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Request to be moved in playable area. Stuck in Debug Plains.

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I also spawned in the middle of nowhere outside the map.

Name: Son of Liberty

Player ID: 24578758

Thanks for your efforts.


Nevermind, I just hit respawn.

Edited by Son of Liberty

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Of course we can ask? It is THERE work that caused it so why can't we ask? They have the full right to just ignore this thread, or even tell us "not doing it, enjoy alpha". There is literally NO good reason that we can't ask, unless there is something in the ROE or front page of this website that I'm missing. Honestly dude, what makes you think we aren't allowed to ask something?

I said the fact, that you have the nerve, to ask. I even underlined in my post above, because I figured some bonehead couldn't read.. oh well for that helpful hint. Nothing to do with your internet rights of your whining edit* crying over something in a test phase as simple as a character lost*edit, questioning about saving your great character.

It's sad that you guys cry over this stuff, when it's a work in progress. and think time should be taken to restore your character. Let alone the fact that you think your character, in a game, out of 500,000, in a test phase, is important enough to whine over. + Rest in before post. Doesn't matter you can't comprehend the simplest reason. If your 2 hours of time, testing the game, not playing, you did not BUY dayz, is that important. Shows what is wrong with PC gaming community...

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Please save the argument off the thread, this is used for players who wish to ask nicely for the dayz staff to move their character to a playable area again, anyone that's being rude fair enough, but please don't continue to use this to argue when there are people being respectful and asking nicely.

Edited by hybN

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Didn't come here to argue just pointing out the fact that how people become so attached to their in-game character, they aren't able to accept the lose of it in an alpha... I've lost my character to debug, trees, updates.. so have 1000s of others. I just don't understand the... thought that your character is so important to be saved... in a test phase. Problem runs rampant for a alpha, the same kind of people that ask for this, are no different then people that hit alt+F4, my character is more important than others should not be lost or killed in anyway!!! Rule 1: It is an alpha, DO NOT GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR/Character.

Just cowboy up, and start a new!

Edited by Iceman28001

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Never been in debug, but with so many updates in a short time frame, but damn, I'm glad I don't have Vipeax's job..

Last time my friend relogged in debug plains, he just started hoofing it (he did have 1 can of coke and one tin of beans on him at he time).. meanwhile, I found (stole, I mean who leaves a motorbike, on top of a hill with the lights on?) a bike, loaded up with beans and pepsi, and headed for the west side of the map.. luckily found him, dehydrated, starving, and with very little blood.. all sorted after a round of beans on coke, and blood transfusion..

If you find yourself in debug.. you'd be quicker killing yourself, and that includes getting most of your gear back.

Moral of the story, keep some food and drink on you at ALL times, and you can get back to the map.

Edited by Skinman

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Didn't come here to argue just pointing out the fact that how people become so attached to their in-game character, they aren't able to accept the lose of it in an alpha... I've lost my character to debug, trees, updates.. so have 1000s of others. I just don't understand the... thought that your character is so important to be saved... in a test phase. Problem runs rampant for a alpha, the same kind of people that ask for this, are no different then people that hit alt+F4, my character is more important than others should not be lost or killed in anyway!!! Rule 1: It is an alpha, DO NOT GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR/Character.

Just cowboy up, and start a new!

Where was I crying? You must be stupid. Here I am, sitting with a cool character and I'm given the opportunity to save him and you're telling me to not take it. Seriously can you think? Like I said, they have the full right to tell us no, live with alpha. To say "nerve" for asking makes us look like we are demanding them. There is NOTHING wrong with asking if you don't know something. If they say no, then you just respawn your character, but why would you want to waste days of work if there's a chance you could save it? Honestly, not asking for a move would be stupid and silly.

No one here was crying or complaining. They were merely asking if there character could be moved and hey, lucky them. Personally I think you had a character you worked hard for and now you're just jealous they had there's saved. We all know it's alpha, so get off that little row boat of yours. You think it's "nerve' when the OP was probably just thinking "Hey maybe this will work". Get over yourself dude, we aren't kids crying over some character.

