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dogs in day z

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it will be cool if they added dogs because you wont die so easy and you can send the dog to attack zombies or humans

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Dogs in Dayz attacking zombies? i think thats not gonna happen

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Dogs in Dayz attacking zombies? i think thats not gonna happen

Rocket already said he is putting dogs in the game, watch his interview at rezzed.

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you posted and replied to yourself

Oh wow that is funny...

Wait. How do we know that you aren't just OP replying to yourself replying to yourself?

Edited by DayZPvP.com

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I think Dogs are going to be more a natural enemy than an ally, currently you don't get many zombies wandering around the woods or countryside so dogs or wolves wondering around in packs and attacking players would be a neat addition and something else to worry about besides the threat of players and zombies

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Would be nice if dogs can bark if humans are getting closer or found a trace of humans..

I like the idea really well but dogs to attack Z or Humans I dont know think thats to much.

But bad Animals or Hunting Animals would be nice..

zag out

Edited by Zagzagel

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