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NPCs, Quests

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Yo Guys,

just got the following idea - sry if there is a simmilar thread out there: ---> The implementation of NPC-survivors and quests!

NPCs and Quests

Why ?

DayZ lacks content and possibilities. Those of you who enjoy killing noobs even for the 1000. time - well ... bring it haters!

But for me the game lacks options ... either I find myself travelling threw the woods and seeing nothing but some animals or I´m near the cities or military camps for some PvP or gathering gear ...

Quests as I will highlight here are -of course- not a ultimative solution, but every tiny piece of ( good! ) content will improve the game.

NPC (Survivors) ---> ( they assign you with quests )

- My Idea is that NPCs are to find at some Savehouses all over the map

- The may grouped up and some of them could be armed

- You will get some minor loot for killing them

In general those survivors are not the 08/15-gun-wielding-car-reparing-nurses as we are! So they rely on you to fullfill their tasks.

It would be realistic since not everyone would run around wielding a gun after an zombie-apocalypse! ( call them cowards if you want ^^ )


- The rewards are hidden somewhere until you fullfill the quest !!!

- If the NPCs get killed - bad luck! You can´t fullfill the quest anymore !!!

- If another player finishes the quest before you, you will only get a minor reward !!!

- The NPCs will despawn and respawn after some hours --> Then another group may be there and the quest from before will be available somewhere else.


Depending on how difficult the quest was the player may recieve supplies, ammo ... or even weapons or a car.

Examples of Quests

1, Gather whatever kind of items. f.e. 20 steaks, car pieces, medicine ... whatever

2, Rescue a NPC who is surrounded by zeds somewhere near the savehouse

3, Kill the NPC-bandits that haunt us! ( some NPCs, armed, somewhere near the safehouse )



I hope some of you like the idea!

Sry for bad english and the probably suboptimal design. :-)



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Ya know. I wouldn't mind some survivor fortification which was completely neutral, and you could receive quests there.

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Kinda a good idea but it just wouldn't suit the game in my opinion. Maybe some more subtle like bounty boards in each town and city for the bandit with the most murders on the server at that time and you get rewards such as....( i dunno someone could help with that).

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Rocket has been extremely clear that he wants to give us the TOOLS to create our mmo experience, but not install features like NPC's to dictate them. So as the game progresses features like those Bandit Wanted posters just suggested could be added and that could help give you that "questing" feeling. But to add in npc's that give quests compromises the core integrity of this game which is an immersive player driven experience. Think EVE Online, that is what rocket said in his latest interview that he aspired to in the type of community driven initiative he hopes to foster in Day Z.

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Rocket has been extremely clear that he wants to give us the TOOLS to create our mmo experience, but not install features like NPC's to dictate them. So as the game progresses features like those Bandit Wanted posters just suggested could be added and that could help give you that "questing" feeling. But to add in npc's that give quests compromises the core integrity of this game which is an immersive player driven experience. Think EVE Online, that is what rocket said in his latest interview that he aspired to in the type of community driven initiative he hopes to foster in Day Z.


once the game "grows", players will be the oneq giving out quests or contracts, e.g. I'm giving you gun 'X' for getting me 3 bloodbags.

And this is for everyone that suggests any NPC functionallity

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I think it's a gameplay element best left to other games; the rest of the thread sums it up.

Edited by LockeDown

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NPCs? NO why? you are spawning on the coast and 1st thing that you do is runing to possible NPC camp, then finding a hatchet and killing the AI from the back with it. And it would make this game another shitty MMO.

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DayZ lacks content and possibilities.

Are you playing the same game I'm playing? Sure, it needs some selfinitiative but there are endless possibilities in this game. I guess that's not for everyone.

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I vote no on this one. Day Z has it's own variations of quests. Loot sem-dangerous towns. Loot more-dangerous Airbases. Find yourself a tent to gather loot. Find the downed helicopter for the uber loot. Find and repair the vehicles. Join with other players to build camps in safe remote areas. Go hunting for food. Go helping other players. Go Banditing other players. Put a group together and live peacefully in the woods hunting animals. Put a group together and go hunting bandits. Wage war on other groups. Other games have spoiled us by giving us the exact direction you we are going to take in the game, while limiting us from taking much direction of our own. DayZ leaves it wide open. It's not for everybody, But I'm glad Rocket is steadfast to the direction he's taken with this game. I'm don't mean to be rude or one of those guys that tells you to go play WoW, but almost every other game out there provides NPC quests, if that's what you are looking for.

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I don't like it :/ I'm sick of quests, they shouldn't be part of this game/mod.

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This is a game where the players make the content.

The job the developers have, is to provide more tools so that we can do that. This is verbatim what rocket has stated, he knows what's up, and has plans for how to let us do more stuff as players.

Not PVE. It is an unsustainable model. 'Quests' and 'missions' grow stale within weeks of being released, whereas open-world tools provide years of emergent content and stories.

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Are you playing the same game I'm playing? Sure, it needs some selfinitiative but there are endless possibilities in this game. I guess that's not for everyone.

What possibilities are there other than looting and killing other players ( for most ppl )

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Well, I do have a good feeling about this because this does mean you can motivate teamwork

Like you have to do something is impossible to do alone, but with a friend or more it could work. this forces people to work together and stop deathmatching.

Quick Edit:

Tough on the otherside it would look more like an MMO then a Zombie Survival Game. Which people will be hating about.

Personly i dont see any problems in this. Tough might change what DayZ is known for.

Edited by Greenpeacekiller

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I say yes only make it heavily guarded with responsive AI so if some1 does try and loot it they just get anhilated. it will also make it hard for bandits. and the idea of making these possibiilities ourselves are slim, iv only ever found 1 server thats friendly and communication takes place and that was unofficial and even if it were possible it wouldnt last long due to bandits. how are people meant to know where the traders are if they dont give position?

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It has been suggested countlessly, and it was explicitly shot down in an interview. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.

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No. But you can add a ingame communication tool for survivors/ bandits, so they can generate there one quests!! NPC's are stupid, only usefull for zombies or animals. You can not shoot them for beans and they feel like some unkillable bug thing with only one possiblity for conversation.

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No no no no no no no no no no no no NO. This is not a MMO.

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While I don't really want to see static npc quest givers. We do have NPCs already in the game they are called zombies, so please all npc haters please shut up. Adding a specific, non-hostile variety of npcs though adds a different dimension to the game that I'm not sure many really want.

However... there are a few things that we could do with npc survivors without a specific questing system.

1. Slaves... (need a pack mule? or a decoy? send in your explosive collared slave to handle it) Just find a survivor in the wasteland, knock them unconscious and slap a collar on them. Presto... a slave to do your bidding.

2. Willing followers. Lets face it, being alone sucks... and not everyone can always have friends ready and able to play when you want to. A screaming npc trapped behind a failing barricade, might pledge to help you once you save them. Always nice to have someone to bandage you when you get knocked out.

3. Mercenaries / body guards. A beans for bullets kind of trade for covering your back or your camp. But beware... you stiff them on payment, they run off with your gear or simply kill you.

So just a tip of the iceberg kind of useful npc system, but not the old ! over the head invulnerable quest giver npc system.

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Good idea DayZMMO !interesting idea because I'm tired of always predict what will happen if I kill zombies to such parts of the map, it becomes very predictable, you always know where are the weapons or armas.y you already have all you would add a system of economy and crafting and missions, like what we are doing online Stalker

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if i wanted to play an mmo then I'd play wow.

FYI, DayZ Standalone is going to be an MMO.


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