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Request to be moved in playable area. Stuck in Debug Plains.

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I'm stuck in the foundation of a building in Novy Sobor and can neither move, die or respawn. Was spawned there after dieing.

Would be cool, if I could be respawned or killed :D

Name: Cheet4h

ID: 50268934

edit: Okay, managed to get out by crawling against the stairs from the inside for a couple of minutes.

Edited by Cheet4h

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I'm also stuck in the scenery and unable to move or respawn. If you could move me into a playable area that would be great


ID: 59703686

Scratch that was able to free myself after 20 mins of trying :)

Edited by andy5636

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I just spawned in Debug plains after making a new character, and (since the latest patch) I cant kill myself or find east.

Name: Gezo

ID: 41390470

I guess it fixed itself upon joining another server.

Edited by Gezo

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I'm not stuck in the debug forest, I was outside the factory. I was crawling over some rocks and began clipping through the ground. I can interact with my gear and attract zombies but I can't move at all. I've tried switching server but the issue persists across all the servers I tried.

Please help.

Player ID: 26044230

Edited by Sw1ft

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I've gotten teleported in to the ocean before but i'm not currently stuck. Just checking in to see if the ghillie suit is still bugged and if it'll teleport me again if i wear it. I haven't worn it since a few updates ago since i'm kinda terrified of being teleported again. But kept it in my inventory in case it was ever fixed.

just happened to me, so, yeah.

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I was on the rooftop of Electro school. Server crashed. When reloged I found myself two floors below, between the walls. No doors there. I can see what's outside, but can't get out. I've tried to change servers but location stays the same. Please move my char to playable location as there is no option for suicide anymore. Thanks.

PID: 30479110

BTW I think that it would be good idea if this thread was pinned as this kind of situation will happen and there is no respawn button.

Edited by paney

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I was also spawned in the Debug plains, even died, only to be spawned there again. would be awesome if i could be moved.

Name: Andonos

PID: 2976682

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Obviously no one gives a shit... Bring the respawn button back if you have no time to deal with stuff like this.

Edit: I've managed to atract a zombie to attack me through the wall.

Edited by paney

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I just got teleported by some CARNT hacker. No idea which way is what or where I should be going to get back. Can't suicide, etc.

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*sigh* I guess I'll wait for the finished product to be released before I bother to play again. Too bad hackers totally ruined everyone's fun.

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I was playing on a server and a hacker jumped in and sent me to a debug area could you please spawn me at the beach as fresh spawn? please my user name is dream

Edited by Dream

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Got teleported to wilderness last night.

Player ID: 33688070

Please help i'm about to die of thirst.

I was at grid 043 061 before the error.

My player name is Smoleyhole.

Thank you.

Edited by Lexxhenry

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Edit: Nevermind this gentlemen, I got out by spamming the V key :)

Hey guys, I love your game. Hope you could help me out on this one. I managed to get a character stuck in a tree by black lake today. He is completely stuck and can't go anywhere. My plan became to kill him with my other character using an axe (yes, I bought two copies of the game). I think you can probably guess what happened next? That's right, my other character got stuck there as well.

Edited by aiven

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As I described in the other thread, the game doesn't save my inventory. Maybe it will solve the problem when a supervisor "delete" my character, even if the normal respawn procedere doesn't. My ID is 49981958

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The same thing happened to me, Just got the game today after hearing people saying its amazing, logs out to find a non-laggy server and i log back in to find my car above me and im stuck underneath a dock.

In game name: Warren

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In debug plains and would be greatly appreciated if I was back to normal

Thank You

Player Name: HMD

ID: 39682566

Just some more information about me being stuck.

  • Can't fire my gun which i have ammo for
  • Tried to create another player profile but still spawned with the same items and still in debug plains (I don't think that would have matter)
  • Every server i joined same thing happens
  • Haven't been able to play for the last week.. wait that's not something you have to know but that too

So I hope something can be done because the main reason I bought Arma II was for DayZ. Not saying Arma II is bad or anything (Been playing Arma II multiplayer for the last week pretty fun, if anyone bought it for DayZ like me you should try it) but I rather play DayZ

Thank You Again

Edited by HMDSon

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