.

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I should probably clarify that switching servers resolves the issue of FPS, so I'm linking it to the way we comminicate with the server and vice versa, maybe it just wants us to logout then back in lol

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With the latest couple patch's we have seen improved coding, which has resulted in better performance on the servers.

I noticed that as of 1.72 the load times, and overall gameplay fps was perfectly fine, but since I've updated to it seems to have taken a step backwards in terms of FPS randomly spiking.

So I was playing for about a couple hours just now, and then the FPS started to drop really bad, down to unplayable. I logged out of that server and switched, then it was fine but it came back after a while.

I don't think its a memory leak as the only way to fix that is to close the .exe and I didn't do that, switching server fixed the FPS temporarily.

Maybe its just Electra, Cherno was fine...

Anyone else want to comment on random spots that seem to lose FPS? I've been playing on High graphics for the last week with absolutely no FPS drops until now.

(I just know someone is bound to post 'your gfx card or blah blah is probably failing or ram is bad etc etc' please don't post that crap, I already check these things)

In green at bottom.

There is also the problem that your system could be overheating. It might have ran well, but due to less-than-needed gel it is heating up more and more, and is now showing problems.

There could also be issues with loading certain textures. But if it where the case you'd be able to find what is causing it by moving further away and then closer to the source. I doubt this is the case. You could also be lacking updates for your software or hardware, or be running something in the background you forgot to turn off.

There is so many different things it could be, so just guessing is all I have. I'd need to see your system for any real knowledge-based guesses.

EDIT: Could be the amount of zombies ingame, or player corpses. These tend to cause slowdowns of the player's system. More zombies, slower gameplay. Too many zombies=Noticable FPS drop.

Edited by Zeromentor

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CPU is water-cooled, premium thermal paste, and GPU never gets about 62c but lets not turn this into a hardware discussion thread.

Background programs? Nope, nothing new.

Updates for hardware/software? uhhh I'm not going to comment on this one, its completely irrelevant to the scenario.

Like you said it could be anything, I'm going to put it down to server at this stage. I'm happily playing now

Edit: I know my system very well, I built it from scratch, I am ruling out any kind of hardware or O/S related causes for the purpose of this thread.

Edited by Mr Zee
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I have a shitty computer that runs at around 25fps, always. So it'd extremely noticable when it goes lower.

The worse places are forests, and looking at a big city suddenly.

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Since the I have noticed these slowdowns too. When I first get in to server its running as it should but after a while my fps drops horribly, however when I abort the game and connect again It's all fine again no need to even switch server like OP stated. Hope this gets fixed soon.

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I noticed a large improvement in fps with the last couple patches. I never dip below 50 fps. I did come across a bug, however, where I open and close my in-game map and the frame rate drops to around 5 fps (totally unplayable). This has happened to me twice over about four hours of gameplay. It definitely seems to be correlated with closing the map, however I cannot consistently reproduce it.

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Since the I have noticed these slowdowns too. When I first get in to server its running as it should but after a while my fps drops horribly, however when I abort the game and connect again It's all fine again no need to even switch server like OP stated. Hope this gets fixed soon.

This goes the same for me. I was playing in Electro fine, then after about 40 mins of gameplay it dropped really bad, like it was a slideshow when i would even try to turn around, but after aborting and joining back in everything was fine again. it's weird indeed.

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I had the same issues until i installed the game on my new SSD. Now its uber smooth.

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My game ran fine before the newest patch though, so although ssds and NASA computers will help, it has to do something with this newest patch

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I experienced the same yesterday - usually I get >40FPS and an occasional drop to maybe 30FPS.

Yesterday it temporarily went down to ~15FPS - I stayed anyway on, all the time inside one of the long white stables, picking of Zeds with "spare ammo" and a Winchester I found inside. Eventually, after a minute or two, it fixed itself, did not disconnect, Alt-Tab or anything.

Edited by WhoCares

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I have noticed that this fps drop only occurs in big towns like Elektozavodsk and Ghernogorsk and as I previously mentioned I didn't have this problem in previous DayZ versions. Maybe It's the beta patch cousing it I'm using 94876, with 94945 I was getting stuck on ''wait for host'' so gonna try the new 94997 and see if anything changes.

Edited by Killswitch

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1 response- terribly unoptimized game engine. It's like trying to power a 747 with a baked potato

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Here's an update. I installed 94997 beta and as a result I got ''battleye initialisation failed'' even tried 94945 again but still got stuck on ''wait for host'' so had to roll back to 94876, really hoping for a fix soon.

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Could be a desync (ie, netcode bug), since it doesn't seem to be hardware dependant, and it seems to fix itself when you swap servers but stay in game.

If this is the case, it could take a while to isolate and patch. It can be really hard to replicate an error (to identify it) if only a small percentage of people experience it.

Edited by Ancient

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I (and others I play with) are still noticing at intermittent places FPS will just randomly drop for no apparent reason, though the issue has subsided somewhat since the latest beta patch (95054)

I can run through the big cities with no FPS issues and a zombie train behind me as I run to loot buildings, so I know its not my PC being a piece of shit.

Edited by Mr Zee

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I know exactly what you mean, I get it too. Your fps drops after an hour of playing I noticed going back to the player selection screen fixes the lagging issue. I have a theory its server side something to do with Australian/New Zealand servers because I have a mate that plays on US servers and says it doesn't lag. I would try it out myself but I can't stand the high ping.

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I know exactly what you mean, I get it too. Your fps drops after an hour of playing I noticed going back to the player selection screen fixes the lagging issue. I have a theory its server side something to do with Australian/New Zealand servers because I have a mate that plays on US servers and says it doesn't lag. I would try it out myself but I can't stand the high ping.

No man, I play on European servers and still experience the same fps drops, so it has nothing to do with Australian servers.

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