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Really... you drink anything in your inv if your water bottle is empty it will drink the cans you can tell by the sounds when you drink stuff you hear the can open

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Use your scroll wheel, if you scroll up or down you will see a menu on the left side of the screen and you can select to drink there.

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Put the water bottle on the ground or in your backpack before using the drink option. I think it prioritizes water bottles over sodas for some reason.

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You drink whatever is highest/first in your inventory. If you have a water bottle before a can of pepsi and want to drink the pepsi to first, press G(gear) go the left left side of the inventory window, where it says < Water Bottle > click on < to drop the bottle on the ground, click on > to quickly pick it up again, now the water bottle is placed behind the can and when you seclect the drink option, you'll drink the can first.

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1.5.8 features a new system :) I think it is cool, I hope you guys like it!

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1.5.8 features a new system :) I think it is cool' date=' I hope you guys like it!


Can not wait Rocket! That said i always move my water bottles into my backpack and out of my inventory if I have any sode avaliable. If you don't know how to much things out of your inventory into your actual backpack let someone know so they can walk you thru the process.

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1.5.8 features a new system :) I think it is cool' date=' I hope you guys like it!


Rocket, stop teasing everybody :D could you at least tell us how much progress is done on the 1.5.8? :)

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1.5.8 features a new system :) I think it is cool' date=' I hope you guys like it!


Knowing rocket, it probably is an option to store your own tears into your canteen.

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1.5.8 features a new system :) I think it is cool' date=' I hope you guys like it!


Knowing rocket, it probably is an option to store your own tears into your canteen.

Now a new feature in 1.5.8, the server automatically detects when you're raging by the following: Curse words, capslock, FUCKING BANDITS, and other profane words and sentences! By typing these into chat the server will automatically detect that you are "Whining and crying" due to whatever event may of happened and your canteen now automatically fills itself up with your tears! (Oh and your text is logged so rocket can have a good laugh at his office in Nevada)

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