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Please guys, this doesn't help with anything, can you two just drop it? for the sake of everyone else here.

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A helpful tip for anyone stuck in debug. Just run South East and you'll get out. I ran for about 5 minutes and got out, depending on where you spawn it could be 2 - VERY LONG :).

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Hi there! Playing on UK9 server, the server reboot while I was looting in North West airport, after reconnexion, I spawn in ''wilderness'', is it possible to help me?

Player ID 9729414

Name. 716ID|Uffz.JosephPorta

Edited by JosephPorta

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Hey iv been teleported to the Debug Plains twice in a week now i ran the first time but i dont have any water this time so could i get a teleport



ID: 12555206

Edit: Dont both doing now i managed to get back :D

Edited by CBaTaylor

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Hello, can I also be reset? I'm not in the debug plains but I've died and my character won't respawn, even after waiting 10-15 mins.


Name: Andre

ID: 33583750

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Can you move me out of the debug plains too ;\

User: Kevin

ID: 26988358

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I've just connected this morning and I'm stuck in the wilderness without Compass,GPS is it possible to teleport my char?

Name: MPT2142

Player ID: 7457478

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Hi vipeax,

You seem like a server dude with infinite power and wisdom,,, :D so maybe you can help me, every time i log back into the game my inventory gets reset to the normal beach spawn gear, but my location is persistent. No matter what i do i lose my loot, but i stay where i log off. Respawning myself makes no difference, i keep going back to the beach gear whn i log back in again... anything you can do to help me, or is there anthing i can do to help myself... i dont really care where im put as long as i can play the game properly again!!!




Player Name: Toby

Player ID:28240582

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Help! spawned into the debug plains after the server rebooted.

Name: Pinaatti

ID: 11223110

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I moved the people that were at this point still off map (so not respawned/ran back), ran and listed their player IDs.

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Vipeax... Have you any idea what is happening to my character... Is my best bet to try and reinstall Arma and dayz from steam... because i really don't want to have to do that... I'm running and everything you said above... Thanks if you do reply!! :P

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I'm stuck in debug plains as well!

Name is Maco on US106

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Hello there, as of yesterday i also found my self stuck, tried to make a run for it but with no luck.

Would love just to end up somewere else :)

Thanks in advance

Ing. name: Jonchi

player ID: 38776326

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Was booted to the Debug plains after a server restart.

Would walk out but am starving to death and have too much cool gear! :)

Any help would be much appreciated.

Player ID : 28732998

EDIT: Have managed to walk out!! Thankfully found a sheep on the border and killed it and cooked at as I got down to my last thousand blood!!

Edited by Wanderer.

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Just got DC'd from a server logged back in to flat open plains as far as the eye can see... this is the third time i've had this happen in 3 days... can anything be done?

Name: [TDW] Trigen

ID: 38966086


EDIT: Nevermind I just ran back.

Edited by Trigen

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Hey Vipeax, I was hoping to get teleported somewhere safe.

Preferably near Berenzino, but I'm not picky.

Player Name: orlandodoom

PlayerID: 38919174

A group of friends and I were on "DE 107" I believe (I may be off on the number). I spawned in Cherno, and the group decided that Berenzino would be the best spot to meet up. I looted the northern Cherno hospital before I killed another player, looted his body, and headed Northeast. Along the way I looted several tents and had a host of medical supplies and weapons on my person and in my pack.

Eventually, after running through the wilderness for a while, I came into the debug plains and (not knowing what it was) I figured I may as well just run through since I had the supplies. Not long after I was mysteriously swimming in non-existant/invisible water, and have been stuck in it since (it was at this point that I decided to investigate just what the hell was going on).

I have a FAL in my pack, an M4A3 CCO, a revolver, and some grenades. In my Alice Pack are some blood bags, morphine, epipens, and a small amount of food.

I already tried Canada 1 at the suggestion of a friend, but it was no help.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

Edited by orlandodoom
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