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Confirmation on Respawn Button

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Not exactly hard to tell what just happened. I hit the respawn button instead of Options while I was in a hurry.

Well shit.

An "Are you sure?" Confirmation would be a nice addition

Edited by Janooba
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I'll +1 that, a seat belt for respawn would be nice.

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Definitely. Was about to suggest this but I forgot.

Same thing happened to me with my first character who I managed to keep alive for 8 or so hours. Luckily I respawned with most of the gear. That was pure luck though.

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It would be nice, but remember, that respawn option is part of arma, not dayz, so maybe just be a little more careful lol. i do agree it would be nice though if its not too much trouble. Hey, maybe in the arma official update ?:)

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Yes, defenetly. And with notification that you'll lose your stuff.

Really, I didn't knew it'll happen..

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+1 every game with a respawn button has confirmation. EVEN ABORT HAS CONFIRMATION.

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Also you shouldn't be allowed to go outside without a helmet. You might mistake an oncoming train for a kitten and try to headbutt it and hurt your head.

C'mon guys, there's really something wrong with you if you hit respawn accidentally more than once. Why would you even use options in the middle of the action in a hurry?

General rule of life and Arma: 1. Think. 2. Press a button. 3. Think. 4. Press next button. 5. Stay alive.

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really great idea. i died like 5time because of that already. even windows asks you if you want to throw 2hours of "work" away :)


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