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Request to be moved in playable area. Stuck in Debug Plains.

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Nah just loging on buggy server i guess :) but i really saw it comming since in this game when you are really lucky something bad happens and i was really lucky :D

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Dayuuuuuum im in the plains and i have no map a move to a better spawn withing would be a treat



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Hello, I am requesting to be moved out from plains to my old postiion 095.023 or somwhere close to there. thank you

EDIT: I almost forgot name: Postman

Edited by chauvinista

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Why does this bug happen? I didnt have this problem for weeks now its happened twice in a row.

Is it about where you log out? Both times I was in a building.

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Hi am not stuck in the plains but im stuck in a similer way i was in bernzino and i got knocked unconscious when i gained consciousnes my player is now stuck in the apartment in the building where you are not sapose to get to am stuck i dont really want to respawn cause i dont want to lose all my gear i have tryed everything logging out then in dose not work try jumping sprinting ext. could you spawn me out from the gliched place am in please

name: max

i no its a common name but i dont no how to give any more information about who i am i am at grid 122058 if that help (found out ID its 17055878 )


Edited by Maxmckie

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Stuck in debug zone, please teleport out.

EDIT: Nevermind, just going to scuicide

Edited by WhiteZero

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Hey, posted a while back, but i guess with so many applies you might have missed it. So here i go again

Tried to walk out tonight again, ended up with blinking water/food and now loosing blood. last chance for me

ID 38776326

Player name Jonchi

Thanks in advance

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First off- sorry to the moderators for making a double post about the same thing- I didnt think you'd have to reply to this specific topic for approval to be moved from the debug area..

soo- yeah.

I was playing, maybe like 5-10 minutes ago, the server went down- I was near stary sobor near the northwest dear stand (DE 55)

When I came back I got kicked from battleye for some reason, when I rejoined I was in the debug area..

I killed someone that was there also because he scared me. ._.

I heard you guys can move me so can I get moved?

Ingame name: Jay

Player ID : 30248198


Edited by shinii

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In the debug plains aswell, would appreciate it if I was moved to the playable area, Thanks.

Name: Tyler Durden

ID: 28332358

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I, too, got stuck in the debug plains last night. I think what caused it was that the server dropped everyone (maybe a restart) and I reconnected too quickly. Can anybody confirm this as a possible reason?

I'd appreciate at least a shot at saving my gear :)

Player name: Badly Jester

ID: 41821254

Thanks in advance!


Spawned with all my gear intact. Thank you kindly!

Edited by badlyjester

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I, too, got stuck in the debug plains last night. I think what caused it was that the server dropped everyone (maybe a restart) and I reconnected too quickly. Can anybody confirm this as a possible reason?

I'd appreciate at least a shot at saving my gear :)

Player name: Badly Jester

ID: 41821254

Thanks in advance!

Exactly how it happened to me

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I have a request as well, and didn't want to start a new thread, though it isn't the same as these other ones. Basically, I was playing with my friend and we were searching an apartment in Berezino when we heard three other players near us. We managed to kill all three of them, and then looted them. At the time, I had an AKM with 7 mags, but upon looting them, I discovered one had an M4 Holo SD and several clips, so I took that. It was only my second day of playing this mod though, and after searching the forums and wiki a few hours later, I learned that it was a hacked gun and not meant to be in the game.

Basically, all I am asking is for either the AKM and 7 mags be returned to me, or just let me keep the M4 ammo and just give me a different legitimate variant of the M4 if it's possible. I just don't want to be stuck right outside of town with nothing but a Makarov on me. Thanks for your time.

Player name: Fragmagnet

Player ID: 43776006

Edited by ESDeadmond

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May i also post a request? Sadly same thing happened to me, lost all my gear (NVG's M16A3, Coyote Backpack, Beans, Map, 6 ish Stanag Rounds, CZ550 with 4 mags)

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Went through the list with IDs that were still stuck, also fixed a few extra... Been really busy sorry.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I was hoping you wouldnt do mine considering I just found some good stuff. -_-

Gonna login to see if i'm elsewhere. ._.

Edited by shinii

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Can you please reset me ? I wrote my problem in some topics.

I spawn unconscious with 1727 blood, food water temp all in red. Blood doesnt drop, hourglass fills up and stay like that. Can only do alt + f4.

Hav this problem for 2 days now, I lie there for hours, nothing changes.

Name: woetjes

ID: 5873 2294

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Hello, I am still stucked in plains, can you please move me to my old postition if you can (095.023) but i wouldnt mind spawning somewhere on North, thank you

name: Postman

ID: 14923398

EDIT: ok, started running and find myself in Pavlovo and died :(

Edited by chauvinista

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I died and respawned in plains, just respawn me anywhere or something, thank you!

name: MisterP

ID: 24947206

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I'm literally a dog, stuck in the ground. This happend a few days ago, and I can't also respawn or even delete my character.

Name: Oscar


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I've gotten teleported in to the ocean before but i'm not currently stuck. Just checking in to see if the ghillie suit is still bugged and if it'll teleport me again if i wear it. I haven't worn it since a few updates ago since i'm kinda terrified of being teleported again. But kept it in my inventory in case it was ever fixed.

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