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A solution to the "bandit" problem

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Until school is back in session, and the adults can get back to actually enjoying a zombie survival game, we unfortunately have to deal with the ever-increasing "bandit" problem. It really wouldn't be so bad if 99.9999999999999999999999999% of all bandits didn't disconnect as soon as they got shot. Anyway, on to the solution.

Add a simple friendly fire option to each server, so the admin can decide if he wants to run a Day Z server or a Deathmatch server. Simple and effective. Everyone who actually wants to survive a zombie apocolypse will get to do so sneaking around cities, looking for gear, etc etc. Oh, and all the people who just want another FPS deathmatch game can have that too.

Something to note: I really don't have any issues with bandits; I stay out of cities, hit high-yield barns, deer-stands, etc. Occasionally I will creep into a hospital at about 3am when all the little boys are asleep, but for the most part, I live in the wilderness. I just feel this friendly fire option would help pretty much everyone. In fact, I am pretty sure the ONLY people who wouldn't want an option are people who play this game soley to sit around and shoot others, then disconnect so they don't die.

TLDR: Friendly-Fire option for servers.

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No. Bandits plays a big role in this game.

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It's actually a pretty good suggestion. It would make participation voluntary so everyone can have it their way.

Be prepared for the flames that's sure to come your way now, lolz.

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Awr bless. You think this is a co-op zombie survival game.

Wrong mate, this is hell.

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This game would be boring without bandits.

So if this ever became an option, then you could play on a friendly-fire enabled server.

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I can't agree less. Although I agree that there must be some consequences for shooting people (like there would be in real life), just disableing the option isn't the solution.

As mentioned before, PVP is an important part in the game (if not the most important) and I would really miss the paranoia when going in important areas.

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I can't agree less. Although I agree that there must be some consequences for shooting people (like there would be in real life), just disableing the option isn't the solution.

As mentioned before, PVP is an important part in the game (if not the most important) and I would really miss the paranoia when going in important areas.

Once again, play on a PVP enabled servers. I don't see a problem here.

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So if this ever became an option, then you could play on a friendly-fire enabled server.

Dear god. Turning off friendly fire would completley invalidate the kind of gut wrenching experiance that Rocket is going for,

This is not a co op game, you will be hunted. That is part of the fun.

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May I propose that instead of Solution we start using "Endlosung"

So if this ever became an option, then you could play on a friendly-fire enabled server.

No, that would mean you could loot stuff on a friendly-fires disabled server and then log in on the other server with top-gear.

If people want to shoot zombies without getting shot, there are plenty other games, this is just not one of them.

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Once again, play on a PVP enabled servers. I don't see a problem here.

What you fail to grasp is that this game is not going to water down the experience for some players because they can't cope with it.

Rocket is aiming for a cruel, merciless game. No one will get away from that.

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No, rocket says that PvP is an ntegral part of DayZ and he will keep PvP as is

Why is there no possible better solution than what is in place?

Why CAN'T we try to fix spawncamping?

Why CAN'T we try to fix disconnecting combatants?

Why does it HAVE to stay this way?

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Until school is back in session, and the adults can get back to actually enjoying a zombie survival game, we unfortunately have to deal with the ever-increasing "bandit" problem.

all i read is "I'm bad at PvP, so i resort to wannabe insults".

Edited by Ganjastar
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May I propose that instead of Solution we start using "Endlosung"

No, that would mean you could loot stuff on a friendly-fires disabled server and then log in on the other server with top-gear.

If people want to shoot zombies without getting shot, there are plenty other games, this is just not one of them.

That's a good point. I hadnt thought of that. I do understand server hopping is "being addressed", but not sure how.

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Your idea would basically break the whole game mechanic. I know it can be frustrating but the paranoia invoked from not knowing who's frieindly or not is what makes the game. It's the Dc'ing problem that's the issue, not PvP aspect.

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So if this ever became an option, then you could play on a friendly-fire enabled server.

and farm the best loot with out the worry of being killed by other players...... SURE!

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I dont see a bandit problem, actually i am behaving like one most of the time, if i meet a survivor in my hunting grounds, and he behaves like a derp, i shoot him, if he sneaks around and seems to play in a good maner, i contact him without showing myself, or just let him pass

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I can't agree less. Although I agree that there must be some consequences for shooting people (like there would be in real life), just disableing the option isn't the solution.

As mentioned before, PVP is an important part in the game (if not the most important) and I would really miss the paranoia when going in important areas.

Flint... not trying to start a debate with ur post but.... in a world where order, law and civilization is non-existent. How can there be a consequences for a human killing another human... only thing that can punish a bandit is a bullet storm laid into there body :3

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Sounds like you lost some gear you were attached to. People complaining about bandits always gotta preface it with "I got no problem with em personally cus I kill em all day, it's just kids out of school etc." If you got no problem with em then why complain? You do realize there would be no game without bandits right? The zombie AI is so bad you can round up a train of 50 and just run into a building and lay down to lose em.

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Sounds like you lost some gear you were attached to. People complaining about bandits always gotta preface it with "I got no problem with em personally cus I kill em all day, it's just kids out of school etc." If you got no problem with em then why complain? You do realize there would be no game without bandits right? The zombie AI is so bad you can round up a train of 50 and just run into a building and lay down to lose em.

I actually didn't lose anything, I was just reading forums on my lunch break and saw 200 threads complaining about this, so I figured I would offer a solution.

Edit: Maybe not the best solution, but I'd rather attempt to contribute something. Also, the note about the "kids out of school": Between my friends and I, we have noticed deaths to bandits has increased by a large amount since the summer came around. Do I have any scientific supporting data? No. Just observations.

Edited by Shnoogy

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I dont see a bandit problem, actually i am behaving like one most of the time, if i meet a survivor in my hunting grounds, and he behaves like a derp, i shoot him, if he sneaks around and seems to play in a good maner, i contact him without showing myself, or just let him pass

You have your own hunting grounds? You psycho!

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Having "PvP" and "Friendly" servers would ruin player interaction in this game. The friendly servers wouldn't be scary or difficult at all while the PvP servers, simply because of the distinction, would be the most hostile shit ever. I've played for like a total 6 or 7 hours and I've ran into two other players, both times I was very careful to reveal myself and both times we were able to help each other out before moving on. I don't see a bandit problem. Even if I do get bested by a bandit, that just means I was doing something wrong. Be it travelling alone, being out in the open, or whatever.

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