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New Clan Recruiting!

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We are a new clan, there is currently 5 of us, we run in a few servers, mostly us 578. We aren't "bandits" just shoot on sight and pursue players if necessary :D


1)In game name:

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.):

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity):

4)Game time:

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are:

6)Time Zone:

Any questions or applications contact me:

Skype: paul_s_billups

Steam: WickedJester

Thank you, SassyRat

Edited by SassyRat

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1)In game name: Agent Orange

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Skype vent ts or mumble,

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 19

4)Game time: maybe like a week worth of time? 150+ hours?

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Doesn't die to zombies?

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1)In Game Name: Termhn

2)Contact: Skype, vent, mumble, TS, doesn't matter to me.. skype username is Termhn

3)Age: 14... most say I'm mature for my age but you can be the judge as we play

4)Game Time: 2 months about in DayZ, have played/studied arma for much longer

5)Experience: Very experienced in both regular ArmA and DayZ... have had almost every weapon in the game at one point or another.

6)Time Zone: MST.. West coast US

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1)In game name: king-kobra

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Skype is the best: kingxkobra

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 17

4)Game time: I play a lot when i have the time. starting next week it will be less but i can play a lot on the weekends

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: I kill players for fun

6)Time Zone: GMT-8

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1)In game name: Charlie

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Skype: insanehzrd / Steam: iGoldenGaming

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 16

4)Game time: Like, two weeks.

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: I watched DayZ and ArmA videos for about 3 weeks before I went ahead and bought it, I pretty much know everything about it.

6)Time Zone: GMT+0, but even on US servers, I get below 90 ping. I has sexy internet.

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1)In game name:Gramgaxwarfang

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Steam:Gramgax Warfang

3) Age 24

4)Game time: 7 PM-6AM EST

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Know enough to know where to go to get ammo and high grade weapons, have a dozen or so kills to my name.

6)Time Zone: US East

Edit: Added you

Edited by Gramgaxwarfang

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If ur still looking for people to join hit me up

1)In game name: Nykez

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Steam: Wiicked2477

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 20

4)Game time: anytime

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Been playing for almost 2 weeks, pretty much know everything thats required.

6)Time Zone: US EST

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1)In game name: Patrick

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Skype or Steam (Steam: Patrickonator123 [Just the username.. don't laugh made it when I was 10] Nickname: NinjaKiwi)(Skype: XxNinjaKiwi)

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 14

4)Game time: 100+ Hours within the last three months

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Never die to zombies, Loot and get the fuck out of there, Don't talk to strangers, crouch and prone are your friends, and use your watch to find North

6)Time Zone: US Eastern Time Zone

Edited by NinjaKiwi

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1)In game name:Manuel

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.):Skype (meneadeszz) Steam(manuelhorvat) teamspeak)

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity):15i act amture dont talk to much liek 8 year old and know decent tactics learned form apb

4)Game time:

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are:Actualy i just started with DayZ arround 1 day ago but i saw allot of videos and i played APB a long time (APB 3rd person more aggresive then DayZ but learned tactics in apb and i played allot of bf3)

6)Time Zone: GMT+1 The Netherlands

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Thank you all for applying, I hope my fellow clan members have been helping you and giving feedback. I'm on vacation currently but will be on soon.

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1) in game name clarky1787

2) contact me on skype clarky2608

3) age 14

4) game time a couple of weeks

5) enough to know where to get military grade wepons and how to stalk other players

6) timezone london

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1)In game name:Viktor

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.):Steam: vicke_king

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 15

4)Game time: a few weeks

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: A totall badass

6)Time Zone: London

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Im so glad we have so many people wanting to join our new found clan, sorry if you havent been responded to, im doing my best with my limited amount of time currently available :D

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1)In game name: Hendrix

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): skype: hendrix278

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 14 (way more mature than you would think. and no, im not a squeaker)

4)Game time: Not entirely sure, but I would like to say 2 weeks?

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Very, I know the ropes and I'm very knowledgeable to the mod.

6)Time Zone: Central

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Hello I would like to join and if you have a name for your clan I would like to know that, not that it matters I could ask my friends to look into your clan as well XD!!!

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1) In game name: Ballahcareum

2) Way to contact me: Steam (Ballahcareum)

3) Age: 18

4) Game Time: 20+ Hours so far

5) One sentence to describe my experience: I got a full inventory of medical supplies out of the hospital in Cherno and run up north to my friend while being shot at by two different snipers on a full server of 40.

6) Time Zone: EST (GMT -5)

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1)In game name: Destry

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Anything, I have Skype: mcsquizzey, ventrillo, mumble, teamspeak, and steam: mcsquizzey.

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 12, I could say I'm pretty mature :| you would have to see for yourself though.

4)Game time: Well, i have no idea what this means, i play pretty much all day and have been playing for the last couple of days.

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Pretty good i guess, i can sneak in and out of elektro.

6)Time Zone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)

Edited by McSquizzey

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1)In game name: Roze

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Skype, Steam, Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Mumble, Pretty much everything

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): 16 (No squeaky voice) :)

4)Game time: I've been playing pretty much nonstop for the last week, and when I've not been playing I've been researching everything about the game.

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: (See above) I'm decent with any medium range rifle, I don't have much practice with snipers (Going to remedy that right now), fine with shotguns, and fine with automatic guns (Although I don't like them all that much).

6)Time Zone: -5 GMT (Eastern Canada)

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1)In game name: Stompopolos

2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Skype: liverat5 (my originality juices werem't really flowing that day :|.

3)Age (doesn't matter really mostly just maturity): Wow, i was really surprised/happy to see "doesn't matter really mostly just maturity". I am 12, and very mature for my age.

4)Game time: A couple weeks, I have had 3 characters now.

5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Fairly new to the game, but I know the basics and a few more advanced things - for example, I was close to fully repairing a car before I was ambushed and kidnapped by 5 other bandits whom I had previously been harassing, and I am not one of the pussies who DC every time they smell trouble.

6)Time Zone: GMT +12.

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