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How can you tell if someone is a bandit?

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I had just saw a video saying that the bandit skin has been removed, I'm new to the game so I have no idea what this is.

How can you tell if someone is a bandit now?

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If you see someone carrying a sniper rifle, chances are he's not using that sniper rifle to shoot zombies. I prioritize hunting bandits, so usually if I come across someone who has a sniper rifle (but hasn't noticed me) I'll usually find a good opportunity to gun them down before they could react by disconnecting. I've definitely racked up the occasional murder, but I think that this is a pretty good way to gauge bandits from survivors.

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If you see someone carrying a sniper rifle, chances are he's not using that sniper rifle to shoot zombies. I prioritize hunting bandits, so usually if I come across someone who has a sniper rifle (but hasn't noticed me) I'll usually find a good opportunity to gun them down before they could react by disconnecting. I've definitely racked up the occasional murder, but I think that this is a pretty good way to gauge bandits from survivors.

Guess from now on I'll run around with my M4A1 out, Don't want to get shot just because my sniper is on my back >.>

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I liked the look of the bandit skin :( but yeah chances are everyone is a bandit lol, just avoid people and shoot them if they get to close)

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For me it's in the mirror.

Watch out we got a badass over here.

Edited by Jackftw
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Basically the only way to tell is if you hear the heart beat within 15 ft, and even than you will be most likely dead before that.

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Guess from now on I'll run around with my M4A1 out, Don't want to get shot just because my sniper is on my back >.>

Haha if I were to somehow spot you and you haven't noticed me, I'd totally be more inclined to let you go if you had your M4 out instead of your sniper rifle; maybe other people would shoot on sight, and maybe you would shoot me, but seeing that sniper rifle is the easiest way for me to confirm that the chance the dude is a bandit is high (at least over other methods).

I carry a sniper rifle myself to hunt bandits (hiding in a spot that has a good viewpoint of the hills around Stary Sobor or the starting cities and having fun sniping them while they're training their sights on the poor looters), but I wouldn't mind if I got mistaken for a bandit by carrying my sniper rifle, haha.

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You could always lay down and observ the player, but if he's a bandit he probably dc before anything..

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Unless you're right next to him, you cant.

Which needs to be solved somehow, unless this game is intended for deathmatching.

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When he yells "Die cunt!" while he is killing you.

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There was also one time when I asked "Friendly?" and got a "No." back. Most honest bandit ever.

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Unless you're right next to him, you cant.

Which needs to be solved somehow, unless this game is intended for deathmatching.

Can you spot a murderer at 100m by looking at his face? No? Didn't think so.

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Can you spot a murderer at 100m by looking at his face? No? Didn't think so.

I never said so.

But now it's a kill on sight on everyone basicly.

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If your standing near to him, you hear a loud Heartbeat. (Its really loud).

I never knew about the heartbeat thing. But I once asked someone if he's friendly. He didn't answer, but kept slowly creeping up to my hiding spot (was kind of a stupid bandit, I mean it was clear that we saw each other). So I decided to sit still until he came into my field of view and blew his brains out. Then debug monitor tells me I got a bandit kill... that's how I knew he was one lol.

Funny how he probably could've killed me if he'd answer my friendly call cause I wouldn't have shot him. Oh well, some bandits haven't gone to bandit school yet I guess and didn't know about the friendly warcry? lol.

Edited by Whattteva

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Shoot and loot them. If you get a bandit kill hooray. If you get a murder also hooray.

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There is one way and only one way to tell if someone is a bandit.

Shoot them.

Now he is a dead bandit.

Happy hunting!

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If they have two arms, two legs, a head, a torso and are holding any form of weapon, it's probably a Bandit. Or it's a bear. either way best to put a bullet into it, closely followed by another one.

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