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Request to be moved in playable area. Stuck in Debug Plains.

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Request to be made conscious, and perhaps moved.

Yesterday we had a mass-teleport of the US 842 server for the second time in 48 hours. Instead of a "Thunder dome" death match like the day before (I logged off in time to save myself since this type of PvP is a hack), this one apparently had a massive explosion go off where two of my team was killed outright, instantly, and two of us were made permanently unconscious.

I logged, then logged in to another server and waited out the timer hour-glass, facing the sky and some trees (so probably not in the debug area), waited a good while longer after it hit bottom, and am still unconscious due to a hack.

Hey, I'm at 4000 or less blood, and really don't mind bandaging myself and hiking back, but I need to be made able to do that, first, or request to be respawned with my not great, but OK, kit.

Player Name: Barn Raider

Player ID: 34649414

Thanks for any help, and please halt the mass-teleporting to kill us all.

Edited by Corbon HydraShock

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Name: DownNorUp

Player ID: 21772742

Server played at: US 1253

What happened: I spawned at the docks with all my gear after a server restart, i was kinda near the NW airfield and i have an AKM, M9 and Ghille suit, all my gear is there still, i'd like to request a move back to where i was so i won't need to run all the way back up

Ignore this, i died due to great response time, but i now got an M4A3 CCO ^o^

Edited by Optimism

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Name: DownNorUp

Player ID: 21772742

Server played at: US 1253

What happened: I spawned at the docks with all my gear after a server restart, i was kinda near the NW airfield and i have an AKM, M9 and Ghille suit, all my gear is there still, i'd like to request a move back to where i was so i won't need to run all the way back up

Dude, you're alive and healthy... be happy and run. Way to just turn off the moderators to those of us who are really stuck.

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Was teleported to a beach and shot by a hacker randomly out of no where. I was looting a supermarket just before this happened.

Requesting a retrieval of my character with what he had and same location if possible.

Player Name: Kuntjuice

Player ID: 23545030

Time: About 9.30-9.40am 5/8/2012

Server: ANZ 1


OH btw the hacker is still on ANZ 1 killing everyone...

Edited by j0nn0

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Dude, you're alive and healthy... be happy and run. Way to just turn off the moderators to those of us who are really stuck.

I spent hours of hours to get to that location..and still i got alot of equipment in my tents, i'd like to get up there again before someone else does

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I'm stuck as well in the middle of the ocean and I've been swimming for a while now. Can I be sent back to dry land? my in-game name is greyseraph and my player ID is 59312966

btw the server was US 1048

Edited by greyseraph

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I was just ported with everyone else on the server into the ocean after immediately disconnecting it had already saved my location, after logging in somewhere else I found out I was not bleeding from my blinking food and water and that any movement was blocked.

PlayerID: 14110662

Profile: Termcat2

I now find the lack of a suicide button pretty 'great'.


Swam towards shore, got picked up by a chopper

Edited by Termcat2

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managed to die, thanks.

Find your player id by going to the start screen of arma, where it says player profiles.

Edit your profile, your player id will be at the bottom

Edited by Byron@Dayz

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***************I ROLLED OUT OF THE GLITCH. THANKS*************************

I just spawned and it spawned me under a building. I would like to be unglitched if that would be possible. Illuminator904 GameName Illuminator. Thanks. Also, I'm new to this game and I don't know how to find my Player ID#... Sorry. :(

Edited by Illuminator904

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I got spawned in the middle of the ocean by a hacker and its nearly impossible for me to get back to land.

Player I.D: 64006470

Profile: Alan

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Was teleported to a beach and shot by a hacker randomly out of no where. I was looting a supermarket just before this happened.

Requesting a retrieval of my character with what he had and same location if possible.

Player Name: Kuntjuice

Player ID: 23545030

Time: About 9.30-9.40am 5/8/2012

Server: ANZ 1


OH btw the hacker is still on ANZ 1 killing everyone...


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I've been stuck in the Debug field for days now, and every single server I go on it's the same thing. I was originally on top of the Cherno Hospital. It'd be great if I could be moved there, or anywhere near Cherno.

Player I.D.: 17363078

Profile: Jaz

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Edit: Either Thankyou, or don't worry about it.

hey guys, was playing in a server that restarted, upon restart was thrown into the middle of this arena full of tents with running players everywhere. I disconnected rejoined another server and now i just keep spawning in the debug plains with half my gear, i really want to keep this player he's a week old and has some amazing gear and stats. would seriously appreciate a respawn back on the map.

Player name: -CiC- Clutch.

Player I.D: 17247814

hopefully not a common one.

cheers guys. thanks for all the good work.

Edited by Clutch

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Hi, I was spawned inside the walls of a building in Novy, I tired to get out buy crawling now I am stuck under the building. Can I please be teleported or killed?

My name is: Mr. Rager

Last played on US 811.

I do not know how to find my player ID.

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please help me too. I was in Cherno with my friend in a pub house when we logged out. Since I logged in again I am stucking inside a building or something - I can see all around but I am running against hidden walls. Tried to log out, log in on several servers - cannot get out.

I have good equipment - could you move me please? Thank you very much!!!

Payer ID: 813826

Player Name: FT

Thank you.



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Hacker just spawned everyone on US 1462 into the ocean, as far as I can tell it's really far away from the mainland and moving to the mainland would lose all my items. Please help dev? I tried re-logging to move to the coast but it doesn't work. I'd like to not lose my current character as I have mega gear right now. Please help?

Player Name: [det0x]vendetta

PlayerID: 31687238

*EDIT* Also my squadmates are in the same boat as me, could you move us and preserve our gear please?

Player Name: randy

PlayerID: 34081926

Player Name: [det0x]RE4LiTY

PlayerID: 24358470


I just died of hunger to move on, nevermind.

Edited by v3nd3774

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Just had a hacker teleport the entire player base of the server I was on into the middle of the ocean.

Time: 1:00AM Central Time (US) 8/7/12

Server: Unknown (Sorry, wish I remembered)

Player Name: [otc] CEOofEVIL

PlayerID: 16862982

Can't swim to shore - attempting to move literally merits no movement in any direction according to my GPS/Map. I just want to get back to shore, gear or no gear, fresh spawn is OK with me.

Edited by CEOofEVIL
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Just had a hacker teleport the entire player base of the server I was on into the middle of the ocean.

Time: 1:00AM Central Time (US) 8/7/12

Server: Unknown (Sorry, wish I remembered)

Player Name: [otc] CEOofEVIL

PlayerID: 16862982

Can't swim to shore - attempting to move literally merits no movement in any direction according to my GPS/Map. I just want to get back to shore, gear or no gear, fresh spawn is OK with me.

Same boat as the last guy (terrible joke, we have no boat).

PID: 10518726


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hey dayz staff

i was novy sobor and crawling after i switch go to new US server. my character was chernogorsk.

what happen on me? Hacker or bugs?

i need to know... plz

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I think I'm in debug fields too - lost my gear and there is only sea of grass and hills everywhere. Like a bad dream, I wandered this landscape for hour but found nothing. Please take me behind barn and do it quickly so I can start fresh.

edit:: Nevermind

Edited by Uriel99

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