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Board? Waste Of Money

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So I got dayz today, and there's nothing to do there's no weapons I just keep dying over and over re-spawn in a town all buildings empty move on until I get spotted by a zombie and die...

I watched so many youtube videos and everyone finds guns ammo everywhere the only thing I have ever found is scrap metal once...

I put in around 7 hours game time, apparently you removed global chat so I can't ask for help so what do i do....

been in over 50 buildings

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This mod doesn't cost anything; you can't waste money you didn't spend.

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I think you just have to keep at it, and be more wary of your surroundings. If you see a zombie, don't just run up to it, try to avoid it and just hide in buildings etc.

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Yes, a board would be a waste of money in your current situation.

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This mod doesn't cost anything; you can't waste money you didn't spend.

As of right now if you get it from Steam it costs $23.99.

Edited by BoomBoom

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A great place to find guns is to head inland, away from the coast, and look for deer stands or barns. Both of those will usually have some time of firearm.

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Steep learning curve. Keep trying, watch starter videos on youtube and keep learning. Avoid the cities, and find barns. Use a Dayz loot map online. Best of luck.

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You dont know where to look which makes it harder :)

First day i was playing I was exited to find an revolver...

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As of right now if you get it from Steam it costs $23.99.


ArmA II: CO Costs $23.99.

DayZ is a free mod for ArmA II. So, no, you don't pay anything for DayZ. You pay money for ArmA II, which in turn gives you access to everything that entails, including all mods for ArmA II.

As to the OP, just keep trying. This is not a casual or easy game. If you came in here expecting that, well, that's not what you're going to get.

Edited by Sephka

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ArmA II: CO Costs $23.99.

DayZ is a free mod for ArmA II. So, no, you don't pay anything for DayZ. You pay money for ArmA II, which in turn gives you access to everything that entails, including all mods for ArmA II.

As to the OP, just keep trying. This is not a casual or easy game. If you came in here expecting that, well, that's not what you're going to get.

No, you definitely pay $23.99 for Day-Z. Nobody is buying Arma II for Arma II.

Edited by BoomBoom
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Thanks for the help I will try barns, I like the way the community help and not try to be a smart ass and say dayz is free, when we all know we only got arma 2 for dayz -.-

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Lol, it makes more sense now that I read it. I thought he meant board, like a wooden board.

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sorry for the sad life of yours.

if you come to NE airfield i will help you and end your missery.

i will make it quick too, promise.

As of right now if you get it from Steam it costs $23.99.

nope, its free.

Edited by Azrail

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Yes, a board would be a waste of money in your current situation.

lol. exactly.

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As of right now if you get it from Steam it costs $23.99.

No that's arma 2, not DayZ.

If you buy Arma 2 just for DayZ you are doing something wrong.

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Damn, man, got my hopes up! I thought we had a new melee weapon to whack zombies with!

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No, you definitely pay $23.99 for Day-Z. Nobody is buying Arma II for Arma II.

Why you bought Arma II doesn't matter. You could have bought it so you'd have a game that started with "A" in your library, for all the difference it makes. What matters is you bought Arma II and got Day Z for free. Day Z doesn't owe you jack because you haven't paid a cent for it.

For your purchase, you are entitled to exactly 1 working (as it was at time of purchase) copy of Arma II: CO; that's what you paid for, and that's what you get. Anything else you get is just a bonus.

Edited by Techercizer
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No that's arma 2, not DayZ.

If you buy Arma 2 just for DayZ you are doing something wrong.

Or you're doing what at least 75% of the people who play are doing.

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