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Make zombies a player option

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no matter how smart you make the path finding or special tricks the zombies in this gmae will never be as good as player controlled zombies

why not give a option for player to choose to play as zombies ?

this would make for alot more interesting battles and stategies being used. as long as the zombies are done right and blalanced it would really make the game better overall

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I thought about this yesterday, would be intresting if it would work

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Wait, what if we just. yeah..

Get a fucking crowbar and run around with it.

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Yeah, I feel like axe murderers can be considered player-controlled zombies that are more difficult to deal with- they have humans controlling them (they can use cover, flank, etc.) and they have 12000 life over the zombie's 4500. It's hilarious to see the groups of hatchet-wielders going on killing sprees in youtube.

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Also... OP, your avatar is going to give me night terrors :unsure:

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We should only have one option. That is a great idea.

Zombie Panic. That's two options.

OH! Stubs the zombie, you get to be one in that game too.

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They're already in game - you can tell them by the way they sit on hillsides and tall buildings with sniper rifles.

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