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Request to be moved in playable area. Stuck in Debug Plains.

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I have a different sort of request, can I be respawned and have my status set so that i can play without remaining unconcious for the immensely long time of infinity? I prefer t be spawned on the coast.

Player: Hard Python

Player ID: 28457286 (arma 2 player id)

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hey vipeax. I sent you a PM about my situation but you might be busy. Im stuck in wilderness and dont know how to get out. I really dont wanna lose my gear. I dont have enough food or water to make it back onto the map. I would like some help please. Im not sure how to give player ID though. can anyone help me figure that out? I was just south of stary sobar before I spawned in wilderness. Would like a solution to this please. Something I can help figure out and solve myself too. Thanks :)

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hey i have the exact same problem with all these guys but i still have my stuff with me. Could you please help reset my account please??

Player ID is Light_Buzzyear

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nvm hahahah

i just respaawned =]

but for future reference, where do you find your player ID hahaha

*I know i made a doo doo above

Thanks =]

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I am stuck in debug plains.

Please move me to a playable area.

Profile name: "Jesus Christ"

Player ID: "26127366"

Thank you and best regards.

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Hey guys I am stuck in debug plains too.

I have got all my stuff but no zombies to kill =/

can you please move me to a playable area?

Profile name: "Dobsi"

Player ID: "1294338"

Thank you 4 help

dont need help, walked out

Edited by Dobsi
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THANK YOU jesus i found the topic what im hoping is correct for my issue, 2 days ago now I was switching servers and i am located in elektrovodsk pier or docks w/e you call them , then i log in on different servers and now it says im in wilderness on a huuuuge empty field , no trees homes or anything, just land , and i have decent stuff , can you Mods please put my back to safety of where i was.

Name - Hellfighter

ID - 41081798

Mod / Admins, Can you please check this frequently, ton of people would like to be freed!. TY

Edited by Hellfighter
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I am currently stuck in the debug plains and would love a rescue.


player name: Mooooloo

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Not sure what happened, logged out yesterday to come on today and see my character in the middle of nowhere.

Would love to be moved to a playable area, thanks!

IGN: LuminatX

EDIT: Nvm I killed myself.

Edited by LuminatX

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Hi, the same appears to have happened to me.

Name: Sniggles

ID: 39718662

Also Id like to thank the entire DayZ team for creating the kind of zombie game that has been missing from the world for far too long. Great job.

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i would be really happy if you moved me to a playable area.

Name: MalenEst

ID: 32157446

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My char has spawned in debug plain (featureless landscape). Ive lost all my equipment.

I had an M911 with 6 or 7 clips, a bandage, an AK74 Kobra with 6 or 7 magazines and a full water bottle, and in my Alice pack, I had a DMR with 2 magazines. I was near Zelenogorsk on the SESUK1 server.

My char ID is 27217542.

Char name: Ray

Please help!

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Hello dear developers.

Is it still possible to be spawned to a playable area now that I've twice spawned to debug plains? I've still got my weapons and equipment so I'm hopeful that it could be possible. Spawning to debug plains happened after I serverhopped to third server because of night (yes I'm not too brave) and a laggy server. My character wasn't too old, but I got a map and AK-74U so I really really really don't want to start all over again.

My nickname in game is Hartm and Player ID is 9970438.

Thanks in advance, I've enjoyed this game very much!


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I just logged in after the 95168 and played for about 2 hours. Then it was to dark to play on that server to we tried switching servers. I log in first and ended up in the debug plains to. I have absolutley nothing on me now lost everything because of that bug. Really hoped that bug was fixed since this is the 2nd time :(

I haven't done Respawn since im hoping i can get my stuff back to me a while to get it,

Character name is Kurious

I think i should be posting my player ID but i don't really know how to find it

Also would like to add + rep to all the developers of this mod really enjoying it. It has a few bugs here and there but i guess it will be fixed by time since its still alpha. But anyways great job so far keep the good work up!

EDIT : not sure if your the fastest and best staff ever but i just tried joining a server and i respawned but i had all my stuff on me! Thanks so much =)

Edited by Kurious

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hi my ingame name is:tracey

my player id is:40598918

im stuck out side of map some where i have ground but there is nothing around just a vast desert like place known as debug plains :) i was wondering if an admin can place me some where on the map near black lake were i was last in the wilderness perferabley with my stuff but if its not possible ok thanks i appreciate your time and love the mod please fix my guy thanks bunches

well ive marched what seems like at least an hr and nothing but a few pigs rabbits and cows but just no trees building any thing besides ground gonna kil my self maybe ill spawn at some where ill keep you posted

ok so i killed my self and spawnd in a regular spawn place only now when i log off and log back in my inventory disapears and i start with nothing so when im looting if i log off and log back on im back to square one but still were i loged off any ideas how to fix this one

Edited by tracey420

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Yea sadly i'm in the exact same boat as everyone else. i went to go join a server today and spawned in a random plain and now im just sitting there. it would be a shame for me to have to respawn because of the great amount of equipment i have with my 8 days of survival. if theres and thing you can do, it would be greatly appriciated : ) ------- iGodz nvm i walked for an hour im good now........

Edited by iGodZ

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Hey, i got stuck in that plain too ! :(

I disconnect around 070-117 and when i reconnect few hours later i'm there.

Would be nice if you can put where i was before

My nick is "DETAX!" and player ID : 25363014

Thanks a lot and have a nice day ;)

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hey guys, try to walk the same direction like the clouds, helped me out of this :)

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*EDIT* I seem to have found myself back where I logged off. If this is your doing, cheers admins!

Hi! I was disconnected tonight and I seem to have been moved to the Debug Plains. Any help relocating me would be appreciated.

Player name: disty

Player ID : 43253638

Edited by disty

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