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What's the weirdest way you have died?

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One Day me and my brother joined a server to play Some DayZ. I stood infront a deer stand and waited untill my brother logs in suddenly i heard some noises behind me and i turned around. Suddenly someone stood infront of me and i asked my brother through ts if this guy is him but he didnt answered. The Dude just didnt stopped moving towards me and aimed with a shotgun at me and i started shooting and gave him 15 headshots with the ak. He shot me once too with his m10 shotgun and i went uncounciessness and bleeding. I just realized that the guy was my brother when his name appeared " **** died. " . I bleeded out too and died.

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I spawned as a bird in my first visit on a DayZ server.

Flew around for 10~ minutes, using my numpad keys to change directions.

At some point I crashed, as a friggin bird, and couldn't get up again. Pressed "Respawn", and it said in the bottom left that I died.

Pretty weird.

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My weirdest dead was straight after logging in. I logged in, was in the middle of the road, I hear a car while logging in, turn around, get hit by a bus and die... T_T

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went to fuel a chopper, (the first and still the only chopper my group has found and fixed) we had put 8 jerry cans in to get it to the refuel point. So I ferry back and to the 50 required jerrycans and fuel the bird, I get the chopper up above the horizon level and start to head out. Theres a forest approching and I just think to myself I'll raise up a few meters so I dont collide with the treetops and I press E instead of Q, tipping the chopper dramatically forward instead of raising up. needless to say the thing goes smashing into the terrain and all I can do is scream 'nooooooooooooooo' I lost a 19day survival attempt...


Edited by RayPugh

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I opened the church door in Chernogorsk and it bugged with the tank trap stuck in its pathway (i couldnt see it) and dragged me into it and the door closed crushing me, most annoying :)

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- Searched a Dixi toilet 4 loot closed the door broke my legs, zombie aggro, rage, dead.

- Searched an enemy Camping tent found a LA85 weaponed it, next thing i saw was another player with a hatched behind me.... bye bye L85.

- Raided Devils Castle, someone went in fired a whole HK5 MAG at him he died.... three more of his group came in... last thin i saw was about 30 Bullets flying in my direction.

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I was somwhere around Green Mountain. Suddenly I noticed two players running through a field. I was equipped with M4A3 CCO. They saw me aiming at them and begun to walk slowly. They realized, that if I had the intention to shoot them, I would have already done it. One of them was equipped with a Winchester, the other one just with a handgun or so. They had the standard backpacks and looked like they were just at the beginning of their survival journey, so I thought "Hey, be nice - let'em pass". I could have shot down both, before they even come into the range to fire their weapons.

The first one passed. I was still aiming at him, but didn't shoot. Then I aimed the guy carrying the Winchester and let him pass. When they were about 50 m away I thought "Hey... nice guys! They got it!". I wanted to write "Good luck guys" in the chat. Just in that moment, the Winchester guy turned around and fired his weapon. His first bullet hit my head and I was dead.

SInce then I decided to never again be the nice guy :D

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I lag spiked and fell off the roof of Cherno hospital, seemed a pretty ironic place to die

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went to fuel a chopper, (the first and still the only chopper my group has found and fixed) we had put 8 jerry cans in to get it to the refuel point. So I ferry back and to the 50 required jerrycans and fuel the bird, I get the chopper up above the horizon level and start to head out. Theres a forest approching and I just think to myself I'll raise up a few meters so I dont collide with the treetops and I press E instead of Q, tipping the chopper dramatically forward instead of raising up. needless to say the thing goes smashing into the terrain and all I can do is scream 'nooooooooooooooo' I lost a 19day survival attempt...


Don't get attached to time that is already wasted.

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A hacker spawned bombs around the map i was in electro and saw how the entire city was blown up i died a few seconds later...

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I had the temerity to crawl under a tree.

Only it wasn't a tree, it was the Whomping Willow from Hogwarts, or possibly an Ent. It smashed me in the back, broke my legs and robbed me of about 8000 blood. I crawled into the nearby town, but that just ended up being free delivery for the local hungry zombies.

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I was spotting for my buddie who was using an Enfield, we where shooting a guy on top of the grain silos in cherno, we where on top of the construction site at the time.

We're done and killed the sucker and I wanted to put my binoculars away.

Press V instead of B.

Proceed me hopping over the edge of the building and falling to my death.

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Me and three friends were about to crawl under the wall going into the factory just north of Dolina, i was probably half way through when a mate decided to run up and hit prone, as he landed his fat arse squashed me.

Edited by Believil

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My buddy died by clipping through a floor and falling 1 story. I had to laugh as I saw him begin to slowly clip through the floor then his body fell. I didnt actually see it hit the ground, I just hear the bones breaking which made it all that more funny.

Also, the same buddy ran into me at a sprint and snapped my legs. I didn't end up dying, but it was funny.

I died from blood loss because I turned while prone, snapped my leg and for some reason started bleeding out.

Edited by a. james

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Finished up one night logged out under a tree, the next day login to find myself like a "christmas star" on top of the same tree......

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On top of the really high building waiting for snipers to log in. I'm looking over the edge and decide to crouch. Start running dive animation. I panick, complete U-TURN. Breath a sigh of relief that I don't die, in that moment a sniper logs in behind me and shoots me.

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I haven't really had any weird deaths. But the weirdest death I've ever experienced is when my friend tripped on air and died. xD

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