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Suzie (DayZ)

What gun did you find the first time?

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3 days countless deaths but I pressed on hoping to find something. Well just last night I got myself into some radio tower and found a shotgun with ammo and a pistol with ammo bunch of supplies i felt a sigh of relief. The second I find this stuff I hear a truck roll up so I hide under the stairs to listen to how many people there were. Three of them came in and just leveled me. So be the life of a survivor.

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First gun I found was on the first player I killed (with the starting Makarov, back when that was around), an MP5SD. There was, however, no ammo for it. So the *real* first gun I found was an AK74 Kobra, in the first deerstand I found.

I actually never fired a shot with it before I got north to Stary and found a DMR in the tents, which I used for a month after that until I died, 3 days ago.

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I found my first gun in church and it was enfield. 20 seconds later i shot some bastard with it and he had doublebarrel and g17.

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My first weapon was a AKS-74 Kobra ..found at the same time as my first backpack (assault pack)

buuuuut, the next time I spawned (on another server) I had a broken leg and a random player showed up and killed me with a pistol ..guess my luck ran out.

Sooo, my weapon now is a hatchet :(

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First ever gun I found was an Enfield, that didn't end well.

First decent gun was a M1014 at the southern airfield, it's the only one I've ever had and I'd love another. I killed so many zombies with it and had some great fun.

Right now I'm using an AK-74 Kobra which I pried from someone's still-warm hands. He ran right at me with a Z-train. A friend and I had been killed by a bandit a few days before and I was super jumpy. Without thinking, I unloaded in his face with my standard AK-74. It really shook me up because I did it without thinking, didn't log in for 5 days after that, I kept thinking about it, I feel bad about it. Had he seen me? Did he run over for help? Was he friendly or would he have turned on me? No other game has ever affected me emotionally like that in respect to killing.

Feels better to tell people about it, confessions of a murderous priest. It's my only ever real murder and the digit still haunts my debug monitor.

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Makarov. First *found* weapon? Enfield. But before that, I was given an AK-74 from by a friend that was showing me how to play.

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lul it was totally an AS50. But seriously, I think we can all agree that 80% of every DayZ newcomer will have found a Makarov PM as their first firearm.

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First gun I found was a shotgun in a barn, but I lagged out and lost it a moment later. Next gun was an AK-47 with 2 mags from a military watchtower in the woods.

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Found an M16 on some dude's dead body with 2.5 mags.


Edited by iamesauce

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First weapon I found was the hatchet. Of course, being new to the game and not knowing how to equip it, I thought it was completely useless. I then found a crowbar that was apparently glitched and could not be swung (and yes, I tried reloading it and doing the double-ALT to ready it several times...neither worked). Naturally, both of those lives ended in horribly swift deaths.

The first gun I found was a Makarov I believe. Being new to actually aiming in DayZ, I quickly fired off all eight of my rounds and killed something like three or four zombies when there were at least six on my tail. Fortunately, the game didn't see fit to punish me with death by zombie in this scenario, as I was almost immediately gunned down by a high-powered sniper rifle upon leaving the building I was in. I'm sure the person holding said sniper rifle profited immensely from the one bandage and empty pistol I was carrying.

The first primary gun I found was a double-barreled shotgun. The game, finally seeing fit to reward me for my previous failed attempts at stealth (gunned down by a sniper rifle), smash and grab (gunned down by a dude with a machine gun), and zombie genocide (see above sniper rifle story), allowed me to sneak up on a totally unsuspecting player peeking out the window at a school. Based on my previous experiences with random players (death, death, death, and a bit more death just to mix it up), I immediately took the opportunity to gently place my shotgun on the base of his spine and pull the trigger. Sadly, that death rated as a murder (my first) rather than a killed bandit, but I can only assume he had evil intentions while peering out that window and my killing him saved dozens of lives.

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a Tank in cherno :) No joke, after 15min running with no weapon at the first time. 2 weeks ago.

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a Tank in cherno :) No joke, after 15min running with no weapon at the first time. 2 weeks ago.

Ha, how ironic that you can't even get tanks in DayZ

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Winchester. I still love that gun for some reason..

Same here, it's not even that good but I love it.

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a Lee Enfield on my 3rd play. i was ecstatic!

i <alt-tabbed> out to see what on the map i should go to next. when i <alt-tabbed> back a minute later i heard heavy breathing next to me. i looked over just in time to see someone shoot me point blank with a handgun.

my joy didn't last long.

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An M16A2

was being chased by a few zombies from the beach. Ran into the airfield and picked this up. Killed three zombies with it. Sadly it back on the ground so I could put the hatchet back in my tool belt but then the gun disappeared. This happened with an M9 and Remington 870 that I also found that one life :(. I would've survived a lot longer with those.

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First gun I got was the M1911 (which happens to be my favourite handgun ever made, yay :D) in the convenience store in Berezino, proceeded to very carefully move through town and head north, where I found someone's truck full of stuff near a lake. I stole the truck drove it around and eventually decided to grab a M107 and a M14AIM and wander off. Lost the M107 when my backpack decided to eat it, never got around to shooting it. The M14 I used to clear a number of smaller towns of zombies and even managed to take out 3 somewhat threatening people. Eventually I went back to Berezino, killed a zombie, but the entire town aggroed on me, spent the next 5 minutes running out of town and fighting them off and the very moment I shot the last zombie, *boom* someone shot me and I died instantly. Entire life lasted about 3 days and it was quite annoying to die and lose everything.

Now I just sprint everywhere, ignore the zombies and get my hands on a Lee Enfield or a Winchester in the first 15-20 minutes and I'm effectively as well off as I was then. The Lee is such a beast if you can shoot it well.

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I found a crossbow as my very first weapon, then a makarov

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First weapon I found was a AKM with no mags. I died before I had a chance to shoot it >:( The second weapon I found was the 1911... which I never got a chance to fire since I took a bullet to the face.

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I was in a barn and first found a Crossbow but no bolts, so in the same barn I found a Lee Enfield and a mag. I died an hour later due to my graphic card failing and I couldn't see shit. I thought it was part of the game until the artifacts were still showing up after the game closed.

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