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About meneadeszzhd

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  1. meneadeszzhd

    Ironsite Northern [Private Hive] [UK/EU]

    Application Form: In-Game Name:Meneadeszz Nickname:Menea-Manuel is also good Your experience:I got many experience i have been playing since august 2012. What type of class would you play in a group and why:I think a sniper the most of the time i play as a sniper and i also have good tactic communication and sight.In my last clan which fell appart i was also playing as a sniper.
  2. I'm a EU Player,i'm playing dayz since august 2012 builded up many skill. I prefer to be a sniper . got good tactical communication and sight. Skype:Meneadeszz
  3. meneadeszzhd

    *NEW* YouTube And Live Stream Squad

    Application Form: Name: Manuel Age: 15 Skype Or TeamTalk: Meneadeszz YouTube Or Twitch Channel (or other site with your videos): Twitch.tv/Meneadeszz youtube.com/meneadeszz 280 Subscribers ]Mic: Yes DayZ Experience: High have been playing dayz since August 212 Are You In Any Other Squad Or Clan: I was in a clan but i fell apart What Sort Of Player Are You (Sniper, Assault, Support, Pilot, ect):I'm a sniper but iam also good with asault Why Should You Be Chosen: I'm a nice chill guy i never screem.got many experience.dont't have a squeaky voice , and i can be funny..
  4. meneadeszzhd

    Looking for some EU players

    Hello. i am also looking for people to team up with. I have been playing DayZ since last year agust and i builded many skill. My Name:Manuel Nationality:The netherlands. Age:15 Skill from 1-10: 8 Mic: Yes Skype:Yes -i prefer TS3 i like it more then skype. Thanks Manuel
  5. meneadeszzhd

    [Elysium] Department of Defence

    `Great Clan. I'm in Elysium for like tow months now and the clan members are realy nice. Allot of members are inactive or not playing anymore because of the bug you was unable to save vehicles So i hope a cople of people join Elysium so we get active again.
  6. meneadeszzhd

    [Elysium] Department Of Defence

    Great Clan. I'm in Elysium for like tow months now and the clan members are realy nice. Allot of members are inactive or not playing anymore because of the bug you was unable to save vehicles So i hope a cople of people join Elysium so we get active again.
  7. meneadeszzhd

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    YES its realy needed
  8. meneadeszzhd

    Hacker or a scripter

    And he got banned already can someone comfirm
  9. meneadeszzhd

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    In Game Name: Manuel Location: The Netherlands Experience (Days/months): 2 months Age: 15 When Available: from 16:00 - 21:00 Weekend 12:00-24:00-04 GMT+1 Us time 07:00-12:00 weekend 03:00- 15:00 Time Available:After school check above Time Zone: GMT+1 Weapon preference:Sniper As50 died couple hours ago but i am currently still on vacation and do not have a microphone with me i will be back soon. Any additional information: Nice guys which is always avaible to teamup any time of the game session i do not like it to play alone the must of the times i die.When i am to aggresive,going to sniper hill in electro on high populated server and get killed in the back. So i played 2 months in thos 2 months i died a couple of times like couple of hours ago.So i am trying to gear up again and then i will contact you guys is that alright?- Yes i downloaded and instal dayz on vacation(cousins house) Requirements 1)Must have mic and Ts3 2)Good Attitude 3)15+ 4)At least a weeks experience 5)Be able to work as a Team 6)Be Trustworthy
  10. meneadeszzhd

    Hacker or a scripter

    Hello I was looking for dayz sniping videos and i came up with this video it was uploaded in agust and hes using a as50 thermal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7zu89EZ5B8 can some one check if hes legit or something because i dont trust it
  11. meneadeszzhd

    Hacker or a scripter

    Hello I was looking for dayz sniping videos and i came up with this video it was uploaded in agust and hes using a as50 thermal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7zu89EZ5B8 can some one check if hes legit or something because i dont trust it around 1 minute hes is killing someone he has 0 yombie kills and hes getting hes first murder he also has ghillie
  12. meneadeszzhd

    Elysium Corps

    Hello. I got a question to my clanmates from elysium. like you guys mazbe know i am on vacation and i got a question are the 2 panama brothers still in the clan?. Icefingers and naltron. .. And can i get the ts3 ip(didint brought it with me)quick because i need to ask them a couple of questions. Greetz Manuel
  13. meneadeszzhd

    Running multiple addons

    Hello. I found a addon which adds dynamic sounds. I wanna run Dayz and dynamic sounds mod at the same time how do i do this? and i tried something and it say Files not signed by a key accepted by this server can some one help me?
  14. meneadeszzhd

    Recieving Mission file GAME CRASH

    Can some one help me?
  15. meneadeszzhd

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    My arma crashes when i come after the second tank screen when you get recieving mission file it stops at 40 kb from 41 kv and my game crashes to destkop